Werlymusic Profile picture
Sep 8, 2022 75 tweets 14 min read Read on X
#FoxXian #BabyXian #BabyJi
Liddol FoxXian's tails covering him whenever he is shy or blushing. His mother teases him all the time about this that FoxXian just vanishes, the tails curl around him as if to hide him.
When the Wei family goes to Cloud Recesses for the first time after LQR sends them.news about the birth of his infant nephew, CSSR tickles FoxXian all the way up the hill about tumbling everywhere and mischief. Also about his tailblush.
FoxXian hides himself in his tails for the whole trip. Poor WCZ has to coax their little pup out of the fur ball so that they can continue up the mountain. CSSR is busy cooing the fluffy mop of tails, poking to see if the tails would pop open.
The Lans have a happy family and LQR is a happy uncle in this one. Madam Lan lives happily with her kicked puppy of a husband and a disgruntled I-don't-show-it-but-I-am-owned-by-my-cutest-nephews brother in law. The stupid elders are dead. 💀
Now FoxXian doesn't plan on unfurling his tails anytime soon, he is not going to be teased anymore! 😤 The Weis' just carry their fluffy pup in their arms, meeting the Lans with a ball of fur in WCZ's arms like a gift.
The Lans upon seeing furball pup: 😶
LQR specifically is shooting CSSR suspicious looks, like he KNOWS the woman is behind it. Madam Lan and QHJ just blink twice and carry on. Baby A Zhan is bundled in Mama Lan's arms, snoozing away. Little A Huan looks at the guests shyly, hidden behind his father's robes.
CSSR just stands there, smiling innocently while her husband is sending fondly exasperated looks at her. After the formalities and pleasantries are done with, the two couples head to Hanshi where the mothers show off their babies.
CSSR showing off the fluff fur ball that is her son: 🥰 Look at this cute bouquet of furry tails! A Ying was so excited to meet the baby he curled in his tails!
WCZ who knows the truth: 😇😶
LQR who doesn't believe CSSR for a second: 😑🤨😐🤔
QHJ who knows smth's up: I see nth.
Meanwhile FoxXian's ears perked at the word 'baby' and he unfurls his tails. The sight which greets him has him go starry eyes. There, in fron of him in the sweet lady's arms lies an infant with blotchy red but softest looking skin, all bundled up. The baby's face looks SOFT.
FoxXian wants to touch. His tails twitch, wanting to curl around the baby and protect it. Maybe curl around those soft cheeks and rub them. The baby is napping and the slightly pouting lips and round cheeks scream at him to be pecked and licked. FoxXian wants to do both.
FoxXian upon first glance at baby A Zhan: 🤩😍
Baby A Zhan, oblivious to FoxXian's inner thoughts: 😴😴
Mama Lan is amused, to see the baby fox unfurl at the mention of her baby. She watches as FoxXian turns to CSSR with a look and struggles to get out of her arms. As soon as he is released, he all but races at the baby, coming to stand still in front of her.
CSSR tries to stop her son but FoxXian is FAST but surprisingly as soon as he reaches Mama Lan, he stands still, his tails all pointed in every direction in high alert.
Slowly, with a mannerism CSSR never knew her son had, FoxXian bows to Mama Lan and asks politely if he can hold the baby.
"Can A Ying hold baby?" Madam Lan smiles, nodding before warning FoxXian that the baby could be heavy. FoxXian brightens up at that.
"A Ying strong! A Ying can hold baby!"
Madam Lan shares a look with CSSR who looks dumbfounded before passing A Zhan to an excited FoxXian with careful instructions. A Huan pops beside him in an instant, telling him about all the ways he can hold his brother.
"A Zhan sleeps well when I hold him close to my chest!"
"Zhandi needs to be propped by his head so he doesn't fall!"
"Support his bumbum! Baobao needs it!"
FoxXian listens to each word attentively, holding the infant as A Huan tells him. A Zhan barely stirs, only scrunching his nose once transferred to FoxXian.
A bubble blows on his lips and toddler FoxXian blinks as the bubble of spit bursts into his face. Still, he barely jostled the baby as his tail wipes the spit. One of his tails unconsciously come to touch the infant's dumpling cheeks and everyone watches in awe+
as baby just sleeps away, snuggling closer to FoxXian. Madam Lan is amazed. A Zhan was born just a few months ago and was extremely attached to her scent. He would cry even in his father's arms. LQR had sulked for a day because his youngest nephew won't calm down in his arms.
To see FoxXian holding the baby without A Zhan fussing even once was a miracle in itself.
LQR looked at CSSR, his nemesis who looked shell shocked. It was funny to see the clever fox so shocked for once. QHJ and WCZ had slipped away earlier. LQR was glad he didn't join them.
He wouldn't want to miss this for the world.

