Granath/Wright Master Thread LIVE.
Granath attorney is discussing the power of the private key to send bitcoins or sign for messages, files, etc...

"This is relevant because Nakamoto could prove control of a private key by signing..."

"Bitcoin, and I mean 'Bitcoin Core' or 'BTC.'"

He's now telling the Laszlo story about the pizzas and discussing the peak of nearly $70k price and the current price of $20k.

"The competing bitcoin is about $90 at the end of the 2020. It's now about $50."

Aside: Light snickering... Why not show a chart and say 'cope' huh?
Discussing "what we know about Satoshi."

First message was from Satoshi to Wei Dai about B-Money.
Cypherpunks, etc... White paper is about 9 pages.

"Satoshi mined the Genesis block with an integrated message. Referred to the Times. We think it was a timestamp and a reference to the financial crisis."

More boilerplate stuff.
"At it's peak, Satoshi Nakamoto was the 15th richest man in the world. Not as much now."

"I have no evidence of Hal Finney, but no objections either. His last email was to Hearn [or Andresen]"

"Don't refer to me as a shadowy figure" quote from Satoshi to Andresen mentioned.
He's still basically just reading from Wikipedia. Talking about Szabo and Finney as possible Satoshi candidates.

"Craig is the only guy to confirm he is."

"Other people have claimed it, but quickly confirmed that they were not."
Discussing the basics of the ATO case where "Craig transferred lots of money among his companies."

"Tax office felt it wasn't quite correct and had contact with Ira Kleiman per evidence from Florida case."

"First email to Lou/Lew Kleiman [pg323] from Craig"
"Dave and I are 2/3 people behind bitcoin..." -Craig to Lew message.

"The contact continues between Ira K and Craig about a year after Dave's death..." Emails sent from InformationDefense email address.

"You're always there for me Dave, I want you to be part of it all..."
"You will see this email is falsified - probably"

NOTE: This guy is a lot less exciting in a courtroom than Kyle Roche. Roche deserved a Tony Award for his performance.

This guy is very reserved and monotone which is fitting for Oslo compared to Miami.
"I am showing you the Kleiman-related emails to show what he's doing. Wright's attorneys withdrew from the case due to possibly falsified docs. Andrew Sommer didn't want to be associated any longer."

"Wright started a cooperation/corporation in 2014-15 with Ayre & Matthews"
"Exclusive rights to Craig's story. A writer to be retained, etc..."

"The plan was to publish the Nakamoto story, but Wright says he didn't agree to that."

"Revised: No reference to Craig's life story in revised contract."

"Craig has little more than hints to being Satoshi. And there are backdated blog posts that try to strengthen these hints, but the evidence is iffy."

"Wright outed by Wired and Gizmodo in 2015"

Granath's attorney now reading from Gizmodo.
Now discussing the Turing complete conversation between Wright and Szabo.

Dude is all over the place. Been like two minutes straight of vague references, but not sure what they have to do with anything.
Discussing how the documents that were leaked to Wired and Gizmodo were the product of a hacker.

Discussing more emails from Craig to Dave about needing his help, etc...

"Wright was also raided by the police for the tax office the same day. Seemingly unrelated."
"These messages were seemingly back-dated."

He explains how metadata works (kind of lol)

Mentioning the blocks signed with "Craig Wright is a fraud. Lightning network is a..." as evidence that Craig has no idea what blocks are even Satoshi's...
"Either Craig was doxed by enemies or he doxed himself for bizarre self-promotion."

"An anonymous extortionist was involved, but Wright had many opportunities to fix bad documents, but was instead invasive. He may have deluded himself into believing he was Satoshi..."
Discussing the IP that was transferred to what is now nChain. This is the stuff the tax office was initially interested in...

Discussing the Wright life story terms again.
Judge asking to clarify what he is talking about in regards to the life story. Glad she is as lost as I am.

This guy, imo, is not weaving a coherent narrative. I get what he's saying, but I also know the whole story anyways. I can't imagine this being the intro to the context.
Response: "He is clamoring for public rights with a deep, elaborate story to create alibi that he is Satoshi. It is complicated and guys like Matonis, Andresen, etc are all under NDA to not discuss inconvenient details..."
Segue to brief overview of the Matonis signing.

