Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay . To all those who have struggled or are struggling, know that you are not alone and I am so proud of you for holding on. If you’re dealing with suicidal thoughts please talk to someone, you don’t have to go through this alone.
As someone who also has a history of struggling with this, I know it’s not easy to reach out and I know what it’s like to not be taken seriously, but talking to someone is so worth it. You can talk to a friend, family member, teacher, or there’s plenty of helplines for you.
There are people who will and want to listen to you. Please don’t be ashamed for reaching out.
Know that you matter, your feelings, your experiences and your struggles are valid and you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone.
It does get better. There are times where it feels like it won’t, but I promise every so often you will learn to find things that will make you want to hold on and live.
Sending love to those who have been affected by suicide. Whether you’ve dealt or are dealing with these thoughts yourself, have acted on them, or have lost a loved one to suicide, you are not alone. I’m so glad you’re still here. :)
On a final note, please check in on the people around you. Please listen when people reach out, it’s not easy. Even the people who seem the happiest or seem to have their entire life put together can be struggling. And don’t neglect your own needs.
For help:
Available 24/7
Samaritans - 116 123
Text SHOUT - 85258
C.A.L.L. (for Wales) - 0800 132 737
Papyrus (for under 35s) available weekdays 10am-10pm, weekends and bank holidays 2pm-10pm
0800 068 4141
Switchboard (for LGBTQ+) available 10am-10pm everyday
0300 330 0630