Before I forget, the Lans are dragons, the Weis Foxes, the other sects....I don't know. I really don't.
Madam Lan just smiled happily, still a bit surprised but happy. Little A Huan just stood beside the pair, poking his brother's cheeks now and then while telling FoxXian all the tales of his brother's cuteness.
Afterwards, it becomes a normal for FoxXian to hold baby A Zhan whenever the Weis visit. Somehow, the baby dragon only stays in FoxXian's arms and no one else's except Mama Lan. CSSR pouts for a whole day when she discovers that A Zhan won't stay in her arm.
WCZ is calm about it, just praising his son while his wife whines about losing to her son. She too, tries to hide herself in her tails. She doesn't succeed. LQR is SMUG. Hah! That's HIS nephew! But his smugness is shortlived when he finds that FoxXian gets to hold A Zhan mostly.
And not him. He goes back to sulking.
The Cloud Recesses silently agrees to ignore a sulking dragon and a whining + sulking nine tail fox whenever they pass by. It's a nice pact, which they all agree upon. It's not hard.
The 100th day celebration is a nice day. FoxXian doesn't let anyone come closer to the infant dragon than necessary, hissing nd yipping when a greasy sect leader tries to touch the baby while the Lans aren't looking.
Everyone knows afterwards that if you want to get to the baby dragon then you have to cross FoxXian. He follows Babyji everywhere, carrying him or curling around him. Little A Huan delights in talking with FoxXian about all the ways they can make the baby laugh.
Now the Weis often leave FoxXian in CR while they go on nighthunts. LQR somehow ropes WCZ and CSSR into joining the Lans to ensure they return and not take dangerous cases while their pup is still young. CSSR folds easily once FoxXian is mentioned. Days are simple, for a while.
Now I 😴😴 tell me what u think and I hope to continue this tomorrow. Stay tuned! FoxXian is sleeping and so is A Zhan!
One day the Weis are away on a nighthunt with Madam Lan while LQR and QHJ are left with the babies. Or more like LQR I'd left with the babies. Mama Lan had sternly told her husband to focus on his duties before going away, saying she WILL know if QHJ tried to play with the babies
The honourable sect leader had a kicked puppy look on his face since the morning. LQR had made his escape as soon as he could. He wasn't going to be roped into work when he had three cute babies to look after. No, thank you very much. Knowing his brother, the man was sulking.
And plotting. Well, LQR had his 'younger brother privileges', one of which included being able to be free of duties when his nephews and a fluffy fox pup was involved. He plans to use this time to finally hold A Zhan and get the baby to like his scent. His sister in law said +
it could be because of LQR's disgruntled scent. The younger dragon was offended to say the least. But for his nephew he will try everything. Even if it meant not frowning for a few hours. Baby A Zhan's face made it all the easier. He'll reward himself with BabyJi's kiths.
He finds the babies all huddled together in the Jingshi, the elder ones trying to talk to the infant dragon. The Wei fox pup was wiggling his tail in front of the baby, luring him to catch the fluffy thing. A Zhan seem to like the tail, for he raised his chubby hands.
Beside the two, a mesmerised A Huan was looking at his baby sibling's face and movements in wonder. He offered his own small tail too, and then A Zhan was reaching for both the tails— two tiny hands grasping the tips. LQR melted at the sight. Not that anyone could see....
The babies continued and LQR got an idea. Walking towards the babies, he sat a little farther, allowing the three precious wonders to come out of their bubble and notice him. It took a while but LQR had the patience of a mountain. So when his elder nephew noticed him (FINALLY)
LQR waved at the bunch, smile coming easily on his face. FoxXian and A Huan waved back while A Zhan just stared at him. LQR tried to keep his aura welcoming, relaxing himself. He needed to be calm or else A Zhan won't come. He must be calm or A Zhan will cry.
"Shufu!" Little A Huan toddled towards him, eager to tell his brother’s latest developments. LQR loved him for that. At least his elder nephew loved him. Madam Lan called him childish.
"A Huan, A Ying. What were you doing?"
"A Ying and Huan ge play with ZhanZhan!"
"Hmm..and what did you play?"
"Shufu, A Zhan caught our tails!" The toddler's voice had wonder in it, like his baby brother catching his tail was an amazing thing. LQR was sure it was the feel of those soft and tiny hands.
He wanted them on his tail too.
"May I play with you?"
His nephew and the fox pup blinked, looking at eachother in confusion before they stared at LQR. Before LQR could quit and just run away, FoxXian perked up, his tails blooming like flower petals before he said,
"If ZhanZhan says you can play then Shufu can!" LQR stared at the fox incredulously, more so when his nephew agreed. Was the whole world plotting against him? A Zhan would never agree!
"A Ying...how can you ask A Zhan? He is too small to understand you."
Stopping here for now. So what do you think? Will LQR get to hold A Zhan or not? Should I let him hold his precious nephew or....😈🤪