"Keys from block 1 and 9. He saw Wright sign a message with the private keys. There is agreement that these belonged to Nakamoto."

"We cant verify this though."

"Gavin Andresen saw block 1 signatures, but Gavin explained..."
Discussing the Sartre piece...

He's explaining how signings work...

"BBC received evidence and sent it to us. GQ Magazine had a crypto expert who asked questions. Playing recording of GQ's criticisms."

Discussing technicals... Maybe break time...
Back from break.

Judge asking about variables about the Sartre comments and signing. She's obviously unclear on exactly how this part works.

Discussing the signing sessions. Andresen quote about "CSW Signed and verified..."
Tips appreciated
Discussing the basics of the bitcoin civil war. Granath attorney explaining big blocks vs small blocks conceptually.

Very basic.

Then explaining why he thinks the signings were faked in some way.
Cutting to BBC article. LOTS AND LOTS of reading publicly known information.

Nothing new or ground-breaking at all yet.

Andresen "It is my firm belief that CSW is Satoshi Nakamoto..."

Craig said he planned to release the rest of the proof. Mentioning Kaminski's rebuttals...
"Signature was misleading."

Article from Guardian: "Legitimacy called into doubt..."
"It would have worked, but there's too many experts in the blockchain space. He has parts of Satoshi's signatures, and he's playing an elaborate game."
"The point is that he said he will move bitcoins from an address in the first blocks. That would have been good if it happened. But it didn't."

"Blogs were deleted, and we got a blog saying 'I'm sorry.' instead."
"Neither Andresen nor Matonis have withdrawn their statements, but Craig's other promises also didn't happen."

"Article from Forbes saying 'I'm sorry' and security researchers pick apart the circumstances..."
"Why didn't he just sign a simple message saying 'Craig is Satoshi'?"

"This is an elaborate and outlandish hoax."

"The point is that the evidence sessions were fraudulent, but that doesn't stop Wright from continuing to use the Satoshi identity."
"His corporation supported Bitcoin Cash with Roger Ver."

"Roger and CSW disagreed on block size in 2018, then a new fork (BSV) a new type of bitcoin was forked away. This is the type of bitcoin that Wright has built companies around with Matthews and others."
Mentions CoinGeek and Taal.
"If this is Satoshi's Vision, then Craig MUST prove he's Satoshi!"

Pivoting to the Lightning Torch. He starts explaining that Lightning is "on top" of BTC. "I don't know how it works..."
"The Lightning Torch put the Hodlonaut account on the map..."

Explaining a bit about the BCH/BSV split and why big blockers were irritated generally, I think.

I'm trying to intuit because this guy isn't a story teller, and I'm getting it through a translator too...
Quoting Antonopoulos about how we shouldn't care who Satoshi is, even if it's Craig.

Back on the BCH/BSV war again...

Makes me want to pass the bar and just read Wikipedia for $500/hr...
"That leads me through the chronology. Now, we start with the legal before we go to lunch."

"In March 2019, Wright's twitter is deleted. I don't know why, but it's hard to find those old tweets now."

"Ayre says CSW can prove he invented bitcoin, but tricking a judge is bad."
Seems like he's reading Ayre tweets because now CSW tweets...

"Ayre said just waiting for an idiot volunteer to be the one to get Craig in court for the proof."

"This process is particularly expensive in England, and Granath was targetted/chosen."
"Letter from Ontier to Hodlonaut was sent through twitter making demands."

"Granath said he deleted tweets and such but couldn't accept that CSW was Satoshi."
Reading an article from @RealCoinGeek.

"Hodlonaut has deleted the tweets... Wright has not fraudulently claimed to be Satoshi. He is Satoshi. Wright demands a tweeted apology. Instead, Hodlonaut has hidden under his mother's skirt... $5000 award for his identity..."
"So he deleted the tweets, but the hunt continued."
Ayre tweet about "going troll hunting" occurs after...

Picture of Peter McCormack with Granath that was photoshopped. Implying Granath is being attacked by Ayre, CoinGeek, CSW and more. A victim of harassment of sorts.
"This leads to a case being filed in May 2019."

