James's portfolio focuses on data analyst projects, using Jupyter and R notebooks. Definitely check this out if you want to showcase your coding skills.
Anubhav's portfolio displays projects based on the role like ML engineer, backend dev, etc. It's a great way to show all the different skills that you bring to the table!
6) Claudia ten Hoope – Freelance Data Analyst/Scientist
Claudia's portfolio shows examples of her work and what can be done for freelancing clients, including data visualization, analytics, and web development.
Top resources to become better at #DataAnalytics in 2022:
1 SQLBolt: level up your SQL skills
2 TableauPublic: create & publish data viz
3 AutomateExcel: finally learn Excel
4 LearnPython: Python practice for every level
5 StartWritingOnline: improve your writing in 7 days
1. SQL Bolt:
SQLBolt is a series of interactive lessons and exercises designed to help you quickly learn SQL right in your browser.
Tableau Public is a free version of Tableau that allows you to visualize data on the web or on your computer and upload it to a public Tableau profile.
In this Tableau Cheat Sheet, you'll learn how to create your first visualization, top visualizations in Tableau, creating dashboards, stories, and more.
Everyone feels stuck in a rut at some point, and data analysts are no exception.
Hiring a #data coach is a low-risk way to get unstuck.
In this thread, I'll share 7 specific ways that a #DataAnalytics coach can help you: 🧵⥵
Sneak preview:
1. Solve a tech headache 2. Improve your soft skills 3. Give specific career advice 4. Bridge any knowledge gaps 5. Help you meet your goals 6. Offer unbiased insights 7. Hold you accountable
🧠 1) Solve a tech headache:
A recent coaching client of mine, Jenn, was stuck on a specific Tableau formatting issue.
Sure, she could have messed around with Tableau for 2 hours trying to figure it out on her own.
Instead, we got on Zoom session and worked the issue out.