If a nation is not represented by the state and sees no possibility of change, it has every right in the world to choose #selfdetermination. That is democracy
Ours is not a typical nationalist revolution with a strong ethnic. We haven't made our lives difficult in this way just to replicate Spain on a smaller level, changing the name and the flag but maintaining an antiquated state
Let no one be sent to prison for their political opinions, or for singing songs against the king. Let's have a state whose citizens are not spied on and where the monarchy is not sacrosanct
Five years ago, the people of Catalonia decided to become an independent state in the form of a republic. Five years of repression and violating fundamental rights have only served to confirm the reasons why Catalonia wants independence | #CatalanRepublic
Catalonia’s fiscal balance with the Spanish state has always been negative. Catalonia accounts for just 13.4% of Spain’s public spending. The fiscal deficit represents 8.5% of Catalan GDP, equivalent to over 20 billion euros per year ccma.cat/324/el-deficit…
Thousands of Catalans went into exile here, in Vienna, to escape the persecution and repression unleashed by the Spanish regime of the Bourbons
Franco’s dictatorship was yet another attempt to suppress our identity and assimilate us within a dark, authoritarian Spain
President Companys was captured in France by Gestapo during the WWII and handed over to Spain, sentenced by a martial court and executed by firing squad. Spain has never apologised for the murder of President Companys, nor annulled the sentence against him sapiens.cat/epoca-historic…
Five years ago, I myself had to go into exile in Belgium, together with a number of my ministers, to defend Catalonia’s rights, freedoms and self-government. We chose exile also in order to be able to defend ourselves before impartial, independent courts bbc.com/news/world-eur…
On October 2017, my government organized a referendum on independence, and the Catalan people overwhelmingly voted in favour, in a day marked by the repression of the Spanish police, who seized thousands of ballot papers in their attacks on polling stations
The Catalan government approached the Spanish government to express its willingness to negotiate an agreed resolution to the conflict. We heard the calls for dialogue at an international level. Nevertheless, as always, Spain refused any kind of negotiation
Last year, the Parliamentary Assembly of @coe approved a resolution against the political and judicial persecution of the Catalan pro-independence movement
Last week we received a response from the @EU_Commission that stated that Spain has failed to comply with 61% of the rulings of European Court of Human Rights (@ECHR_CEDH) and has taken over three years to comply with the rest
đź“ŤSpain fails to comply with the vast majority of the rulings of the Court of Human Rights.
📍Spain ranks bottom of the class in the EU in terms of compliance with the Union’s regulations.
This has serious consequences for the rule of law in the EU. Europe cannot have double standards. European democracy is the base of the Union and it has to be strengthened day after day
States should be less arrogant. The way I am going to explain this argument may be slightly provocative, but I hope you will excuse me
This is why we say that the Catalan crisis is a EU matter. The right to #selfdetermination forms part of Charter of the @UN and is enshrined in the first article of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, ratified by 170 states, including Spain
EU has to lead the way in advocating the pacific, democratic resolution of conflicts. EU has to be actively involved in ensuring that all EU citizens have the same rights & that all these rights protected from any violations that may be committed by Member States
At the European Parliament, we are investigating the worrying scandals of mass
espionage of citizens, journalists, activists, lawyers and politicians in different European
The cases of Poland, Greece and Spain have raised alarm bells because they make it clear that it is not only autocracies that violate the lives of their citizens, but rather it is happening within our own European Union" #Pegasus
The Catalan pro-independence movement has been targeted on a massive scale by the #Pegasus spyware. Everybody close to me, including my wife and my parliamentary assistants, have had their privacy violated in attempts to spy on me
Ara ve aquella època de l'any en què polĂtics que no ens han votat, que han fet campanya en contra de @JuntsXCat, tindran tribuna perquè diguin el que haurĂem de fer; opinòcrates que ens denigren, ens estigmatitzen o ens ignoren faran veure que estan preocupats per nosaltres.
Alguns irresponsables estan copiant el patró del socialisme francès que a principis dels anys vuitanta va creure que treure el FN de la marginalitat seria una bona idea. Atiaren un competidor del gaullisme per tal de garantir l’hegemonia de Mitterrand. Ja en veiem els resultats.
El FN era un partit marginal; avui competeix per esdevenir majoritari, i la seva influència i exemple s’han estès per tot Europa. Fins i tot condiciona el discurs de la dreta liberal i la democrà cia cristiana. En canvi, el Partit Socialista francès malda per no desaparèixer.
Hem llegit l’opinió de l’advocat general del TJUE sobre les prejudicials presentades pel jutge Llarena en relació amb les euroordres emeses contra nosaltres, i naturalment no ens satisfan ni són les que esperà vem. Estarem a l’aguait, com sempre, la decisió del tribunal.
3/18 La vam denunciar des del primer minut, però uns i altres van convenir fer caldo gros perquè tenien interessos comuns; no van tenir interès a recollir la denúncia d’uns fets que tothom sabia que s’estaven produint i sà a amplificar el relat dissenyat pels caps de la trama.
Borrell sap que jo no he estat mai en cap maleter i que vaig anar a Brussel·les per denunciar la repressió espanyola, tal com no he parat de fer. Mai he estat amagat. Els únics dies que ho he estat van ser els del meu empresonament a Alemanya i Ità lia, per ordre d’Espanya.
Crec que el senyor Borrell està enfadat amb mi perquè li he formulat una pregunta per saber la raó per la qual hi ha un 44% d’espanyols en el seu estaf directiu, xifra molt superior al nombre de nacionals que altres comissaris tenen, començant per la presidentra @vonderleyen.