"I sent them a letter of subpoena, and noted that the hodlonaut account was disabled, and that our client would not act any further."
"Then exchanges started to delist BSV from their portfolios. Binance, the largest exchange..."

"Shapeshift and Kraken followed suit."
"The claim for 100k Kroner in damaged is unfair because Wright is very rich."
SIDE NOTE: So, he's very rich because of his bitcoins, but he isn't Satoshi and doesn't have those coins?

Pick one, sir.
He's now claiming that "a single tweet cannot cost 100k Kroner, and there was only one tweet in question."

SIDE NOTE: I just remembered all the people saying Craig would call in sick and never show up. He seems quite well.


Pivoting to talking about early versions of the white paper again...
Now he's reminding us that Craig's documents are "fake."

"Also, this is one of many lawsuits. He has the funds to manage so many suits right now. He has cases connected to developers, exchanges and lots more. He is very rich..."
Aaaaand we're back. Granath may or may not have had @meowmix, but I can't confirm at this point.

Granath attorney jumping right into the question of how Craig *had* the key for Andresen and Matonis but *doesn't have* the key now to simply prove he's Satoshi with a signing.
Bringing up the mysterious Uyen Nguyen and explaining the relationship a bit. Seeming to imply some malfeasance in their relationship, but also that she's a trustee.

He's quoting a paraphrasing The Satoshi Affair.…
Commenting with strong implication that CSW Should have the keys or know exactly who does. And the conversation about the bonded courier...

"He either has the keys or he is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto."

Judge sort of rolls her eyes at the absoluteness of the charge.
"Wright learned about bitcoin much later... And the trust doesn't exist."

"Evidence to the contrary is all forged."

- Granath's Attorney.
SIDE NOTE: The monotony is actually impressive. You can tell when the judge feels like things are getting riled up, and I would argue that it's calm, calm, calm.

Fascinating cultural differences. CSW's bombastic style will be like turning the amps to 11.
Getting into Craig's allegedly forged blogs and emails.

Craig circa 2008: "I have a cryptocurrency paper out soon..."
SIDE NOTE: This is like Deja Vu from Miami. More evidence that has questionable metadata implying back-dating and forgery.
Judge clearly confused about the scattershot nature of the narrative here.

She keeps asking for him to roll back a bit. Granath's attorney really should keep on one thread. Now he's talking about nCrypt and the IP again.

Judge saying he just needs to "slow down."
The judge seems to be able to see images that the court cannot see. He's showing what I think is the 1FEEX paper wallet to the judge and explaining why it isn't real.

Then quick pivot to Stefan Matthews... Then quick pivot to explaining use of Liberty Reserve...
SIDE NOTE: Not only is the narrative loose, but the lawyer tends to mumble and speed-read when he switches to English.
On the topic of Robert McGregor and discussing the Matthews/Ayre plan to sell the bitcoin-related IP from Craig's career to blockchain firms, etc...

SIDE NOTE: So in 2015, Craig already had bitcoin-related IP worth millions? Curious, that.

"Did you already read this?" - Judge
Explaining why Satoshi is more likely an American. I think he's getting at the Patoshi Pattern, but he hasn't said it yet. I haven't read that in a long while, but it sounds like what he's describing.

Judge is asking him to maybe parse this down or something similar.
Now he's showing metadata again. "This was scanned in 2019 and this was in 2015."

Not sure what document...

Ok, Judge not sure either. This is bananas.
Now discussing Gawker article. Saying "Calvin said to retain a lawyer for the coming out."

"As you can see, Calvin was planning a coming out [before Wired/Giz doxing?]"

Now Andrew Greenberg criticisms of CSW.

"CSW claims he doesn't actually write his posts."
Now cutting back to McGregor...

Judge: "Now where are we reading?"

Reading McGregor plans about "once the announcement is complete"

"CSW claiming he was doxed by hacker, but a self-leak by CSW insiders is much more likely given these communications..."
Judge asking about "when the blind trust was created and funded?"

Attorney explains he burned his own keys after the trust was created.

