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MYE Database: https://t.co/ao85hy6c4A. Addl Strzok/Page Emails: https://t.co/9umPuIYsh6
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May 25, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read

A rundown…

1/x Image In 1995, the Attorney General issued a resolution standardizing the DOJ’s policy on the use of deadly force. Note the similarities to the current policy included in the Mar-A-Lago Operation Order.


May 10, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
I’ll add a bit more supplemental information to the embedded thread below from @JasonLeopold and the latest release of Mueller documents via his ongoing FOIA lawsuit. Follow along…
1/ First of all, if you aren’t a subscriber to @JasonLeopold’s weekly “FOIA Files” newsletter, you should sign up now. He’s a FOIA master and always manages to pry loose interesting documents from agencies across the federal government.
Nov 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
As a passive follower of the “lab-leak-or-natural-origin” debate, I believe this thread pinpoints the type of focus that should be highlighted regarding the POINT of the debate 1/? I’ve always thought it was obvious from the beginning that it was a lab leak. And I think that the truth should come out and be exposed. But as more information dribbles out, it seems (from the outside) that mostly the motive behind “proving it” has been for “accountability.”
Nov 11, 2022 21 tweets 13 min read
So I’m a couple of days behind, but it’s ok because it’s now #FOIAFriday! Earlier this week, a new Midyear Exam drop was released on the FBI’s Vault. Let’s go through the 60+ pages of Part 48 of MYE. vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-cli… First up, we have some notes from an interview of an unknown Secret Service agent on May 25, 2016. If you recall, the attachments to a 302 serial are called the “1A” file. As you can see from the first page, this would be MYE-302-093-1A76. ImageImage
Sep 7, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Aug 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This whole game of “election misinformation” is tiring. That’s what EVERY campaign consists of. By responding with “the Hunter laptop story was true!” we are accepting their premise that elections can ever be “misinformation-free.” They had been subtle for years, slowly creeping the term “fake news” into our discourse. Trump saw what was happening, and attacked their overall premise. That was his appeal, he didn’t play their game, he showed how petty and underhanded they are.
Jul 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: First of all, @DanCrenshawTX, being a prick throughout your thread is not really a good way to convince people of the “truth” you claim to espouse. Secondly, your bait-and-switch in the language you use is rather apparent… 1/5 You first insinuate the bill doesn’t “kick unvaccinated service members out of the military,” but later you claim it extends the prohibition against “dishonorable” discharges. Not quite the same thing (as you well know). 2/5
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Great thread here. Here are couple more things that make you go hmmmm

Hannah was very likely interviewed by Mueller’s team on January 17, 2018, and again on February 15, 2018. These dates are even more significant when considering that Hannah was being considered for Trump’s envoy to Syria. On February 13, 2018, it was reported that Hannah was being considered for the role. al-monitor.com/originals/2018…
Nov 12, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
Ok, I hate that I have to do this thread, but I’ll try to make it (sorta) quick. 1/ First off, I appreciate the “DreamTeam” moniker (if I am in fact included within that term); but don’t for a second think that anyone you include in that group doesn’t incorporate thoughts, ideas, challenges, debate, or theories into consideration from the rest of this corner. 2/
Oct 3, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
I’m about 95% positive there is another mention or two at least of “the phone” in the emails, but can’t find my notes. Probably scrawled midway through a notebook buried under stacks of paper somewhere… Anyway, I’ll start threading what I have now and add more as I find again.
Sep 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Well well well, a few more subpoenas that were apparently issued on Sept 22. Some familiar names for this corner!! Follow along for some additional info… 1/x Neustar…
Aug 18, 2021 30 tweets 12 min read
THREAD: ALFA, SIMPSON, KAVALEC, SOLOMON - some nuggets that have flown under the radar... 1/x Most narratives about the Alfa Server start with Franklin Foer’s story in Slate – October 30, 2016. But the rumors of a secret Trump-Alfa connection were first injected into the public consciousness no later than October 4, 2016. 2/x
Jun 7, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
It’s pretty wild to watch the professional media/bureaucracy systematically direct the organized retreat on the use of COVID to implement the “Great Reset” they so desperately want. 1/ As Biden said numerous times in his debates, “when you do open, give the people the capacity to be able to open and have the capacity to do it safely”; i.e., it’s not about opening, it’s about “capacity” to open “safely.” 2/
May 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Any sufficiently successful capitalist, operating under ‘pure’ capitalism principles, will eventually advocate for non-capitalist policies. 1/ Once a government ceases to act as an “umpire calling balls and strikes” in an otherwise pure free market, but instead picks winners and losers based on subsidies and tax schemes, capitalist principles dictate that one should curry favor with the leaders in that government. 2/
Apr 22, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Ok, I *think* I see a bigger picture here. A weird moment of clarity where the crazies on “the other side” feel the same way “our side” does. Hear me out... 1/x On one hand, an objective jury of his peers may have found Derek Chauvin guilty of all charges. Many on the right agree with that statement (emphasis on “may”), yet the bigger picture is that the jury’s decision is now tainted by “inciteful” and “intimidating” language used. 2/x
Mar 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The actual “bait & switch” is the shifting of the burden of proof to [whomever has standing - i.e., nobody] to prove fraud/illegitimacy, rather than those counting ballots in secret to prove legitimacy/no fraud. It’s like saying “I had a number between 1 and 300,000,000 million in my head, and Biden picked the closer number. No you can’t know what the number was before they pick. And you have to prove that I actually had a different number in mind, otherwise you can’t say I cheated.”
Nov 29, 2020 22 tweets 3 min read
THREAD - The Electoral College: Not Archaic, Outdated, Nor Brilliant - A Primer 1/ Obviously with the current situation in our electoral politics, the Electoral College is getting a lot of attention. Some say it’s brilliant to protect from tyranny of the majority, others say it’s outdated and should be abolished. Neither are true. 2/
Nov 8, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
“Big picture” observation - a Biden win isn’t even the ultimate goal. A short (cynical) thread. 1/x What’s more aggravating - the fraudulent votes, or the systematic suppression of any questioning of the election results themselves? Going into the election, many of us didn’t wonder if there would be cheating - we wondered if there would be enough cheating to make a difference.
Jun 9, 2020 22 tweets 12 min read
THREAD: Alrighty, it's time for a short breakdown of the latest Midyear Exam (Clinton Email Investigation) release from the FBI. Part 41 was released last Friday (thanks @15poundstogo), but I was unable to really dig into it before now... Let's see what we've got here. I have already extracted each of the Serials that were released, and they have been uploaded to themyefiles.org. At the bottom of the home page is a list of the Serials/Bates that were released on Friday, if you wish to go and browse.
May 20, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
THREAD - 1/ A few quick notes and comments based on a read-through of the newly-released Opening EC for Crossfire Hurricane. Any "unredactions" are merely my current working guesses. 2/ Page 1 - Drafted and approved by Strzok. It's a "restricted case," a "Sensitive Investigative Matter," and opened as a FARA investigation. We knew these from Horowitz. The first unredaction is the date the case was opened (compare with MYE opening serial).
May 15, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
An endorsement like this from you, Jeff, is overwhelming. As was the avalanche of new followers, likes, comments, and other notifications from all of you. I'm only one researcher, but there are several others on here to rely on, especially for different subjects, such as: Source A, an FBI Human Resources insider, with access to internal FBI communications, organizational structure, and personnel movements within the Bureau, available at his website thespygateproject.org.
