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Threads about Aegean Prehistory and Protohistory, as well as presentation of cultural parallels outside the Aegean Basin.
dumb_coiner Profile picture michele reginato Profile picture JosiahPen Profile picture Soyu🅉 Profile picture Pierre Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jun 27 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ Sissi is one of the most important Minoan sites, located on a small coastal hill, which offered control of land routes to E. Crete and access to several sheltered anchorages. Throughout its existence it was sometimes in competition with neighboring Malia, or under its control.

2/ During the period of the Old Palaces, Sissi was a prosperous settlement, strongly connected to the palace of Malia. However, towards the end of the Middle Minoan period, the palace of Malia is completely destroyed and the city is looted, while Sissi has the same fate. Image
Jun 2 5 tweets 3 min read
1️⃣ The island of Cyprus was connected at least from 2400 BC with the mining, processing and circulation of high-quality copper, a metal that marked an entire era, the Bronze Age, as it was the material with which household utensils, weapons, ornaments etc, were made. #Cyprus

2️⃣ Due to this close relationship between copper and the island, the most likely version of the origin of the place name "Cyprus" seems to come from this specific mineral. Nevertheless, the people of the Middle - Late Bronze Age called the island with the toponym "Alasiya", 👉 Image
Jun 1 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ Around 2400 BC population groups from Anatolia arrive in Cyprus. The newcomers bring with them an advanced cultural package, while focusing on the rich copper deposits on Mount Troodos, being expert metallurgists. Cyprus is beginning to be identified with copper. #Cyprus Image 2/ Nevertheless, until about 1700 BC the local communities remain mainly agropastoral, having sporadic contacts with the Mediterranean area, without regular and organized commercial journeys. The copper is mined, processed and traded locally.👉 Image
Apr 10 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ The causes of the collapse are more complex than theories about the existence of successive earthquakes and periods of intense drought. Recent researches in the Aegean have revised the magnitude of the effectiveness of the above causes by deconstructing their importance.
Image 2/ For example, in Messinia intense drought is observed after the mid-12th century BC, i.e. much later than the period when the destruction of the Mycenaean palaces took place. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Aegean were particularly adapted to earthquakes aftereffects.

Apr 9 10 tweets 6 min read
1️⃣ In the 16th cent BC a warlike elite appeared in the southern Helladic area whose members were thirsty for conquest and demonstration of mastery,and their exploits changed the Aegean forever, reaching to be recorded even in the Hittite textual records (end of the 15th cent BC).
Image 2️⃣Early Mycenaean warlords carried powerful weaponry: long swords, spears,composite bows, tower and figure-of-eight shields. All the above Mycenaean weapons were futher developing or adoption of Minoan examples,being distillations of Aegean traditions and Near Eastern borrowings.

