Today environmental and community groups wrote San Antonio Mayor and City Council and urged them to use surplus revenue from CPS Energy to help low income customers, reduce urban heat, and increase climate resiliency.…
Welcome back! We’re going into the fourth hour of @BOEM’s hearing on its 2023-2028 offshore drilling plan, which includes up to 10 lease sales in the Gulf and one in Alaska. We’re tweeting live to hear why folks are calling in to #ProtectOurCoast & ask for #NoNewLeases.
@BOEM Juliana is from northern NJ, and reminds us that climate change has impacts across the country--like when the NY subway flooded. She calls for #NoNewLeases.
@BOEM Rev. James VanderWeele lives in Louisiana & is here to represent his grandchildren across the U.S.: What will climate change do to them? Will it force them to move?
Every greenhouse gas molecule increases #globalwarming. This is a moral crisis that will impact our grandchildren
Starting now: @BOEM hearing about the future of offshore drilling in the Gulf & U.S. oceans.
We’re calling on @Interior@POTUS to #ProtectOurCoast and stop drilling leasing as soon as possible. Join us to hear from advocates, community leaders & more for #NoNewLeases.
@BOEM@Interior@POTUS Peter, a Texas resident is talking about how hot the summer’s been in San Antonio--and how that means we need to tackle #climatechange with renewable energy such as offshore wind, not offshore drilling.
@BOEM@Interior@POTUS Now, our national partner @EnvAm’s Ian Giancarlo is highlighting how transporting oil to shore can lead to spills--like last year’s Huntington Beach spill. We need #NoNewLeases so we can stop investing in this dirty, dangerous infrastructure.