In 1995, the Attorney General issued a resolution standardizing the DOJ’s policy on the use of deadly force. Note the similarities to the current policy included in the Mar-A-Lago Operation Order.
I’ll add a bit more supplemental information to the embedded thread below from @JasonLeopold and the latest release of Mueller documents via his ongoing FOIA lawsuit. Follow along… 1/
First of all, if you aren’t a subscriber to @JasonLeopold’s weekly “FOIA Files” newsletter, you should sign up now. He’s a FOIA master and always manages to pry loose interesting documents from agencies across the federal government.
@JasonLeopold As he mentions, Jason has been receiving monthly releases of FBI 302 forms and the supporting materials that were created as part of Mueller’s investigation. This release is actually the 47th release. The FBI first processed the 302s, now it is releasing the support materials.
As a passive follower of the “lab-leak-or-natural-origin” debate, I believe this thread pinpoints the type of focus that should be highlighted regarding the POINT of the debate 1/?
I’ve always thought it was obvious from the beginning that it was a lab leak. And I think that the truth should come out and be exposed. But as more information dribbles out, it seems (from the outside) that mostly the motive behind “proving it” has been for “accountability.”
Unfortunately, in todays world, that makes it a “political” fight. One side wants to take down the other side. “These jerks need to go to jail! (Or at the very least, no longer funded!)” While I agree, from a larger perspective it appears like a battle with no larger goal.
So I’m a couple of days behind, but it’s ok because it’s now #FOIAFriday! Earlier this week, a new Midyear Exam drop was released on the FBI’s Vault. Let’s go through the 60+ pages of Part 48 of MYE.…
First up, we have some notes from an interview of an unknown Secret Service agent on May 25, 2016. If you recall, the attachments to a 302 serial are called the “1A” file. As you can see from the first page, this would be MYE-302-093-1A76.
I’m not going to go deep into the notes themselves here, but @15poundstogo has some highlights in the attached tweet, and the comments below it look at some of the rest of the notes. You should go there and look through the discussion, then come back.
This whole game of “election misinformation” is tiring. That’s what EVERY campaign consists of. By responding with “the Hunter laptop story was true!” we are accepting their premise that elections can ever be “misinformation-free.”
They had been subtle for years, slowly creeping the term “fake news” into our discourse. Trump saw what was happening, and attacked their overall premise. That was his appeal, he didn’t play their game, he showed how petty and underhanded they are.
But we’ve let “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “election interference,” and other bullshit terms define the acceptable scope of our national debates. They can’t win in battles of ideas, so they attack and distort language itself.
THREAD: First of all, @DanCrenshawTX, being a prick throughout your thread is not really a good way to convince people of the “truth” you claim to espouse. Secondly, your bait-and-switch in the language you use is rather apparent… 1/5
You first insinuate the bill doesn’t “kick unvaccinated service members out of the military,” but later you claim it extends the prohibition against “dishonorable” discharges. Not quite the same thing (as you well know). 2/5
The bill explicitly ALLOWS service members to CONTINUE to be discharged on the sole basis of refusing the COVID vaccine, by ensuring that any such discharge shall only be an “honorable discharge” or “general discharge under honorable conditions.” 3/5