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Sep 13, 2022 ‱ 100 tweets ‱ 43 min read ‱ Read on X
S1.E3 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower đŸ§”& the current state of my hair as illustrated by hull Galadriel.

#TheOneRingQuisition Image

1. Orcs

In the time of the coming of Elves, Morgoth ensnared many. By slow arts of cruelty, he corrupted & ensalved them. Thus, Morgoth 'breed the race of Orcs in envy and mockery of Elves'.

The Orcs multiplied; they became the bitterest foes of Elves. #TheSilmarillion Image
2. `Anchor him.`

As the Orcs multiplied, they grew strong and fell where 'their dark lord filled them with a lust of ruin and death.' (chp 3, Sil)

Of all races, they know enslavement. Yet they are so corrupted, they exact the same cruelty on the other races. ImageImage
3. Who are *these* Orcs? (1/3)

There are many kinds of Orcs.

We are familiar with...
- First Age Orcs who fought Finrod (S1.E1),
- Orcs that gathered at Sauron's Last Stronghold in the North (S1.E1),
- Goblins (#TheHobbit)
- Uruk-hai & lesser Orcs (#TheLordOfTheRings) ImageImage

I think these Orcs are a mix of those at Last Stronghold (`meddling with the powers of the Unseen`) & the "leaderless" Eastern Orcs.

Tolkien described Eastern Orcs as...
- descendants of Morgoth's kingship
- masterless, wild & ungovernable
- preying upon Men/each other Image

Eastern Orcs were hidden till Mordor was made. These Orcs had not experienced the power & terror of the Eldar/valour of the Edain— they were not subservient to Sauron!

While Sauron lived as Annatar, the Eastern Orcs "despised and laughed at him". (Nature of ME) Image
4. `For Adar, then. But not for you!`

It seems these Orcs do choose to serve one Adar (Quen. 'Father').

'Adar' might also hold significance as a religious title. It does appear that these Orcs speak of Adar with as much reverence as they can muster. Image
I just got a Q abt why I think these are Eastern Orcs. Thought it easiest to share this screenshot.

Come and join the @theoneringnet Discord where you can share your ideas and participate in LIVE discussion events!

Took a break to eat.
And yes, my hair still looks like this. Image

1. Children of the Sun

Galadriel & Halbrand awake onboard a ship whose main sail has a giant motif... the Sun!

(1/3) Image

When the race of Men first awoke in the East (after the destruction of the Two Trees) their eyes were turned to the Sun in the West.

The Eldar (Elves) named them the Second People; also the Sickly, the Mortals, the Usurpers... The Children of the Sun (Ch 12, Sil). Image

Recalling Galadriel's words to Halbrand on the raft: `I have pursued this foe before the first sunrise bloodied the sky...` (S1.E2)

The mention/use of 'sunrise' by Galadriel (of the Eldar) in this context was actually meant to be insulting to Halbrand (a mere Man!) Image
2. Elendil the Mariner (before Downfall)

Our first look at Elendil. A character so legendary that this thread cannot do him justice.

In S1.E3, he is an unassuming Captain in the Sea Guard. He's certainly recognized Galadriel as one of the Eldar (a High Elf of the West).

(1/3) Image

Seafaring armor is hardened leather.

1. Motif on breastplate includes—
- Ossë (L; Maia & vassal of Ulmo)
- Uinen (R; Maia & wife of Ossë)
- Sun as waves (torso); sun on fish scales

2. Green gambeson— guild color of Sea Guard (Guild of Venturers) w/ 'fish scales' Image

Note on the Maiar of Ulmo (of Valar; 'King of the Sea'):
- Ossë: vassal of Ulmo; his nature is wild & wilful
- Uinen: Lady of the Seas; protector of sea creatures
- Salmar: Created UlumĂșri (great horns of Ulmo) which make the music of the sea

(Gandalf is Manwë's Maia) Image
3. Armenelos (unnamed)

The massive sea gates to the canal protects NĂșmenor's capital from the stormiest weather on the outer coasts.

It is located at the center of the Star Isle (Arandor); also called the City of the Kings.