Mar 24 5 tweets 3 min read
1️⃣ In 1950, during excavations in the prehistoric settlement of Grotta, a very interesting small-sized stone head of a male figure was discovered, which received the name acrolith mycenaean "kouros", identifying in it a crucial role in the evolution of Aegean figurine art. Image 2️⃣ The stone head was found inside House A, the most important and well-built house of LH IIIA Grotta, in which there are indications of storage, food preparation, possibly handling or control of products and possibly domestic worship (marble platform of domestic altar). Image
Mar 21 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ The Mycenaean presence in the Iberian Peninsula has been found only in southern Spain (Montoro, Llanete de los Moros) and has the character of non-regular visits. However, this fact is not proof that the Mycenaeans had not advanced further west without leaving visible traces. Image 2/The myths of Perseus and Herakles indicate direct contacts of the Mycenaeans beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Various writers of classical times refer to areas or islands that were further west of the Pillars of Hercules: Makárōn Nêsoi or Fortunate Isles or Isles of the Blessed. Image
Mar 18 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ The basis of the Mycenaean diet was cereals, mainly barley and then emmer wheat. They were ground to produce flour from which they made bread, while in other cases they were used coarsely ground in soups and porridges. Beer production was also possible.
#Mycenaean_diet Image 2/ The consumption of legumes, such as the lentil, the pea, the common and the bitter vetch, the chickpea, the broad bean and the lupine, was of great importance in the daily diet. Legumes were ground to make bread flour, made into soups and purees, or eaten raw. Image
Mar 12 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ According to textual evidence the Hittites called the Mycenaeans by the ethnonym Ahhiyawa, while the Egyptians called them Tanaju, two words that refer to the Homeric Achaeans and Danaans. However, what did the Minoan Cretans call the Mycenaeans? #Ionians Image 2/ The KN C 914 tablet mentions the sending of several sacrificed animals to A-ka-wi-ja-de, which may have been some local celebration of the Mycenaeans who settled in Crete after 1450 BC in memory of their common homeland on the mainland (Achaea). Image
Mar 6 15 tweets 6 min read
1/ The advent of the Proto-Geometric era finds Athens as the only settlement in Attica that survived the turbulent times of the postpalatial period. The burial assemblages of this era testify that an economic recovery took place in the second half of the 10th century BC. Image 2/ Extensive οργανωμένα PG cemeteries as well as family burials have been found in the Keramikos, the Agora and on the outskirts of the Acropolis, which demonstrates that the PG Athens was a set of small residential clusters around the Acropolis, 👉 Image
Feb 29 19 tweets 8 min read
1/The Temple of Aphaia is considered one of the top creations of Archaic architecture and is believed to have been the model temple for the construction of the Parthenon. The founding location of the temple seems to reflect the desire of the Aeginetans to connect with their past. Image 2/ According to the legend, king Minos, while hunting in the mountains of Crete, met a nymph of the goddess Artemis by chance, who was called Britomartis. He fell madly in love with her and began to chase her stubbornly, but he could not find her because 👉 Image
Feb 21 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ During the Middle Cycladic period (18th century BC), an important sanctuary was established within the fortified settlement of Ayia Irini Keos, in which an intense cult activity took place, part of which is a set of large-sized terracotta figurines and luxurious objects. Image 2/ At the end of the LC II phase, the settlement is destroyed by an earthquake, as is the sanctuary, which is however repaired and reused in a new cult context, where the presence of idols is absent. The cultic activity continued in the following centuries without interruption. Image
Feb 19 12 tweets 5 min read
1/The Greek language belongs to the large family of Indo-European languages, i.e. to a set of historically recorded languages that have their common origin in a mother Proto-Indo-European language, which has not been recorded because it was spoken before the discovery of writing. Image 2/ However, through comparative linguistics it has become possible to reconstruct the vocabulary of the Proto-Indo-European language, as a result of which we can determine its original cradle, as well as the spread processes of the various Indo-European languages. Image
Feb 8 12 tweets 5 min read
1/The eruption of the Theran volcano was one of the most important events of Aegean prehistory, decisively influencing the lives of local communities either in the short term or in the long term. The dating of the eruption and its effects are still matters of intense controversy. Image 2/ Recent surveys by Turkish archaeologists in the Asia Minor site of Cesme-Baglararasi brought to light impressive findings that can provide answers to these specific questions. A chaotic horizon of destruction was enclosed within a well-preserved layer of volcanic ash. Image
Feb 6 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ In the archives of Linear B' tablets appear many unknown theonyms -along with known deities of historical times-, some of which have a clear Indo-European origin. These deities appear mainly on the mainland, while some also appear simultaneously in Crete.
#Diwija #Mycenaeans Image 2/An interesting element of Myc religion is the presence of the female counterpart of the God Zeus, Di-wi-ja/Di-u-ja, whose cult seems to have had primordial origins. At Pylos she is mentioned in a cult context with a shrine dedicated to her, has male and female slaves, accepts👉 Image
Feb 2 17 tweets 7 min read
1/ After 1450 BC the Mycenaean Greeks occupy and settle in the palace of Knossos, catalyzing Minoan rule in the Aegean. At the same time they come into close contact with a sophisticated administrative system, aspects of which will transform the Mycenaean world once and for all. Image 2/ Prior to their establishment at Knossos, the Mycenaean elites had created an interconnected system of local lord-warriors, who competed with each other through the accumulation of valuable prestige objects, as well as their deposition in rich and elaborate burial ensembles. Image
Jan 28 4 tweets 2 min read
1️⃣ Hattusa, the royal capital of the Hittite Empire, was set on fire sometime in the early 12th century BC by unknown invaders, who found an empty city with its inhabitants not standing to defend their hearths and its massive walls, 👉 Image 👉 but instead they were disappeared, taking all their portable and valuable possessions with them. However, the history seems to be repeating itself almost two and a half millennia later. Image
Jan 23 23 tweets 9 min read
1/ Thebes occupies a prominent position in ancient Greek myths, which present a rich and powerful city, birthplace of famous kings and heroes, demonstrating its influential role during the Heroic (Mycenaean) era. Archaeological findings confirm the mythological narrations. Image 2/ Although the ancient city is located directly below modern Thebes, archaeological surveys, which are carried out since the early 20th century, have documented the existence of an extensive Mycenaean citadel (Kadmeia), inside which was the heart of the palatial administration. Image
Jan 9 20 tweets 8 min read
1/ In the middle of the 14th century BC, a fierce conflict between local city-states breaks out in the Levant as a result of the intense aggression of an emerging military power, the kingdom of Amurru, which challenged Egyptian strategic interests in the region. Image 2/ The Amarna Letters describe the events that took place, emphasizing the important role played by the naval forces of Arwad, a small obscure island off the Phoenician coastal zone, whose men acted as mercenaries for the kingdom of Amurru. Image
Jan 5 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ During the Hittite Empire, it was a frequent phenomenon to reinforce the imperial army with troops, which came from vassal kingdoms or city-states. The Hittite tablet CTH 270 mentions that a vassal kingdom sends troops to Hattusa, which came from three different cities.
Image 2/ On another occasion during the battle of Kadesh, the allied ruler of the city of the same name joined the battlefield on the side of the Hittite army with infantry and chariot forces. In various texts where treaties are described, 👉 Image
Jan 4 26 tweets 10 min read
1/ The Sherden are the most interesting case of the so-called Sea Peoples and they actively participated in several important events that took place during the Late Bronze Age Collapse. But who were these mysterious guys and where did they come from?
#Sherden Image 2/ First of all, they are mentioned in various texts and inscribed reliefs of the Eastern Mediterranean, mainly Egyptian. The first record of the Sherden occurs in three Amarna letters in the mid-14th century BC, when they appear serving as members of the Egyptian garrison 👉 Image