I read New York Magazine’s “The Cruel Kids’ Table” so you don’t have to. Here are my thoughts. 🧵
First, let’s get this out of the way: the writer of this piece seems to be trans. They are a non-binary “they/them”, and that will turn up in a roundabout way in They’s article.
I won’t use the writer’s name, but I did cull this from Their IG. Remind me never to have Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Over 80,000 Jews perished during the Nazi occupation of Greece from 1941, mostly from Salonika.
But one Greek-Jewish family survived: the family of Haimaki Cohen. That is he, his wife, Rachel, daughter Tilde, and son Alfred.
They were saved by Prince Philip’s mother, Alice.
Prince Philip’s mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, was born deaf, and yet she taught herself 4 languages fluently. English, German, French and Greek.
The latter was acquired after marrying Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark.
Shown here with her Naval father, Prince Louis.
Princess Alice had 4 daughters, as well as her more famous son, Philip.
Each daughter had married a German by 1943, the year the Cohens came to her for help in evading capture. One daughter, the youngest, Sophie, had married a committed Nazi Prince, Christopher of Hesse-Kassel.
Mini-thread Regarding Old Age and the British Royal Family. 🧵
Cynics amongst us might say, of course royalty live to a ripe-old age. They do nothing, and have a phalanx of medical doctors around them. Whilst it is true about the attending physicians, unlike for the majority of us, duties continue WELL into old age when you’re royal.
This thread will explore the most recent long-lived royalties in the British Royal Family, including the oldest currently living one. Can you guess who it is?!
Thread for the Historical Manipulation of Royal Photographs. 🧵
I am writing up this thread because I have the historical knowledge and observational skills built on decades of study. I was almost going to launch it during the skilfully airbrushed follicles on the Duke of Sussex in one magazine cover, but thought it would be catty.
We start with photo montages of royalty almost 200 years ago. Long after Prince Albert had passed, the official Court Photographers edited photos of the Queen and late Prince Consort with their family, as sentiment overcame the need for historical accuracy. This is circa 1863.
Thread on Recent Marriages in the British Royal Family. 🧵
Marriages are tricky things. Often the most successful marriages are precluded on one partner doing the majority of the loving, whilst the other provides comfort and support. That is no less true of the British Royal Family, and this thread will show you why.
The recent history of the British Royal Family begins with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She gave her name to an Era, but in reality, it was he who was the buttoned-up moralist with high ideals.
I leave you with these images. When photographer Freddy Fabris was having work done on his car, he was suddenly inspired to make his mechanics into Renaissance paintings.
The series of photos that resulted are nothing short of astounding!
“The Last Supper” with greasemonkey Ramen noodles!