(1/9) Image

"The Beacons are lit!" (Visual ref #1 to #LOTR films)

This is obviously the NĂșmenorean version of a lighthouse. Image

I suggest that these are the 'Heads of State'... Images of the great kings and warriors of NĂșmenor.

If you're getting Great Sphinx of Giza vibes, it is intentional...

'they began to build great houses for their dead' (AkallabĂȘth) Image

Ulmo (a.k.a. Ylmir)— He holds 'Horns of Ylmir' (UlumĂșri) & rides the 'foam-haired water-horses'.

Directly refs a song by Tuor (Man who married Elf) made for his son EĂ€rendil (who was also a Mariner; father of Elros & Elrond).

(The Shaping of Middle-earth) Image

Significance: Tuor's song describes how hearing the Horns of Ylmir made him long for the sea forever.

Any NĂșmenorean who sees this statue is reminded of their longing (love) for the sea. It's a reminder that though they return home, it isn't forever. ImageJohn Howe's drawing depicti...

"Gates of Argonath" (Visual ref #2 to #LOTR films)

One statue has a beard and the other does not. Perhaps it represents the legacy & duality of NĂșmenor— a country held up the labors and strife of the Men and the Elves. Image

EĂ€rendil (savior of Middle-earth) and Elwing (by his left shoulder): parents of Elros and Elrond.

Dir. Wayne Yip has explained that EĂ€rendil's pose is of him reaching up to his namesake: Star of EĂ€rendil. Image

Meneltarma ("Pillar of the Heavens") was sacred to the worship of Eru. The King of NĂșmenor would ascend the mountain as an act of worship. The only birds that visited were Eagles of ManwĂ«.

Valley of the Kings (tombs) lies at the southeastern base of the mountain.

(UT) Image

Harbor, beacons, aqueducts, locks, bridges, amphitheater, the royal court and palace are all visible... Image
4. Isolated

Halbrand (from the Southlands) has never known NĂșmenor to exist. This suggests that NĂșmenor is currently engaged in the policy of isolationism even with other Mannish realms.

Galadriel explains that the Elves and NĂșmenoreans were like kin. Until NĂșmenor began to turn away the Elven ships.

"Of the Elves of Eressëa* in the days of their friendship they had at times gifts of gold and silver and jewels..." (UT, Silm)

*Eressëa is in Aman/Valinor Image

Halbrand is intrigued by the Smithies of NĂșmenor.

Being from the Southlands he perhaps realizes that they're at work with metals and weapons he's never seen before...

"it was the bows of the NĂșmenoreans that were most greatly feared" (UT) Image

1. The golden domed building is the public court.

Inscription reads:

Thanks to my friends, Sid & WheatBix for cracking the Adûnaic script! (Made by Daniel Reeve for the show)

(1/4) ImageImage

Bells toll as the court assembles. The people of NĂșmenor have gathered for an audience with their Queen.

`Patience. Patience. We are men and women of NĂșmenor.` ImageImage

The Royal Guard of NĂșmenor identifiable by their eagle helm, sun motif plate armor, sun spears, and their blue and gold shields.

Gold and blue appears to be the colors of the Royal House. Image

The court gawks at Galadriel as she appears before the Queen.

Inscription reads:
2. We meet Queen (Reagent) MĂ­riel and Chancellor PharazĂŽn. The only two who appear to be dressed in gold and blue, i.e., of Royal descent.

PharazĂŽn is wearing a belt with symbols representing the Guilds of NĂșmenor, which indicate that he is Leader of the Guilds. ImageImage
3. `No one kneels in NĂșmenor`

Makes me wonder if NĂșmenor is a burgeoning meritocracy. While there is royal representation as head of State, all have equal standing before the Crown.

(1/5) Image

Galadriel is the granddaughter of Finwë (First King of the Noldor; murdered by Morgoth) & only daughter of Finarfin (third son of Finwë). Finarfin was distinct from his brother for his golden hair. His descendants (Finrod, Galadriel) carried the same trait. Image

MĂ­riel and PharazĂŽn appear to communicate without speaking words to each other. There seems to be a lot of trust between.