SIDE NOTE: So the trust does or doesn't exist?
Judge just said the same. "Do do YOU believe in the trust now?"
Ok, now we're reading documents about the creation of the trust - which may or may not exist.

Judge: "Wait, who is Stefan Matthews?"

"If he signed before, keys were burned, why does he need to wait for the keys to be delivered?"

"Now we have documents about 'partial keys' but the slide is hard to read. McGregor: Panopticrypt and 4-5 other entities were given key slices. Or 9 total slices with 3 given to CSW."
"Then he explains what kind of slices everyone receives."

"Slices would reconstruct as long as there's 8 of 15 slices."

"I have 9 of 15 [in 2016]" Implying he should be able to sign from 2016 forward.
"1.1 million bitcoins are mentioned a number of times."

"We will hear later about Dennis Myaka"
Judge asking to clarify the difference between Tulip Trading and Wright International.
SIDE NOTE: I'm so sick of the on-going discussion about the trusts from people who don't agree that they even exist...
Tips appreciated:
Back to Myaka (sp?)

This is the registrar for the Seychelles entity(s)/trust(s)

"We will learn more about him later... HE MAY BE THE BONDED COURIER WITH ACCESS TO THE COINS"

^^^^^ Never heard that one before! lol
Skipping to Matonis... 😠
"There's inconsistencies with the Andresen signing because Wright controlled the computer and the software and access to the Electrum wallet."

"Remarkable: CSW's initials were added to the end of the message."

"Electrum said no file was every downloaded on that day."
My translation audio got cut...

KurtHawk down!
Everyone's audio is screwed. I think they're breaking to work on it.

Ok, we're back.

Judge telling the attorney to speak into the mic.

Talking about how the hash would be different if there was a typo or if only part of the Sartre message was hashed, etc...

Email from Uyen explaining to Andresen about how he wasn't duped.
Gavin Reply to Uyen: If you were me, what would you do? Media can't understand.


Uyen: Don't try to explain. It's complicated.
Gavin: I'm starting to doubt Craig has the keys.
Uyen: Do not share.
Gavin: I will not share. I'll destroy it [the attached document which we have NOT seen]. I don't want to get involved.
"Wright promises to provide better evidence."

"Craig said he didn't write the blog post either. And Andresen says 'what's with the funky proof?'"
Craig says "sorry you have to go through this shit."

Craig uploaded the wrong post...
Stefan steps in to say Craig has agreed to another signing.

Craig: "Hold that thought. I'll re-sign from block 9, etc..."

McGregor sends the blog post, etc for the proof.

Craig: We need to get the trust in place.
Gavin: ok, just don't want to get tricked here.
Now we're talking about Stefan and Rory Cellan Jones.

Still more jumping around, but we're talking about all the circumstances around all the signings.
Ultimately, the second signing didn't occur.

Segue to section 12 of outline.


Evidence Craig is Satoshi:

- White paper copyright (waving away the legitimacy of this)
Now we're talking about how Tulip Trading didn't exist until 2014.
Craig claims it's from late 2011, but receipt was from 2014.

SIDE NOTE: More Rehashing from Miami court...
Finally some focus on a subject. He's been digging into the proofs, and the potential lists of addresses. "The Shadders List" etc... Getting into those specifics.

Judge seeming to say that "if you bring it, we gotta go there all the way."
"Early version of bitcoin white paper from 2001 tweeted in 2019"

Judge: "You have to wait for me!" "What is your allegation?"

Attorney: "Sorry, I'm skipping around" lol
Lot of going back and forth on email timestamps. "strong indication that emails are not authentic."
"KPMG will be more thorough, but these emails and version do not line up."
"It shows he took the original white paper, altered it, and put it back into the email. I will also go through early versions of the bitcoin code."
Pg 610: "Craig Wright's name on the top. You can see it's added and it's a print that's been scanned..."

"You can see it's been copied from a blog post."

NOTE: I wish we could see the visual...
Seems like this attorney is going to turn over to his female colleague.

Yep. The other attorney is up.

