1/ The palatial period of Minoan Crete is intertwined with the appearance and consolidation of Linear A', which during the Neopalatial Period was the main writing system. With the appearance of the first palaces, the Linear A must have already been in use.
2/This fact is demonstrated by the existence of the considered oldest sample of Linear A', a part of a tablet from the Southwestern House in Knossos (KN 49), which dates to MM IIA (1800 BC). However, there is the opinion that the birthplace of Linear A was the palace of Phaistos.
3/ Most likely the Linear A' came from the oldest Cretan Hieroglyphs, without this suggesting that they also rendered the same language. In Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Petras the two scriptures coexisted for a long time.
4/ In total, approximately 1500 Linear A' texts have been found, of which a part has been recovered outside Crete (Mainland Greece, Aegean islands, Ionia) and in some cases outside the Aegean area (Israel). ➡️
➡️ Of particular importance is the finding of administrative texts in Samothrace, Keos, Melos and Thera,a fact that conceals the existence of a strong Minoan presence in the Cyclades and the islands of the NE Aegean, within the context of the Minoan Thalassocracy.
5/ The 90% of the texts come from clay documents of an administrative nature, i.e. tablets, roundels, seals and noduli. ➡️
➡️ At the same time, Linear A' texts have also been found in non-administrative contexts, such as engraved and painted inscriptions on clay vessels, inscriptions on other vessels, architectural parts and metal objects.
6/ Most of the documents, which are palimpsests (were written - erased - rewritten), come either from files that were incomplete when their conservation disaster occurred, or from files that were completed and stored, placed several times in wooden boxes.
7/ The textual records show that the Linear A' is a logo-syllabic type of writing, meaning that it includes syllabograms (phonetic signs representing syllables) and logograms / ideograms (pictorial symbols that denote groups of people or goods).
8/ The Linear A' uses 97 syllabograms, a number of logograms, metrograms and fractionograms. The syllabograms render syllables with one vowel, with consonant - vowel or consonant - semiconsonant - vowel (nwa). The Linear A' uses only three vowels: a, i, u.
9/ Several syllabograms represent consonant clusters, while the standard word order appears to be verb-subject-object, attesting to a syntactic closeness to Egyptian hieroglyphics and contrasting with the majority of Indo-European languages (S-V-O).
10/ In contrast to the Cretan Hieroglyphs, Linear A' texts are quite orderly and written in almost straight lines, while they are read from left to right and from top to bottom. Groups of signs are separated by either a dot or a stroke.
11/ In Linear A' several parts of speech appear, such as nouns (mainly names and toponyms), verbs, aggressive determinations, prefixes (I/J - vowel and A-SA + word root) and suffixes (-TE/TI). ➡️
➡️ The presence of prefixes and affixes suggests that Linear A is an agglutinative rather than an vocative language.
12/ Linear A' administrative texts present us a well-build palatial bureaucratic system, which records the stored products, livestock, raw materials and finished products that were associated with workshops, palatial tracts of land, as well as the staff employed by the palace.
13/ At the same time, they record movements of goods and contributions to the palaces, while it is recorded the distribution of agricultural products and raw materials to the workshops ➡️
➡️ for the production of the final product, to export or even as payment for services rendered to the palace by individuals or communities.
14/ According to the data so far, Linear A' is considered an isolated language, meaning a language that does not belong to any known lingual family. ➡️
➡️ Despite persistent efforts to decipher the Minoan language by identifying it with some known language (Semitic, Luwian, Hurrian), this has not been possible.
15/The lack of sufficient surviving evidence, the short and standardized nature of most inscriptions, which do not contain complete syntactic structures, the lack of an indisputable cognate language, and the lack of any bilingual inscription have contributed to its undecipherment
16/ Nevertheless, Linear A' is a given that it was used as a writing model for the development of Linear B', a language which reflected an Indo-European language, the Greek. ➡️
➡️ The two scripts show a similarity of about 70% in terms of syllabic points, but the complex/compound signs of Linear A' are not present in Linear B' and the logograms show substantial differences.
17/ Also, the similar administrative nature of the two scripts, the close relationship between them and the existence of common syllabic sequences (pa-i-to = Phaistos), probably indicate a similar phonetic interpretation of the similar signs between the two scripts. ➡️
➡️ However, Linear A' is a writing that we can read, but not understand.