MĂ­riel appears to deflect these kinds of discussions & decisions to PharazĂŽn who seems to lead without much effort. Image

Galadriel demands passage to Middle-earth. She wrongfully states the isle was given to Men because of the Elves.

'As a reward for their sufferings in the cause against Morgoth, the Valar...granted to the Edain a land to dwell in, removed from the dangers of Middle-earth' Image

`I would sooner knee-cap a stallion than seek to imprison the mighty commander of the Northern Armies. So, you shall be NĂșmenor's guest.`

The NĂșmenoreans seem to admire PharazĂŽn. Image
4. Halbrand steals back Galadriel's dagger from Elendil and passes it to Galadriel. ImageImage
5. `An avalanche can start with one stone. We dare not invite your father's cloud back overhead.`

PharazĂŽn is reminding MĂ­riel that her father's Elf-friendly policy is unpopular with the NĂșmenoreans.

Are they worried about rebellion & the overthrowing of Elf-friendly monarchs? Image
6. `if memory serves`

This dialogue annoys me. PharazĂŽn & MĂ­riel should both know exactly who Elendil is.

MĂ­riel would know that Elendil is a descendent of the daughter of Tar-Elendil (4th King of NĂșmenor).

Elendil is also the son of Amandil— Pharazîn's childhood best friend. Image

1. `There is no harsher master than the sea`

Isildur and his friends (Valandil & Ontamo) are training as Sea Guardsmen. They are participating in a race around the coast of NĂșmenor with the other boat.

They are in the lead until Imrahil messes up. ImageImageImage
2. `Isildur...`

Isildur hears a voice. It appears to come from the Western shores of NĂșmenor.

The Western shore of NĂșmenor (AndĂșniĂ« ) is significant for two reasons:

i. Eldar from Valinor would visit AndĂșniĂ« often; it is a haven of the Elf-friends Image
ii. The Ban of the Valar— The Valar decreed that NĂșmenoreans should not sail so far west of NĂșmenor that they could no longer see its coast. Image
3. `The Sea is always right`

The Sail-master blows the conch. In tradition of the Horns of Ulmo.

(1/2) Image

Isildur has his doubts.

Perhaps he questions whether he should continue as a in the military traditions of NĂșmenor. Esp as NĂșmenor continues to drift away from their Elven heritage. Image
4. EĂ€rien

Her name means 'Daughter of the Sea'. She is there for her brother when their father cannot be (much to Isildur's dismay).

Isildur and Berek should remind you of Aragorn and his love for his horse (Ref #3 to #LOTR films) Image

1. Also called Nimloth.

Descended from a tree made in the likeness of Telperion (one of the Two Trees) for the Noldor of Tirion by the Valar Yavanna.

Nimloth was gifted as a seedling by the Eldar of Tol Eressëa in Aman.

(1/2) Image

Nimloth is the symbol of friendship between Men and Elves. A sign of the NĂșmenor’s faithfulness to Eru and NĂșmenor’s Elven heritage.

The ruins that surround Nimloth suggest that she is untended. Her bark is also twisted which might be another sign of her decline. Image
2. Tears of the Valar

`The Faithful believe that when the petals of the White Tree fall, it is no idle thing, but the very tears of the Valar themselves.`

MĂ­riel questions whether Elendil is one of the Faithful.

(1/6) Image

Míriel's grandfather's grandfather was Ar-AdûnakhÎr.
AdĂ»nakhĂŽr is an AdĂ»naic (language of NĂșmenor) name that means 'Lord of the West'

The Quneya equivalent of that name is exclusively reserved for Manwë. The Faithful, therefore, considered Ar-AdûnakhÎr a blasphemer. Image

Ar-AdûnakhÎr banned the use of Elven-tongues & turned away Elven ships.

Kings after Ar-AdûnakhÎr continued to turn away from the Elven heritage... until Míriel's father who took the Elven name 'Tar-Palantir' instead of Ar-Inziladûn

Might MĂ­riel take an Elven title? Image

Elendil means 'Elf-friend' in Quenya but also derives from 'elena' ('of the stars')

Elendil is still allowed to use his Elven name. I wonder if there are consequences if used his Adûnaic name: Nimruzßr.

