The #Jagersfontein disaster is far from over: The spill demolished the Sewage Works, and all sewage is currently flowing untreated into the stream, together with the tailings - it has already gone down the stream quite a bit, and will soon reach... /2
the Kalkfontein Dam, which is a source of water supply of a number of towns in the area, including Jagersfontein and Fauresmith.
Urgent action is needed, this week still, as the raw sewage is creating a health risk for everyone, and the lack of water supply will... /3
worsen it.
Alternative sanitation must be provided URGENTLY (temporary toilets & package plant), and berms must be placed to prevent the slimes and untreated sewage from reaching the Kalkfontein Dam BEFORE it rains.
IF we dont do this, #Jagersfontein will become a BIGGER mess
This is the spruit on its way to the Kalkfontein Dam. This is the actual colour of the water.