1/ One of the differences between Linear A' and the newer Linear B' is the presence of texts of Linear A' outside the limits of the Aegean area and in fact in distant Israel, where two inscribed evidences of it have been found. #LinearA#TelLachish#TelHaror#Minoans
2/ The first inscribed evidence of Linear A in Israel was found at Tel Lachish in 1987. It was found engraved on the shoulder of a large limestone vessel, probably a large, deep bowl or krater, of which only this one large fragment was found.
3/ The inscribed sherd of the vessel, although it was found in a stratigraphic level chronologically connected to the first half of the 12th century BC, probably due to stratigraphic disturbance it comes from an earlier chronological level. Unless it was an heirloom.
4/ Its short inscription is rendered as MI 𐄁 RI-DA-U 𐄁 SE-JE and it presents five syllables, one fraction and two word separators. For many researchers, this inscription is disputed as a Linear A text, mainly because it seems to have been made of local material.
5/ The second inscribed evidence comes from the site of Tel Haror in the Negev Desert and was found in the period 1986-92 at Area K within a context dated during the MM III period (late 17th - early 16th century BC). It is an inscription on a pithus sherd.
6/ The analysis of the manufacture material of the vessel identifies the site of Myrtos Pyrgos in SE Crete as its possible place of origin. The inscription is rendered as MU ≈ WA-TE ≈ NI and probably contains ideograms rather than syllabograms.
7/ The vessel was probably associated with some local cultic activity, although it is difficult for me to accept a Minoan religious involvement in such a distant place. ➡️
➡️ The inscription features the logogram for the figs, the logogram for the cloth + TE and the logogram for the bull's head.
8/ The three points / ideograms appear in a different order on a four-sided bar of hieroglyphs from the Fourni Archanes Necropolis, known as the Archanes Formula and for this reason some researchers question its connection with Linear A.
9/ The site of Tel Haror was a strongly fortified city of the late Middle Bronze Age at a distance of 20 km from Gaza, where inside there was a magnificent palatial building in the Syriac style. To the south of the city was the Area K.
10/ At this Area there was an important cult place with an offering altar, surrounding repositories, offering stands (as incense burners), miniature votive vessels, zoomorphic vessels, animal and human figurines.
11/ In the courtyard of the place of worship, equids were found buried in a pit, while in various points inside the place of worship abundant animal bones were found, indicating a religious activity intertwined with the ritual killing of mainly young animals.
12/ It is reasonable to ask the question: what is a Minoan inscribed vase at Tel Haror asking for? The answer is given by the existence of storage spaces within the cult place. The uniqueness of the pithus determines a commercial character in the vessel.
13/ Perhaps it was used as an exotic offering by a local noble to the local deity; perhaps it contained some product that the priests of the place of worship buy from a Minoan merchant to use for the needs of the temple.
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1/ Klymenos was an important Mycenaean official of the kingdom of Pylos shortly before the destruction of the palace. His historical presence is mentioned on the tablets PY Aq 64 and PY An 654, while the same personal name is recorded in Knossos and Thebes. #mycenaeans
2/ In PY Aq 64 two important characteristics of Klymenos are presented. He is recorded as a morópas, that is, as a provincial nobleman who held a private plot of land, and as a koretēr, that is, as a provincial governor of the kingdom of Pylos, having important duties as the👉
👉main representative of the palatial administration in his province (distribution of raw materials, leadership of groups of workers, collection of taxes, control of local sanctuaries). In PY An 654, Klymenos is recorded as commander of an órkha, the basic military unit of Pylos.
1/ The Bible describes the Philistines as the greatest enemies of the Jewish people during the early period of the formation of the kingdom of Israel. Recent archaeogenetic studies has confirmed that the Philistines trace their origins to the Aegean.
2/ But could the examination of additional parameters differentiate this conclusion? Maybe should archaeogenetic data be combined with archaeological and written evidence to have a more complete view of who the Philistines ultimately were?
3/Several scholars have concluded that the Philistines are associated with the Sea Peoples and specifically with the Peleset, who appear to have participated along with other groups of sea raiders in the great sea invasion that took place in the eastern Nile Delta around 1177 BC.
1/On the western side of the Pyrenees live the most enigmatic European people, the Basques. Coming from ancient times and living in a difficult mountainous environment, they have a special culture with an ethnological and linguistic background distinct from the rest of Europeans.
2/ Their distinct identity and proximity to powerful Indo-European peoples (French, Spanish), who have attempted several times in the past to assimilate them, has forged them with the idea of constantly striving to preserve their own cultural characteristics.
3/ However, what is the origin of the Basques and what language do they speak? First of all, the Basques are an indigenous people and are considered descendants of the ancient Basque, Aquitanian and Iberian populations. Nevertheless, recent archaeogenetic studies have 👉
1/ Rhaetic, like Etruscan, are two non-Indo-European languages, which were spoken in two neighboring regions, surrounded by Indo-European Celtic and Italic languages. Together with Lemnian, they belong to the same linguistic family called Tyrrhenic.
2/ The study of epigraphic texts of the three languages has demonstrated that they share common features in phonology, morphology and syntax. Their lexical correspondences are rare, which is probably due to a very early separation from the common protolanguage.
3/The Rhaetic language was spoken in the alpine regions of northern Italy, in the Engadin valley (Switzerland) and Tyrol (Austria), while in recent years Rhaetic inscriptions have even been found in the Bavarian Alps. The epigraphic corpus amounts to approximately 350 documents👉
1/My view is that initially the Mycenaean world was divided into scattered, interconnected, autonomous communities. During the 16th century BC,a process of emergence of powerful centers and absorption by these new regional centers of the secondary settlements began. @StefanT2005
2/ Mycenae played an important role in the transformation of the Mycenaean world, as it evolved into a leading power in Argolid and mainland Greece in general. The warlords of Argolid were the protagonists in the conquest of Crete, the islands of the Archipelago and Miletus.
3/ The process of concentrating political power and economic wealth in a few regional centers continued during the first phase of the palatial period (14th century BC). In many cases the new situation was imposed through violence and destruction (see Iklaina, Ayios Vasileios).👉
1/ The ship that sank at the end of the 14th century BC near the coast at Uluburun (SW Anatolia) is not a simple case of another wrecked merchant ship that was making a typical voyage sailing the sea routes of the Eastern Mediterranean of the Late Bronze Age.
2/ Its cargo testifies to a special purpose sea voyage. It included a large quantity of copper ingots, numerous vessels and mainly exotic - precious objects intended for a very specific elite audience (carved ivory vessels and jewelry made of gold and semi-precious stones), 👉
👉 as well as raw materials for the manufacture of fine elaborate artifacts (glass ingots, raw ivory, ostrich eggshells and faience beads). These artifacts were manufactured in royal workshops in Syro-Canaan and Egypt by highly qualified craftsmen.