Long ago, a monster in the dark became humanities greatest friend.
How and when that happened is up for debate by science.
Let’s look at one story today on The Super Pawesome Science Thread. ❤️ #TSPST
Archeologists in Finland proposed one theory about how the wolf began to turn into the dog.
To understand, we need to travel back in time.
Back to a time when the ice froze the world.
The ice age 29,000 to 14,000 years ago was a harsh time for everyone. Great ice sheets stretched from Canada to California. England was frozen over in a cruel tundra. Early humans had a rough time staying alive, but so did the game the humans hunted.
Early deer, caribou, and other game had little fat on their bodies during this time. If a human hunter nabbed dinner, it would be wicked high in protein.
That’s great for a short time, BUT, a diet super high in only protein is dangerous.
Today we know that the human liver can only metabolize so much protein before it says nay-nay. Carbs would have run out for these humans and they would have focused on what fats they could get from their prey, leaving much meat untouched.
The humans ate what they could but realized by random experimentation that too much lean meat sickened them.
Where would a human throw the leftover meat if it couldn’t be carried?
Likely, behind them in their treks through the tundra.
This is it. This is the start of everything, if this theory holds true.
Wolves that hunted the humans found that the humans LEFT food for them.
Over a couple wolf generations, the offspring grew to trust the humans.
Fast forward a hundred years.
The wolf pups that produced less stress hormones in response to seeing humans followed closer. Some ventured into human camps.
Some had pups close to the humans.
The pups played with the humans.
The humans fed the pups.
This is the start of the dog.
It’s one theory as to HOW a monster from the dark became a Bunsen or a Beaker.
It’s up for debate.
This story is plausible and fits the timeline.
The science checks out.
We may never know WHY a wolf decided humans weren’t so bad or so tasty, but boy are we glad they did. ❤️
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We used A.I. to write a movies based on some data from our account.
It's mostly Nonsense, but probably would make an excellent Netflix show.
Here is act 1.
Annoying Lemon
A Screenplay by Jason Zackowski
Protector Scientist DOG BUNSEN BERNER is arguing with Nonsense.
CART PULLER LUNA NEWFIE arrives. BUNSEN tries to hug LUNA but she shakes him off.
Please Luna, don't leave me.
I'm sorry Bunsen, but I'm looking for somebody a bit more brave. Somebody who faces his fears head on, instead of running away.
I am such a person!
LUNA frowns.
I'm sorry, Bunsen. I just don't feel excited by this relationship anymore.
LUNA leaves.
Cats will randomly scratch up stuff in your house.
Dadguy’s computer bag is getting shredded.
Is declawing cats a solution?
No. It’s a terrible idea.
Find out more on The Super Pawesome Science Thread! #TSPST
Ginger has a scratching post, but ignores it for two things - dadguy’s computer bag and the back of our new couch.
School teacher Beaker keeps Ginger from messing with the couch too much, but that computer bag is getting mangled.
Luckily, Ginger is an absolute sweetheart. She has never scratched a human out of anger, just by accident in play. Beaker and Bunsen have gotten the claw a few times, with Beaker getting a couple bloody noses.
In Ginger’s defence, Beaker deserved it.
How old is your dog in “dog years”?
You might have heard 1 dog year is 7 human years, but the truth (and science) is more complicated.
Let’s break it down on The Super Pawesome Science Thread! #TSPST
The truth is, dog are just older than we think. This isn’t based on looking at dog or seeing their physical decline, it’s sneaking a peek into their DNA. Inside their DNA, a better picture of aging develops.
One interesting thing about dogs is they live in literally the same environment as humans AND have a similar lifestyle. There are few environmental factors that differ between dogs and humans, so DNA can be compared fairly!
Bunsen is a big lovable bear.
He wouldn’t hesitate to attempt to rescue anyone he cares about.
Science has concluded your dog would too.
Let’s all have a good cry over
The Super Pawesome Science Thread! #TSPST
There are going to be variations in how much “rescue” a dog has in them. If dadguy fell and broke his ankle while Beaker was digging or hunting, he might get ignored. If it was MommyFav and Bunsen was around, Bunsen would Kool-Aid OH YEAH man himself through a fence to help.
Science looked at how dogs WOULD react to their human if they were in distress and the conclusion was wholesome and amazing.
There is surprising little research done on this, so a team at Arizona State University set out to get the data.