Perhaps NimruzĂźr is considered a slur. Image

`It was the sea that put her in my path. And the sea is always right`

Dual meaning:
i. Loyalty to NĂșmenor: Elendil is pleading his subservience to the crown
ii. Spiritual significance: Elendil is a Faithful; he believes Ulmo (Valar of the sea) put Galadriel in his path Image

MĂ­riel appoints Elendil to carry out the task of 'containing' Galadriel. He is promoted to Post-Captain and given a new sword to match his new title.

Ref to 'A new sword was made for the King's Heir to be given to him on the day on which this title was conferred' (UT) Image

1. `Searching for something`

Arondir & MĂ©dhor establish that the Orcs have dug passages that have led to the Hordern. The Orcs are searching for something meant for Morgoth's successor... for Adar.

Could it be this?



Arondir also notes that the Orcs hate the sun. This is more or less lore accurate. Not sure abt them burning tho. Uruk-hai could travel in the sun.

Aragorn's comment: ‘The Orcs will not, maybe, come out till after dusk, but we must be far away before nightfall.’ (#LOTR) Image
2. Tree

Of all the Elf-tribes of Middle-earth, Silvan Elves (Woodland Elves) & Nandor of Ossiriand (Green Elves) loved the trees the most

Galadriel's husband Celeborn is Lord of the Galadhrim (Tree-people). Haldir & Legolas (prince of Mirkwood) were also Silvan

(1/2) Image

`HĂșna hravan!` (Quen. 'accursed savage')

In an act of brutality to quench the rebellion, MĂ©dhor is made an example of ImageImageImage
3. Forgive me

Arondir speaks a prayer to the tree before cutting it down.

`Ánin apsene`

- 'apsene' in means 'forgive' (Tolkien transcribed the Lord's Prayer in Quenya)
- 'anin' is less clear but it seems to be realted to the verb form of 'to'

(1/2) Image

We see a perspective of a desolated forest. Sulphuric fumerols and a long ruined path (the Orc dug trench) snaking through the landscape.

The Orcs have been enacting this plan for months (perhaps even decades). ImageImage

1. PharazĂŽn's dog

The Royal Guard (with their pointy spears and tiny shields) are searching for Galadriel. Sun motifs everywhere.

Apparently PharazĂŽn's dog went missing the last time round. (Showrunners please tell me that story sometime.) ImageImageImage
2. `Who is this mortal who speaks to me as if he has the slightest idea who I am?`

Elendil surprises Galadriel by speaking Quenya: 'La-lye sancë lo ilquen, heri-nya'

Credit and thanks to @DigitalTolkien for transcribing!
3. Riding to the Hall of Lore (located on the natural arch)

Galadriel who has probably not ridden in centuries is delighting in this moment.

[I've been told that this scene was shot at Muriwai, NZ. I'm not a 100% sure abt this. I do know it was the western coast of NZ.] ImageImageImageImage

1. Steel

The Guild of Weapon-smith made weapons of steel unique from other races. Esp the steel bows which were feared.

'The Men of the Sea...send before them a great cloud, as a rain turned to serpents, or a black hail tipped with steel'

(1/3) Image

Is he forging yet another kind of spear (a fishing spear)?


(#UnfinishedTales) ImageImageImage

`There is not another man on this isle that knows this craft better than I`

I find it HIGHLY suspicious that a Southlander whose Mannish ancestors have been under Elven guard for centuries knows anything abt...

i. Forging weapons
ii. NĂșmenorean steel metallurgy Image
2. Low Man

Halbrand probably is feeling quite low at this point. The NĂșmenoreans aren't letting him forge steel or eat his shellfish in peace.

He's not interested in making friends. He certainly won't share what he's called.

(1/4) Image

'Low man' — A diminutive term. This scene highlights the culture & class divide among the Men of Middle-earth.

Tamar is a descendant of the Edain and the Half-elven. He looks down on the Halbrand— a descendant of the traitors to the Eldar & Edain in the First Age wars.

Whom else do we remember would jauntily toss something in their hand?

