1/ Cosmos loves to talk. In groups, in replies, but especially in community calls.
@Cosmos_Spaces is well-known for their awesome Twitter Spaces and invitees, but did you know they also run their own validator?
Let's take a look at @CS_Validator's work in the interchain 🧵⬇️
2/ Cosmos Spaces is a validator that’s trying to be so much more. It’s knitting a community around all the fantastic projects on Cosmos into one place - or should that be space?
3/ It offers a great option for those delegating their tokens for staking on Cosmos projects, including $ATOM. They pride themselves on ‘synergistic relationships’ between delegators and validators.
4/ In a recent interview, @CosmosHOSS - a member of the 18-big team - said “Cosmos SDK and the IBC protocol are the standardised way that blockchains will elect to communicate with one another”.
5/ The team regularly hosts awesome projects via Twitter Spaces, with the #IBCGang Lounge drawing luminaries from across the Cosmosphere.
6/ They’re multi-language too. The Spanish team does mighty work in keeping the #LATAM community abreast of latest Cosmos developments, with their own Telegram and Spaces in Spanish.
7/ Their community outreach is broad, with an open Discord full of the latest Cosmos goss. A finger on the pulse. Contributors like @TendermintTimmy, @crypto_mayorEd, @GritzDog and @thejamhole help make this all possible.
8/ They're active on $ATOM, $JUNO, $OSMO, $DIG, $NGM, $CMDX, $EVMOS, and more. Quite the list right here, and CS is looking to expand further. They are also a Relayer - the key glue of the interchain that binds all these broad worlds together.
9/ @cs_validator is part of the Good Validator Alliance (GVA), created by @gadikian with @notionaldao, @ConsensusOne, @getcoldy, and more. The alliance helps bring new validators to the Cosmos ecosystem and defrays some of the current risk with Proof of Stake chains.
10/ So far, CS has proposed hundreds of blocks for the Cosmos Hub, and represent 0.04% of the voting power. They are a small, vital cog of the Cosmos machine, and work on 5% commission, lower than the standard.
11/ Their devs, like @scoff60 and @FreddieMixell, have created a validator monitoring tools called Valmon - a public good to track validator activity across a multitude of Cosmos chains, and one that’s available to everyone for free.
12/ They’re also an official media partner of @CosmoverseHQ!
Cosmos Spaces is spreading the word on Twitter & Telegram, and will be at the event in person, covering the latest drops on $ATOM 2.0 and interviewing our lovely community of builders.
13/ @Cosmos_Spaces is also working on NFTFLEX, an NFT-focused sharing app that supports drag & drop to create collages that can be shared on Twitter. Currently supports @JunoNetwork, @OmniFlixNetwork, and @StargazeZone with more app-chains coming.
14/ It's always a pleasure seeing validators do community work. This instinct for the community of Cosmonauts is essential to the decentralised ethos of our ecosystem.
@CosmosGuides applauds their work and I can’t wait to tune into the next podcast!
15/ Liked this thread on @CS_Validator? Consider interacting with my tweets and follow me for more Cosmos Guides.
3/ Delphi’s R&D arm, known as Labs, has approx 50 souls dedicated to building new industry primitives. Since Terra’s collapse, they were faced with a difficult decision - picking a new ecosystem to focus development efforts on.
1/ The Interchain Foundation (ICF) is a key contributor to the Cosmos ecosystem. Its work in shaping a new technological paradigm must be known to all Cosmonauts.
2/ In its own words, as stewards of the interchain, the ICF supports the creation of an interoperable, sustainable, and community-owned decentralised ecosystem.
It does this through funding, development, and assistance of teams that enable the Internet of Blockchains.
3/ In a nutshell, the ICF core team maintains the Cosmos Hub, Cosmos SDK, CosmWasm, CosmJS, IBC, and the Tendermint consensus.
However, the ICF operates multiple other programs and initiatives, nurturing the ecosystem towards greatness.
1/ In Cosmos, we like governance. But while casting votes is fun, working for a DAO is better.
Here’s how to get funded and become a cosmic DAOist 🧵⬇️
2/ You can’t be everywhere, so you first gotta choose your first project, ideally in your favourite vertical.
👉🏼 Your skills - tech or non-tech?
👉🏼 Your wants - money, network, fame, intel, exp
👉🏼 The vibes - some make governance fun, others are make-believe.
3/ It’s known that @JunoNetwork’s sub-DAOs will be big!