"I'm going to take us through the ATO and Florida case and a little bit of elaboration on the tweets in this case for context. Item 14 in the outlines."
ATO: "This is where the CSW/SN drama starts. He claimed tax rebates, source of funds was bitcoin which was 1.1m coins - same as Satoshi. He transfered rights to coins. NOT coins themselves due to tax consequences."

NOTE: She's WAAAAY better speaker.
"Basis was to explain source of funds etc... Obviously not always easy to decipher what is what, and the ATO was similarly confused as this court and other courts have been."

Explaining Wright's companies had cashflow issues. CloudCroft, etc...
Discussing structure of companies and trusts. Reiterating the plan and then the pivot when Dave died.
"the most important thing: The ATO made a ruling about tax implications of bitcoin transactions."

Pg 1756, Line 30: "Wright didn't transfer bitcoin but rather interest in the equity of companies..."
Concern at THAT time that CSW didn't have the bitcoins, or else he would have transacted them instead of moving rights...
"Dave and Craig appear to have had 1.1 million bitcoin EACH, but that changed."

"Trust in Panama set up for research..."

2010-11: everything moved into this trust.
Discussing Rees the mathematician and how he applies to the business as a contractor and seller of IP.

Criticisms from ATO that Craig didn't have a reasonable position.
They (ATO) don't believe the trust ever existed.
Now onto Kleiman: "That case had nothing to do with whether CSW is Satoshi. Both sides assumed it."

NOTE: She's rushing now to get everything in before EOD.
Mention of Gareth Williams as another person who helped with bitcoin.

Yes THAT Gareth Williams.
Skipping to Andresen. "CSW spoke to Andresen using information that only Satoshi could have known."

Now Discussing Electrum "rogue version" that was downloaded.
"quickly to 3759... was it possible you were bamboozled?"

Gavin: "Yes, but it's more likely than not that I saw a real signing. Perhaps it could have been tampered with, and I was jet-lagged. But the proof presented to me was different than the proof shown to the world"
Mentioning Judge Bloom, but pretty brief. Talking about the lists of keys and the bonded courier stuff again.

NOTE: She's REALLY rushing. Now bringing up Epstein's friend Reinhardt about how he doesn't believe any of CSW's statements.
"So Judge Bloom completely agrees with us!"
"For the sake of time, there are extensive statements that Craig has shared his information openly in Australia but no evidence, and then maybe there's Satoshi coins, or maybe he used them, and maybe there's Russian coins he purchased or maybe not..."
SIDE NOTE: She is the key member of this team, imo.
"There was no partnership, maybe, but that doesn't mean that he was Satoshi Nakamoto."

"McCormack judge also found CSW uncredible. Before I go into Granath's tweets, here is the context."
"There are over 7000 tweets about #Faketoshi and #CraigWrightIsAFraud, so that is the climate this dispute arose within."

She is now reading "Faketoshi" themed tweets LOL
Apparently you can say "Fuck" when quoting things about Craig. Startling! Lol
Hell of a list of quotes...

"I'll stop there. I'll read one thing from Wikileaks"

Basically Wikileaks similarly calling him a fraud.
"He says that people who HODL are scammers!"

"But wouldn't he be the longest holder if he's Satoshi?"
Going through spicy Craig tweets. "Run, pussies, Run"

Various "Fack awff" tweets, and other things about small blockers.
Now critical tweets from people and Craig responses.

"Bitcoin isn't anti-bank..."

First appearance of "shitcoins" I think. lol
Talking about Wormhole and Jihan now...
"I look forward to seeing all beta soybois crushed. I get the last laugh!"

"You absolute cuck, etc..."
"there are no forks in bitcoin. There is one protocol..."

"In time, we can call the sham airdrops a lesson in stupidity..."

Craig on BSV ^^^
"I want losers like you to eat shit. But that is being nice."

^^^ in response to someone asking why he doesn't just move coins.
In response to Wikileaks: "Oh how it burns to criticized by a criminal org ran by a rapist..."
Attorney: "It's obvious Wright creates a climate with the use of very strong words. I'd like to go over some of the words used."

Map of Tazzi: The similarity between a woman's crotch and Tazmania
Soyboy: A weak man lacking masculine characteristics.
Cuck: Male femininity, weakness, often used in internet criticisms.
CSW: "15k nodes on BTC is a lie. Perjury... misleading the court about 'node' etc..."