*coughs* Kili (Visual ref #1 to #Hobbit films) ImageImage

From 'Low Man' to 'Halbrand'— While the etymology of 'Halbrand' is unclear, the closest name we can find is 'Halbarad'

Halbarad was one of the DĂșnadan rangers & Aragorn's kinsman in #LOTR. His name means 'exalted tower' in Sindarin

Call me... 'exalted tower' ? ImageImage

1. Elros & Elrond

It occurs to me that while Elros built the 'Hall of Lore' in NĂșmenor, it will be Elrond who builds the 'Hall of Fire' in Rivendell.

(1/3) Image

This symbol is probably Elros' heraldic device. It looks very similar to EĂ€rendil's.


Given Elrond's track with Durin, he might've visited Elros a couple times before he died.

'Elrond chose to be of Elven-kind...Elros chose to be of Man-kind and remain with the Edain; but a great life-span was granted to him many times that of lesser men.' Image
2. The King

`He was loyal to the Elves?`
`Is loyal. We forced him from the throne for it. They say he spends his days in the tower now.`

'Tar-Palantir [MĂ­riel's father] repented of the ways of the Kings before him...those who hated him feared his words as those of a true-seer.' Image
3. `I must be blind`

Realizing a couple things—
- NĂșmenor has spies in Middle-earth
- NĂșmenor has... enemies?
- There's an enemy tower already in the Southlands?

Is the timeline in #TheRingsOfPower not what it seems? Image

1. Indoctrination

`[IF] Nobody goes off-trail, [THEN] Nobody walks alone` ImageImageImageImage
2. Marigold and Largo

[ I just love them ♄ ] Image
3. Heart-sense & Nonsense

[The dialogue writing here is 10/10] ImageImage
4. `Full carts and fuller bellies`

Bilbo's Party (Visual Ref #3 to #LOTR films) Image
5. `We wait for you`

Poppy Proudfellow, you have my heart. 😭
6. Stranger tides

Is the Stranger so evil that feels no warmth from the fire?

(1/4) Image

A reference to EĂ€rendil Image

Nori covers Poppy's involvement but she lashes out at her elders.

'Kellamark' <--> 'Markella' Image

Daffodil Burrows was left behind. We don't know exactly how she was related to Sadoc, but I believe she probably could've been his daughter.

Sadoc stands up for Nori. But her actions have consequences for her family. Image

1. Galadriel

Isildur is excited to hear that his father has met 'the' Galadriel, Scourge of the Orcs. EĂ€rien isn't to happy abt it. She doesn't understand why Galadriel is in NĂșmenor. Image
2. Duty

Perhaps inspired by his brother AnĂĄrion (presumed to be on the Elf-friendly Western shores of NĂșmenor), Isildur wishes to defer.

But Elendil doesn't believe in the cause of the Faithful (Elf-friends). He doesn't want his other son to be chasing after the same ideology. ImageImage
3. The Future

EĂ€rien is accepted into the Builders Guild.

Will EĂ€rien's proximity to the Guild and PharazĂŽn mean a further ideological divide between the members of this family? Image

1. Uinen — Ulmo's Maia spirit known as The Lady of the Sea. She's the Matron to the Mariners. Image
2. `Your people have no king, for you are him.`

The mark of the 'King' of the Southlands. Who swore a blood oath to Morgoth.

[I still think that's an oddly marked wolf. A pattern that suits the Dark Lord.]

(1/2) Image

Galadriel reminds Halbrand that a greater 'power' is at work.

[Very Tolkienian]

Gandalf's words to Frodo: 'Behind that there was something else at work, beyond any design of the Ring-maker. I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring...' ImageImage

'Tis ironic how Tar-Palantir the Far-Sighted is currently hidden away in a tower that overlooks the City of the King.

Tar-Palantir is ever-seeing even when NĂșmenor chooses to ignore the truth of what he sees. Image
`It is here, Father. The moment we feared. The Elf has arrived.`

Did Tar-Palantir foresee the coming of Galadriel? Is Galadriel the first omen of NĂșmenor's downfall? Image

`He helps us, and we help him.`

(1/2) ImageImage

Where are they headed? Is it towards the Dagorlad or the Fangorn Forest?

They must surely be headed south of Rhovanion. Image

Arondir and Revion lead an attempt to escape but are thwarted several times by Orcs and a Warg.

