- Here are some interesting points on the disengagement site discussed by @VishnuNDTV
- First, these Chinese posts are opposite PP15 in the side valley going north from Kugrang River.
- Its NOT in Gogra or Hot Springs region which have PP17A, PP17 and PP18
- Map in next tweet +
- Overview of the Chang-Chenmo Sector.
- You can see PP15&16, Chinese claim line (red) and location of the Chinese site under discussion.
- The LAC here is not in dispute here and this is the first time Chinese have created claim extending across their 1959 claim line and LAC +
+ Why were the Chinese acting antsy here?
- Because PP15 leads directly to upper reaches of Galwan river (blue line) which has large Chines presence.
- Chinese fear Indian attack along this axis.
- Forget direct assault; even Indian artillery placed in Kugrang Valley can +
+ hit Chinese positions.
- Kugrang valley is formed by Kugrang River starting from mountains NW of PP16, included PP16 and extends to PP17.
- Just south of PP17, Kugrang River merges with Chang Chenmo river coming from east and flowing alongside Gogra.
+ This is close-up of the Chinese Army position in the upper reaches of Galwan River.
- This serves as a base to support Chinese positions opposite PP14 where clash took place in 2020.
- If this base goes, Chinese lose entire Galwan River valley!
- Also, if IA takes this place +
+ it can use it as a base to turn right/east and gain access to Aksai Chin.
- See the map below.
- Long story short, the Chinese are quite paranoid about Indian presence and threat emanating from this area.
- Coming to the post under discussion, it is ~3km behind the Chinese claim line and LAC in this sector.
- I know @VishnuNDTV hasn't mentioned the location of LAC in his report, but the alignment of the Chinese claim line is not exactly a secret.
- So, Chinese have dismantled a +
+ on their side of claim line.
- Satellite from September 2020 on GE shows what was the actual intrusion here; the Chinese came few hundred meters on our side and pitched tents.
+ In this close-up, you can see where the Chinese had put-up temporary infra.
- Since this satellite image is of 18 Sep 2020, it also means that the Chinese had gone back within couple of months of stand-off.
- Interestingly, IA did Snow Leopard ops in early Sep 2020!
+ This is the satellite image from Sep 2020 of the site discussed by @VishnuNDTV on his program.
- It seems the site was prepared in 2020 itself but not occupied.
- There was another smaller post to its west, across the river here. Present status of this post is not known +
+ This is a recent satellite image of the same post from Apple but the date is not known to me.
- You can see trucks parked in the berm covered area.
- The smaller post is also visible to the west.
- This screengrab from @VishnuNDTV's program shows much higher level of development in as of August 2022.
- Now comes the interesting point
- @VishnuNDTV said that the post has been relocated ~3km to rear.
- Which means, the Chinese have effectively agreed to ~6km of buffer on their side of the claim line!
Adding one correction from NDTV - the satellite image they've shared of the Chinese post (in use by the Chinese) is from August 2021 and not August 2022.
Thread on India's left, liberal and Islamists jamaat daydreaming about Bangladesh type revolution in India. It matters not them if the country burns in return.
(1) Sold out journalist passing sermons on probity to others.
(2) This 'health' journalist was last heard passing doomsday scenarios about India during COVID times.
(3) Another Islamist thug and apologist passing sermons. Someone tell him that if Modi does even 1/100th of what SH did in Bangladesh, he will be the first person to piss his pants.
⬆️This seems to have irked self-declared defenders of Rajput pride.
- And they're hiding behind the technicality of Amarkot (renamed now as Umerkot) being a Jagir and not a Princely State and hence, had no say in partition.
- What these geniuses will not tell you is that the +
+ then Rana of Amarkot (Rana Arjun Singh) actually fought the decisive 1946 election under Muslim League and won!
- Imagine, his predominantly Hindu electorate voted for their Rana in an election which marked the call for partition of India.
- Jinnah was also very keen +
Meta guy was giving a way out to @thewire_in by bringing in 'Wire might've been subjected to a hoax' angle rather than directly accusing them of forgery. Rather then take the lifeline, our commie journalist gang is doubling down on digging a deeper hole for themselves.
By trying to brazen it out on a technology related issue on Twitter, Wire has exposed itself to Indian RW crowd - many of whom could wipe the floor with Wire's tech team with their pinky finger! Don't cry when you'll be shredded to pieces. #Wire
All that Meta did was put out two statements with a consistent message - report by Wire is based on fabricated documents. Wire desperately tried to prove itself correct but ended-up digging an even bigger hole for itself. And today, Wire has thrown in the towel. And how!
- BTW, when people crib about order qty for systems like LCH, please understand that production rate has to match the absorption rate with a Service.
- It takes time to create infra and more critically, trained manpower to operate & maintain a new system.
- Larger the existing+
+ pool, easier and faster to absorb a new system.
- Take the case of artillery - it has a huge manpower and infra pool to quickly absorb new guns.
- Plus, new guns while being more modern, are not radically different from earlier guns.
- Army Aviation Corps is in an +
+ expansion phase.
- Cheetah, Chetak, Dhruvs, Rudra and now LCH.
- There is only that much manpower available to milk and divert for new inductions and raising(s).
- I expect pilots from IA's Rudra squadrons to form nucleus of LCH induction.
- But manpower is limited and +
Future IT Hub?
- Given another episode of infra woes in Bangalore, questions are being asked, again, as to why no other city can emerge as the IT hub?
- Let me share with you a real world experience from my professional life, which I hope will answer this + #bangalorerains
+ question to some extent.
- Many moons ago, I was consulting for a big developer, who for some reason had huge land bank in Mysore.
- A part of their leadership believed that given the proximity of Mysore to Bangalore, IT/ITES office demand will spill into Mysore as well.
+ Some others were skeptical and this is where my company came into picture.
- How do you address this question?
- Well, we devised a plan where we basically went and met a wide variety of IT/ITES companies in Bangalore and Mysore to take their opinion on Mysore as possible +
@elmihiro@arzandc This is the ground reality, one can slice & dice it anyway one wants: 1. In the 90s and before 2014, the Chinese managed to claim & occupy 100s of sq.km of Indian territory with only a couple of Border Defense Regiments (BDR). 2. The Chinese literally fingered +
@elmihiro@arzandc + India so much that the Indian Army started a process of bringing existing formations back to their original strength (diluted earlier as troops were moved into Kashmir for CI Ops) and adding new formations. 3. This happened in Eastern Ladakh, Himachal-Tibet border, and +
@elmihiro@arzandc + Uttarakhand-Tibet border. Plus, Sikkim-Tibet sector. 4. Has anyone tried to understand why the Chinese went to such a great length to induct troops from outside Tibet this time as they tried to grab more territory? 5. Answer lies in what happened in September 2014 in Chumur +