18/ Linear A' was a script used primarily for administrative purposes, but several times it indicates a religious and private use, which lasted until the mid-14th century BC (after the Mycenaean conquest of Crete), ➡️
➡️ as evidenced by a painted inscription on a figurine from Poros Heraklion (PO Zg 1 - LM IIIA).
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1/My view is that initially the Mycenaean world was divided into scattered, interconnected, autonomous communities. During the 16th century BC,a process of emergence of powerful centers and absorption by these new regional centers of the secondary settlements began. @StefanT2005
2/ Mycenae played an important role in the transformation of the Mycenaean world, as it evolved into a leading power in Argolid and mainland Greece in general. The warlords of Argolid were the protagonists in the conquest of Crete, the islands of the Archipelago and Miletus.
3/ The process of concentrating political power and economic wealth in a few regional centers continued during the first phase of the palatial period (14th century BC). In many cases the new situation was imposed through violence and destruction (see Iklaina, Ayios Vasileios).👉
1/ The ship that sank at the end of the 14th century BC near the coast at Uluburun (SW Anatolia) is not a simple case of another wrecked merchant ship that was making a typical voyage sailing the sea routes of the Eastern Mediterranean of the Late Bronze Age.
2/ Its cargo testifies to a special purpose sea voyage. It included a large quantity of copper ingots, numerous vessels and mainly exotic - precious objects intended for a very specific elite audience (carved ivory vessels and jewelry made of gold and semi-precious stones), 👉
👉 as well as raw materials for the manufacture of fine elaborate artifacts (glass ingots, raw ivory, ostrich eggshells and faience beads). These artifacts were manufactured in royal workshops in Syro-Canaan and Egypt by highly qualified craftsmen.
1/ Preclassical Lemnos is shrouded in the mist of myth, constituting a special case for the ancient Greek world due to the presence of a strong pre-Greek population. Thus, mythological Lemnos is associated with various peoples.
#Lemnos #Sintians #Minyans
2/ The first inhabitants of Lemnos were the Sintians, a people of Thracian or Phrygian origin, who, according to legend, cared for and raised Hephaestus, who was exiled from Olympus. More generally, the Sintians are related to the Neolithic inhabitants of Poliochni and Myrina.
3/ Scholars, attempting to etymologize the ethnonym Sintians, have come up with two different (and dubious) interpretations: 1) from the poetic verb σίνομαι which means "to plunder" and 2) from the IE root kuento- which means "sacred" and is related to the worship of Hephaestus.
1/ In the past, there was a strong belief among members of the scientific community that the appearance of Minoan palaces was a "sudden" event in which various "ancestral" palatial patterns of the Near East, such as those at Mari and Alalakh, played an important role. #Minoans
2/ On the other hand, there were some scholars who argued that the appearance of the Minoan palaces was the creative result of a native genius craftsman. On a more logical basis, other scholars seek the emergence of palaces through the evolution of local architectural structures.
3/ In my opinion, the Minoan palaces were a combination of elements that have their roots in the pre-palatial period and some innovations that came from the Near East, such as the palatial administration, the widespread use of seals and the inscribed tablets.
1/ The Aegean was a marginal area for the Egyptians of the Bronze Age, but nevertheless they had very good relations with its inhabitants. Archaeological and textual evidence demonstrates close trade, diplomatic and cultural contacts between the two lands, even royal marriages.
2/ However, where the close relationship between the two peoples is most vividly commemorated is in the representations of Aegean emissaries with offerings for the Egyptian king, which adorned the tombs of officials in the cemeteries of Thebes. The motif of the representations 👉
👉 in which the Aegean emissaries are depicted is always the same: they participate together with other foreign embassies from all over the known world in processions, arriving in Egypt in order to offer the enthroned Egyptian Pharaoh precious and exotic metals and objects, 👉
1/ Ancient Greek texts refer to a mythical king of Crete with divine origins and extraordinary abilities, Minos. Thucydides reports that Minos was the most ancient king of Crete, who dominated the entire Aegean with a powerful fleet (Minoan Thalassocracy). #Minoans
2/ He had the perspicacity to colonize the Aegean islands and defeat the pirates who "polluted" the seas, promoting peace and trade. However, he also had another aspect: he is presented as a wise legislator, gaining great fame and becoming after his death the judge of the dead.
3/Minos reigned from the Knossos, which he made the most famous city in the Aegean, and was the founder of the labyrinth. Of particular interest is the fact that his mother, Europa,was the daughter of the king of Tyre that she was kidnapped and taken to Crete by his father, Zeus.