(1/4) Image

Disney's live-action Lion King prequel has gotten quite the upgrade. Image

Arondir grabs a branch from the tree. He makes sure that tree had its revenge on at least one Orc. Image

HĂĄno! (Quen. 'Brother!') ImageImage

He's no Orc.

He certainly looks a lot like someone we know. ImageImage

‱ ‱ ‱

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More from @DrNosy10

Oct 20, 2022
If this is the state of #NĂșmenor, it is no wonder why the Valar sent us a splash of water. 🌊
Our trials are unending...
The father & son interaction goes deep!
Read 5 tweets
Oct 13, 2022
Wrote this thread to explore the Tolkien concept of Incarnates (Mirröanwi) to possibly explain why mithril is not the solution to Elven death.

This is really just an excuse to share some summarizing thoughts before the @LOTRonPrime finale.

#TheRingsOfPower đŸ§” Image
1/7. All living things in Arda are classified as either being of the Incarnates ("spirits put into flesh") or not.

Nature of ME— Incarnates include the likes of Eruhíni, Ents, Eagles, etc. Their bodies have 'souls' as Eru has endowed. Plants & most animals are not Incarnates. This painting appeared in t...
2/7. The Great Tree of Lindon isn't an Incarnate.

The Life of the Tree (being w/o a soul) is not equal to the Life of the Eldar (beings w/ souls).

Yet Elves value life in all. Violence upon trees involves the death & ending of its own physical life— it grieves Elves. (NOME) Image
Read 8 tweets
Oct 12, 2022
The FĂ«anorian Twins & their smart & sexy uncle... Celebrimbor.

Celebrimbor was in love with Galadriel but never told her because she chose Celeborn. It didn't stop him from making the Elessar (Elfstone) for her!

Galadriel later gifts the Elessar to Aragorn.

#TheRingsOfPower Image
Excerpt from 'The Elessar' in Unfinished Tales... Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 11, 2022
@chaneilduine @Bliss_Hughes Forgive me for this long response in many parts:

Augustinian indeed. In the sense that a character's choice (by their own free will) determines whether they are good or evil. 1/5
@chaneilduine @Bliss_Hughes 2/5 Take Morgoth as an example. Of his own will, he chose to stand against & apart from Eru. This stemmed from his inability to accept that his sub-creation cannot be distinct from Eru himself, bc ultimately all things come from Eru. Thus, his actions begot destruction.
@chaneilduine @Bliss_Hughes 3/5 Morgoth's greatest crime was attempting to bend the wills of Eru's children thru corrupting Elves to create Orcs. Interfering with another being's free will is the greatest no-no because the ability to choose determines whether you are good or evil.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 11, 2022
S1.E7 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower đŸ§”

Galadriel's eyes have opened to a new reality: Udûn ("Hell"). A "red" horse races past her revealing the aftermath of an apocalypse.


1. Four LED lighting tubes were strapped to a horse running at Galadriel. Flames were added in post-VFX.

Flames on structures, floating cinders, and swirling ash were also added in post. Wet paper was used for ash on set. twitter.com/i/web/status/1
2. Galadriel finds an unscathed Theo. Isildur and MĂ­riel rescue Valandil.

Míriel is hurt by flaming embers while rescuing survivors. Isildur sacrifices himself to save his Queen before the structure collapses on him. twitter.com/i/web/status/1
Read 42 tweets
Oct 5, 2022
S1.E6 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower đŸ§”

This episode was very explosive. Not much #Tolkien to breakdown but very fun all the same.

Theory: This is Sauron's gauntlet. Adar claimed it as a trophy.

#TheOneRingQuisition Image

Adar plants some alfirin seeds and says a prayer before battle.

Quenya: `Vinya coivië... na vírië...`
English: "New awakening... To life..."
1. `My children, we have endured much...`

Adar's plans laid bare:

S1.E4— `That [the Southlanders] may live if [they] forsake all claim to these lands and swear fealty to him.`

S1.E5— `And soon [the sun] will be gone. And with it, the part of me that knew its warmth as well.` Image
Read 53 tweets

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