🤞 hope this thread will be completed by tomorrow. Tell me what u think! Goodnight. FoxXian is curling around A Zhan, both babies cuddling.
But FoxXian just smiles at him before turning to the infant who has been watching the whole conversation curiously. The baby's eyes are still glued to the little fox's tails but he looks at them whenever the tails move away. LQR can feel the rejection in his nephews eyes already.
"ZhanZhan shufu wants to play! ZhanZhan wants shufu to play?" It's an innocent question and yet LQR feels like the words hold his life in their grasps. It's laughable and oh so dumb. For others.
The Lan dragon looks at his nephew, his eyes pleading (LQR will not accept it till his last breath) and smile ready and watches as the baby dragon curls around, his golden eyes blinking before he yawns. His little feet kick in the air, a tiny hand tugging the nearest fluffy tail.
FoxXian looks at the baby the whole time, a serious expression on his round face (a round face of a three year old) while A Huan has a promising look of his own, hands clasped in front of him. They wait.
And then, FoxXian turns towards him (or jumps) and LQR cannot help leaning forward eagerly. It's the matter of his nephew's love, what do you have to say?
"ZhanZhan says you can play! Come on shufu!" A breath he didn't know he had been holding escapes LQRand he sighs, happy.
A Huan tugs him forward, showing him how to get A Zhan to like him (which basically includes letting the baby touch your tail) while FoxXian jumps around sometimes pecking those dumpling cheeks. LQR would be jealous but he had scored a point today.
The first feel of his nephew's tiny hands on the tip of his tail is pure joy. LQR has no words to describes exactly what he feels but the feather light touch of those warm and soft hands on his scales seems to light him up. He moves his giant tail and is rewarded with a smile.
A gummy smile which lights up the whole room. The two toddlers smile as well, laughing as they delight in watching the baby smile and play with the dragon's tail. They play for the whole afternoon and only realise the time when someone knocks on the door. It's Madam Lan. Oh no.
LQR lowers his eyes, trying to remember all the ways he could make a dignified escape before Madam Lan can say something. The room's only entry is blocked/ being stood by a smirking Madam Lan. LQR has no escape.