The context is that CSW has continued allegations, and Granath was protecting people from investing in Craig's false pretenses about bitcoin.
Open criticisms of CoinGeek and how it's the job of small blockers to protect noobs from thinking BSV is bitcoin.
Merriam Webster definition of Fraud:

Not all definitions imply criminality.
Despite Granath deleting tweets pursuit continued.

Judge saying "We're too long, and now I need to be generous with CSW's team if needed, but please don't imply a general permit to consistently go long."

• • •

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Sep 13
Granath VS Wright Day 2 Master Thread.

PLEASE RETWEET. I'll be live tweeting as it happens today.

Starting promptly at 9AM. We don't seem to have audio translator just yet. So, missing the opening of opening remarks from Craig's team.
Fixed it.

Halvor Mansaus, notably without a notebook and speaking from openly, advocating for free speech and its power and importance in the general interest.
Read 123 tweets
Jan 23, 2021
@ForbesCrypto @HaileyLennonBTC Hey Forbes, bitcoin has been embroiled in a deeply contentious civil war for many years. I understand that hat your editors may not understand this, but your author is a partisan of that war. They are encouraging the continued theft of copyright from the rightful copyright owner.
@ForbesCrypto @HaileyLennonBTC Does Forbes, as an organization, typically take sides in on-going legal disputes in cases of complicated business, tech and intellectual property law without seeking facts from both sides of the dispute?

Bitcoin was stolen from its creator in 2010 and has been at war ever since
@ForbesCrypto @HaileyLennonBTC The bitcoin white paper and source code were issued with a copyright and MIT license to create a very painfully specific network connected to a new database type. The license allows it to be forked and changed. But it does not allow the protocol spec to be changed without notice.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 29, 2020
@StefanMolyneux YES! Blockstream, Chaincode Labs & MIT are the 3 players that dictate to Bitcoin Core (BTC), and they have connections to the same VC backers (including Jeffrey Epstein) that control the exchanges who launder their human trafficking money. Everyone looks the other way because $$$
@StefanMolyneux Look at Digital Currency Group, Silverlake and Bain Capital's connections to Tether, Bitfinex, Block One and Blockstream. Their connections branch to all the exchanges, tools and media that keep the criminals obfuscated. Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman & Barry Silbert all involved.
@StefanMolyneux Blockstream also raised a large portion of seed money from AXA Investments when Henrie De Castries was CEO. Henrie's other gig at the time was *President* of the Bilderberg group. So the largest developer of bitcoin was funded by head of the de facto central banker's guild.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14, 2019
Want an ETF or BAKKT to be successful? Want futures trading at CME to continue & for BTC to end up in worldwide IRA accounts?

Then miners will need to comply with multi-jurisdictional freeze and confiscation orders. A chain that refuses to comply will cease to be institutional.
So when BTC “Muh Node” crowd says they will enforce the rule set that doesn’t comply with the law, they’re saying they will run a chain that isn’t trading anywhere institutional anymore.

Miners will follow the legal chain, and NodeBros spend a year looking for the next block.
So then the “what is bitcoin?” debate starts again among the BTC economy, which will likely cause more splits and devaluation amid the chaos.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 26, 2019
@LitecoinFam @Poetry4Bitcoin @ecurrencyhodler It was 2017, in Hong Kong & New York, two miner meetings with developers ended in them agreeing to raise the block size limit of BTC to 2mb after two years of developers discussing.

Early on, everyone agreed on bigger blocks. Adam is the leader of the small blockers today.
@LitecoinFam @Poetry4Bitcoin @ecurrencyhodler Then, after the roadmap had been agreed upon and most miners were signaling to upgrade, a social media campaign started a couple months before the upgrade saying that “the community” wanted small blocks forever.

They all got matching hats in military style.
@LitecoinFam @Poetry4Bitcoin @ecurrencyhodler You’ll see references to this when people talk about “proof of hat,” as deciding consensus instead of proof of work.

So these guys started saying they could govern the chain & that the miners just “work for the community.” But that the chain is owned by wallets that don’t mine.
Read 22 tweets

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