Hi Comm Director @frandrewgross, your choice of words for @RNS – that the ACNA was, "thankful for the courage of the BelieveUsToo survivors who chose to go public last week and for all survivors who are working to build up the Body of Christ” – were and are still damaging.
Hi Alan Hawkins, your side conversations stirred the pot, poisoned the well, and succeeded in fanning the flames. What is one of a fafillion ways I've seen this with my own eyes? The following quote comes from an email from a longtime Rez member (two tweets, caps mine):
(Email from longtime Rez member 1/2):
"I’ve attached the [BelieveUsToo] letter released last night by the survivors of the abuse. Their letter is very powerful and an indictment of the province leadership. Please forward this to all your contacts within the church..."...
(Email from longtime Rez member, 2/2)
..."and with the [BelieveUsToo] letter FROM THE TRUE VICTIMS, the truth can finally be known. We are not doing this to foment rebellion within the ACNA, but to restore our Bishop and call those who were behind these lies to account".
I mean, you do the math @The_ACNA. Where is your proper shame? Where is your appropriate regret? Does your heart break for the division you've caused? Do you realize you've cut off your nose to spite your face and dehumanized abuse survivors in the process?
"The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire..."
..."With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be."
-James 3: 5-6, 9-10
Part 2: I'm back. Here are other examples from the fafillion I've observed that might drive the point home – the point being how @The_ACNA leadership has (at least) tacitly ALLOWED and (at worst) actively CULTIVATED division around good/bad survivor groups.
These are direct quotes from ACNA *clergy*. Yup. I could copy/paste plenty of others from laypeople, but that seemed like low hanging fruit (you can't muzzle us laypeople 👋 🤣😉 ).
First up, we have Chris Findley, regarding the BelieveUsToo statement:
"Grateful for this. As difficult a situation as it is. ACNAtoo was rotten and I’m glad they had the courage to step away."
Next up we have Drew Collins, who states the following (after sharing an article that's concerned about justice for priests who are accused of misconduct):
"ACNAtoo would trample all over the rights of the accused."
Then we have Lee Nelson, with the following 4 quotes:
1. "Is real spiritual abuse abuse? Yes. Of course. But, much of the time, it’s toxic people acting out. They don’t need to be enabled by vigilantes who have pledged to always believe them."
In reference to one of ACNAtoo's abuse stories being published, Lee Nelson comments:
2. "He should sue you [ACNAtoo] for defamation. You people are scoundrels."
In response to the second BelieveUsToo letter, Lee Nelson remarks:
3. "ACNAtoo is a sham. But we already knew that."
As part of a conversation concerning waiving attorney-client privilege, Lee Nelson says:
4. "Thing is, they [ACNAtoo] are not after justice. They’re after ruining the names of good men."
Lastly, we have 2 quotes from James Gibson. This first one accompanied him sharing the first BelieveUsToo letter:
1. "Everything we warned you about ACNAToo turns out to be true--and then it gets even worse. Please read this in its entirety and share it as widely as possible."
This second quote from James Gibson was part of a longer conversation around allegations and abuse cases in various dioceses:
2. "I don't live in your #ACNAToo bubble. I have also heard the stories of the survivors from #BelieveUsToo. I trust them. I don't trust #ACNAToo."
But please, go on and tell me how there is no bias and how @The_ACNA was very, very neutral with their ordained clergy and Really Set An Example for being mature and evenhanded and would never think of referring to some survivors (or survivor groups) as good vs bad.
Spoiler alert: of course they divided survivors into good vs bad, real vs unreal. Besides the numerous folks who heard that disparaging language w/their own ears, we see it clearly in the above comments...from what I imagine the ACNA might term "good (and real) clergy".
Leadership in @The_ACNA, you've added injury to an already painful situation by playing favorites, stoking division, and looking the other way. If it was unintentional, repent with a contrite heart. If it was deliberate, repent upon this realization that your sin is plainly seen.
"[Shepherds] you haven't strengthened the weak, healed the sick, or bound up the injured. YOU haven't brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them HARSHLY & BRUTALLY...My sheep were scattered over the whole earth, and NO ONE searched or looked for them.."
..."Because my shepherds did NOT search for my flock, but cared for THEMSELVES rather than for my flock, therefore...I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock...I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them." -Ez 34
"He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy."
-Proverbs: 28:13
“Seek the truth; come whence it may, cost what it will.”
-William Sparrow
@ChurchRez friends (or former friends, or lurkers), the thread linked below is worth your time. And it will take you time to read all the way through, and stamina, and a willingness to look at the fruit that fear grows: hypocrisy, deceit, pride, and sheer vanity.
It will confront you with clear patterns and documentation. It will remind you that leaders – even leaders who claim to be committed to "the last, the lost, and the least" – have feet of clay.
Who wants a little light reading this weekend? I know – you're tired of reading my posts about church abuse and I'm tired of writing about it. But here in this moment before the 1st report is released, I want to call attention to key concerning things about the investigation.
1)"Bp. Alan Hawkins, the Provincial Response Team’s point person with Mark Rivera’s survivors, did verbally promise that survivors would have a vote on selection of the investigation firm but repeatedly refused (in both written & spoken communication) to clarify who “counted”..."
2)"Bp. Hawkins not only refused to define “survivor,” he did not even attempt to contact multiple publicly-known survivors, all of whose contact information was known to survivors who were in contact with the Province."...
A friend sent this @amandataub article my way – below are key quotes, but the entirety of the piece summarizes solid research and is rather sobering about our human frailty.
Friends (or former friends), especially those who are part of @midwestanglican, @churchrez, or @The_ACNA, I urge you to read this and reflect on our blind spots before it is too late. There are just. so. many. echoes.
Helen Keuning's second witness piece is linked below. An important aspect of this particular piece is how she sheds light on the danger of Either/Or thinking when it comes to the abuse scandal in @The_ACNA.There is so much more Both/And going on in this story with @ChurchRez.
"We're attracted by the “poles”.Either Stewart is a perfectly godly man who's enduring the attacks of Satan&the abuses of the Enemy or he's a sick&twisted man who's been masquerading all these years & who cares little to nothing for injustices & is only out to cover up the truth.
"Those are the two poles that pulled at me — from opposite directions and by opposing voices — throughout my last months of service on the response team at REZ (post-Joanna’s Twitter revelations) and during my many months on the BC post-Stewart’s leave in July."...
Here is Helen Keuning's first witness piece, explaining the yellow (and red) flags she saw firsthand, and the marred and compromised way the Bishop's Council of the Upper Midwest Diocese functioned in the wake of @The_ACNA abuse crisis.
There is A LOT here, it is well documented, it will take you time to sit and read and digest...and it's really important if you've been following the story and are looking to better understand it.
Rev. Gina Roes (ACNA ordained, former-PRT member), wrote a piece that was published Monday. It is crucial to understanding what has been unfolding, unhelpfully and uncharitably, REPEATEDLY, behind the scenes within @The_ACNA.
"But after our resignation we were met with hostility and power plays from those who also made vows to be a bridge, but instead actively engaged in sabotaging us. I recognize that I am using very strong language, and I would not use it without cause. I am deeply grieved."...