He is doomed.
People think that the wife of QHJ, the only cultivator to have ever challenged and won over the cultivation world's best known cultivator is a sweet lady with incomparable skills. They aren't wrong. But LQR would like them to correct the first half of the sentence, to...edit it.
Madam Lan, better known as Wu BenFang before her marriage and still in some villages at the edge of cultivation world was a master of sword like no one else. She dealt sure and deadly blows, each move calculated and precise. Her added skills in footing and a strong golden core
added to her list of strengths. She was a role model for female cultivators when looking outside of sect disciples. One of the few their world has seen after Lan Yi, Baoshan Sanren and Cangse Sanren.
But as was common in all these women, she too took great pleasure in teasing +
the heck out of everyone, the misery. LQR wants to know what's wrong with all these powerful women, does being mischievous and a bane of other's life gives them strength? It's a question he had wanted to ask for sometime. He knows from WCZ that BSSR is unhinged,
LY took great pleasure in making the elders eat their words repeatedly (if the grumbling stories and accounts are to be trusted) CSSR follows her Grandmaster's footsteps (as LQR is the victim of) and his sister in law is a proof in herself (only to him)
"Ah-huh" Madam Lan tutted, her eyes dancing as she took in the view. Her grumpy brother in law, sitting on the floor with his tail swinging like a hung toy for her precious baby. Ah, the sight they make. This is going to make such a great blackmail material...🤭
My net is slow ppl so please wait while I try to update in bits.
So seeing kaey and cicer update their fluff threads and my tl basically full of babies content, I bestow upon you all: my super late update..
(My Internet was back as u might have noticed, I was just sad.. )
"I see A Zhan is calm in your arms now."
LQR doesn’t say anything, waiting for the teasing to drop. He is just repeating one thing in his mind 'don't don't don't..' but then Madam Lan notices her son's mesmerised eyes and her eyes twinkle.
"Ah..correction, I see A Zhan is calm in your arms bc he loves your tail. Congratulations Qiren."
She says it all with a faux cheer and much more enthusiasm than the situation calls for, her grin and twinkling eyes giving away the mischief in her words. LQR's ears are red
in embarrassment but he focuses on his nephew in his hold, BabyJi's tiny acts are much better to look at than his sister in law's smirking face. Doesn't stop her from continuing her fun though..
"Aww....Is RenRen embarrassed?"
"Saozi..." His voice sounds pained even to his ears,
It's mortifying. LQR wishes the ground wound open up and swallow him. He KNOWS saozi won't let this slide and will continue to bring this up in future. He looks down at A Zhan, content to play with his tail and ignorant to his shufu's turmoil. LQR sighs.
The things he has to do for his nephew's affection and attention......
True to his words, Madam Lan had a mischeviis smile on wnwver the babies were discussed and LQR was within 5 meters of range. Even CSSR hasn't been this terrifying. LQR hates his sister in law.
CSSR, while thankfully unaware about the whole thing, has got a really interesting version of the events. He knows the fox pup was excited and awed at seeing the baby hold his enormous tail and was most certainly thinking something.
LQR pretended he didn't see FoxXian eyeing his tail whenever he could.
This has turned into a long thread without me knowing. I WAS JUST BLASTING THOUGHTS😭😭
How did this happen? 🤔💀
Anyways, more later. I am happy now so I'll continue soon.
The fox pup was a curious little thing and LQR has seen first hand how persuasive the fluffy toddler could be. All the Lan dragons hid their tails and antlers whenever they saw FoxXian anywhere nearby. Those bright eyes and perky ears melted even the coldest of them...
FoxXian whenever he spots a dragon with their antlers and tail out: 😍🤩😯😲
The Lan dragons when they see the four tailed FoxXian appear out of thin air before them: 😶😶‍🌫️😦😧🥲
FoxXian when he asks the dragons whether he can touch their 'amazing horns and tails':
The Lan dragons: 👀🥲😮‍💨
The Lan family when they hear about it:😶🤐
WCZ and CSSR: 😚☺️😊🤪
Needless to say, the fox pup has all the big scary dragons wrapped around his fingers or tails. No one can resist those shiny grey eyes and when FoxXian wraps himself in his tails...the sight makes the dragons want to do ANYTHING to coax the fox pup out.
It's their protective and providing nature acting up and while FoxXian doesn't know what exactly makes all these big scary but amazing beings say yes to all his requests, he knows he can ask them for almost anything and not get in trouble. He mostly asks to touch their antlers
and ride their tails while the dragons go around. It's fun. FoxXian has only ever napped and rode on his mama's tails and they are the fluffiest and strongest thing in the world even when they don't look like it but these scaly ones? They are SHINY. FoxXian loves shiny things.
And A Zhan. A Zhan isn't shiny but he is soft, cuddly. Smoochable. And FoxXian loves cuddling. He loves it especially when A Zhan just snuggles up when FoxXian wraps them in his tails. Huan ge sometimes comes to cuddle too when he is not busy with learning to write and read.

• • •

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Mar 22, 2023
#DragonJi #FoxXian
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Sep 1, 2022
Since many people are going through hard and sad times, here's a tweet to fluff you all!
Whenever Lan Zhan is sad or distressed, he poofs into a bunny. Being in this form is easier to deal with complex emotions as his bunny brain just wants cuddles and softness.
That's enough to make him feel secure, warm and loved. His husband knows this so whenever Wei Ying finds a white bunny sitting on him in the morning, he just boops the bunny's nose, gives it an Eskimo kiss and opens his wardrobe to find the fluffiest hoodie they own.
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Aug 15, 2022
#demonXian #WangXian
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Aug 14, 2022
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji has decided to look at the items again. The hairpin is beautiful, simple yet perfect. Image
The silver hairdress.....the design is intricate and the piece looks like it was commissioned. For all his artistry and small trinkets sent with the occasional letters, Wei Ying has never given him something so expensive and precious.
It's not the price but the sentiment which the object carries. Wei Ying describes each object in his letter in details, including stories of how and where he got said object.
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Aug 8, 2022
#BabyJiSeason #BabyXianSeason #WangXian

Whenever Cangse Sanren visits Cloud Recesses, everyone gets ready to practice Lan discipline in earnest. Reason? Two ROUMD babies.
A Zhan and A Ying are two small babies who have ZERO interest in adult talks and thus while their parents are being 'prim and proper like a boring adult' these two babies just sit and be cute. 🥰🥰
You could be a disciple going about your duty and suddenly you will find two round cheek babies puffing their cheeks and rubbing them together on a stair.
Or you could be a serving person, carrying around a pail og water when you spot two sources of cuteness.
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Jul 31, 2022
#MamaLan #BabyJiSeason

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Years later, he is a grown up adult, tall, built and in his twenties and still insits on holding hands with his tiny Mama. Mama Lan is exasperated but holds hands with him but teases Lan Wangji mercilessly when they get home.
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