First #SGC2022 keynote is @irenebenitor of @planet. All you human spaceflight fans can wait for us #EO nerds to have our turn in the spotlight.
And she starts us off right with an invitation to a happy hour on a boat!
Primary topic is DEI. Cool to see #SGAC putting this right up at the front of the agenda.
Also really pleased to hear her argue for diversity on both organizational performance and ethical grounds. Too many people in STEM just focus on the former.
"I'm not saying men have been scheming for centuries to keep us [women] out of the loop."
She may not, but I would.
She is using an example of male-defaulting in car crash testing (design of dummies and use of cadavers too).
"If we want to succeed, we must democratize access to this information." Doing so can help support regions like the Arctic that are "data deserts."
Reminds me of Overton & Taylor's first law of geographic information: "the poorer the country, the less and the worse the data"
@irenebenitor asking the hard hitting questions: "What the hell is business casual?"
This is definitely an area that is way more vague and fraught for anyone not male-presenting.
"My friends keep telling me to stop talking about space."
Sounds like you need new friends :P
"If you have an okay personality, stick to it. If you have a horrible personality, please change it and stick to your new personality."
That's some pretty decent life advice there.
"I'm going to WSBW next where everyone is in a suit and is 60 years old." Way to call them out!
Advice for just starting out / non senior positions: "Don't fake it, life is too short... Don't sit next to the coffee, sit in the center... Maybe you have to be a bit uncomfortable to change things."
"SpaceX is fantastic, Planet is fantastic, but they are all founded by men... Take a bet a women, take a bet on minorities."
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Irene starting us off emphasizing the importance of NOAA satellites in monitoring societal impacts beyond weather: disasters, agriculture, commodities, climate change,
"Key is we have to translate what this actually means to the citizens of the world."
First keynote of #SGC2022 Day 3 is a panel with #IOAG (Interagency Operations Advisory Group) and #CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems). I managed to miss names, sorry about that!
CCSDS is also a forum aimed at space communication standards and functions as an @isostandards subcommittee. In addition to government agencies, it also includes >100 industrial associations.
They are also the ones who assign the official designation numbers for spacecraft!
Dan starting off by recognizing that we are past the era of "space is big, don't worry about it."
Between ASATs, megaconstellations, and a very busy LEO, we can't ignore it anymore. Even if only ~25% of the orbit applications actually turn into reality.
@COMSPOC is an #SSA company who is thus quite invested in space sustainability.
@astroscale_HQ is a space debris removal company (who have an excellent podcast, btw)
@RedwireSpace does a lot of space hardware including sensors
It's @NASA at #SGAC2022! Dep. Administrator @Astro_Pam is taking the stage. Presentation title is "Expanding Access to Space in the Era of Artemis."
She starts us off with answering the perennial question "Why go?" Frames it as a venn diagram of Science, Inspiration, and National Posture. "Economy" and "Human Condition" are in the center mutually overlapping section.
Charts the history of human spaceflight as one of increasing diversity / access. White men for Apollo, US women and minorities on Shuttle. Numerous different countries involved in the ISS.
Next up at #SGC2022 is Elisa Carcaillon and @gautier_brunet of @LoftOrbital. They represent two different carreer trajectories (Carcaillon went business to engineering, Brunet went engineering to business).
Carcaillon did some defense work before moving out "the ethics, maybe not"
After my own heart right there. Congrats on escaping the gravitational field of defense!
@LoftOrbital is one of those space companies moving in the turnkey model that @aravind_raves talked about in his recent payload.
They purchased buses in bulk, integrates customer payloads onto them, and then also provides orbital services.