THREAD: Domination Culture is What the GOP is Selling
--We’re up against a deadly dangerous enemy, and too many of us are still asking the wrong questions.
What do MAGA voters believe? That's the one question we don't need to be asking.… /1
I originally published this article in August of 2020. It is even more relevant today as crucial framing for the motives of the Republican Party's MAGA voters. Voters that have come to define the entire GOP's local, state and Federal agendas. /2
The article: "As the Republican Party leans more and more into what seem to be impossibly contradictory positions, we need to understand Trump’s base isn’t about what’s rational. It’s about the visceral pleasure of domination. /3
It was repellent to me, when, during the 2016 primary, Trump created nasty little nick names for every other GOP candidate. Back then, the first time I heard him call Marco Rubio “Little Marco” I was disgusted. This was straight up playground bully talk. /4
A simple act would have changed everything in the 2016 primary. If Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz, who’s wife Trump openly insulted, had walked over and punched Trump in the face on national television. But they did not. They took the bullying, were cowed, and Trump became president. /5
What we all witnessed was how domination culture bullying now determines status in the GOP hierarchy. /6
The GOP flipped fully to domination-based political culture. Every existing understanding of political decorum, however frayed it may have already been by decades of Fox News disinformation, went out the window when Trump went full playground bully on national TV. /7
Trump’s MAGA supporters live by a simple set of rules. One punch in the face, and Trump would have been seen as vulnerable, weak, as a clown or a fool who can’t back up his words. Instead, something very different happened. /8
Instead MAGA got what they hunger for. Not leadership. Not consistency. They got bullying dominance in whatever form it arrives in. Dominance is what MAGA authoritarians love about men like Trump and Desantis. The national debt is bad? Or is it good? It actually doesn't matter /9
Which argument gives authoritarians like Abbott or DeSantis the advantage today? That's the argument they'll use. If they say the opposite tomorrow, all the better. /10
Jerry Fallwell, Jr. gets caught in a compromising sexual situation? He'll be back. It is hypocritical for evangelicals to have him return? Domination culture thrives on hypocrisy. /11
Hypocrisy as the core expression of domination culture is spelled out in this thread by A.R. Moxon. Until we understand that domination in all it's forms is now the defining Republican Party "value" we will not fully understand the threat we face.
My work is about our domination-based culture of masculinity. I write about the links between masculinity extremism and white nationalism, Christian nationalists, racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and more. /13
It all comes down to an appetite for dominance bred into us via trauma inflicted by this very same culture.
The path that got us here has been incremental, rooted in the Southern Strategy when Republican’s began to build a base among disaffected Southern racists. /14
It was dramatically accelerated when Republican strategist Roger Alles took over Fox News 1996. /15
People pose the question, why do working class Republicans consistently vote against their own interests? That’s the wrong question. The question is, how do we fight a culture based entirely on dominating others? Because that’s MAGA culture. And we are at the end game. /16
MAGA voters don't care about what's rational or what's coming next. They don't care about anything but supporting "strong man" authoritarianism, creating chaos and brutalizing others. Domination culture has traumatized them. Only by traumatizing others can they feel validated /17
MAGA is not a political movement. It is raw authoritarianism. The GOP’s purpose is now to foster a constant cycle of domination-based violence aligned with white nationalist terrorism driven by vast far right wing media reach. The end game is here. /18
The self perpetuating downward spiral of authoritarian dominance means MAGA must keep finding new populations to subject to political, legal and physical violence. This won't end until we vote the GOP out of every Federal, state local office. /19
If the MAGA driven Republican Party wins the mid terms, what comes next will be incredibly violent and likely irreversible. #BlueWave2022 /20
THREAD: The Alphas/Beta Dynamic is Accelerating the GOP’s Slide into Authoritarianism
--Alpha/Beta masculinity is a terrible idea. It’s also driving the Republican Party’s descent into madness.… /1
Sen. Josh Hawley, one of the most well known authoritarian voices in the Republican Party is not a so-called alpha. If we go with the arguably terrible alpha/beta view of masculinity, Hawley is actually a beta trying to be an alpha. /2
@JasonAblin recently tweeted this. It really resonated. For me this "wanna be" dynamic speaks directly to the acceleration of GOP authoritarianism.
It's NEVER been hard to be a christian in America. There's a church on every corner. You want hard? Try growing up in a fundamentalist christian family. Or being a gay or trans person in America. Or Muslim. Or a woman. The GOP is weaponizing a victimhood mindset for its base.
A foundational frame of male, white and christian supremacy is the victimhood mindset. Extremist groups always begin with that frame: "We are being erased, oppressed, abused." Seeing themselves as victims grants extremists the the right to do violence against outside groups.
The victimhood frame grants supremacists the right to do violence against those they subjugate. The victimhood frame is starkly visible in the language of domestic abusers, who, as they do violence against women/children, say "Look what you made me do."
Want to make war on stupid? Then make war on white supremacy. One and the same.
The idea that any race is “better” than another is an exercise in blind self deception. Absurd theories of racial purity are designed solely to justify controlling and dominating others, based in trauma, fear, and our lowest human appetites. And it’s fundamentally not smart.
Organizations that are diverse, equitable, and inclusive, dramatically out perform organizations which are not. They just do. According to Deloitte, they are 6x more likely to be innovative and agile, 8x more likely to have better business outcomes.
The Republican men making abortion a felony fully understand that women raising children are less likely to show up in the workplace, in politics, in any place where they might challenge the power of conservative men. /1
Overturning Roe v. Wade is designed to suppress women’s political, educational and professional agency. “Keep them barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen” was never a joke. It’s been the political strategy of conservative men for generations. /2
White, male and christian supremacists all seek to guarantee that women's first and only role is to service men/reproduce. This agenda for controlling women is what Republicans are codifying into law in Texas, Louisiana and dozens of other states. #BlueWave2022 /3
There are countless reasons why overturning Roe v. Wade, making abortion a felony, is harming women. Here’s one more. America isn’t a safe place to be pregnant. In the United States, homocide is the top cause of maternal death.… /1
From the article: “Pregnant women in the United States die by homicide more often than they die of pregnancy-related causes — and they’re frequently killed by a partner, according to a study published last month in Obstetrics & Gynecology1.” /2
“Researchers revealed this grim statistic by using death certificates to compare homicides and pregnancy-related deaths across the entire country for the first time.” /3
The men forcing pregnancy on women fully understand that women raising children are less likely to show up in the workplace, in politics, in any place where they can challenge the power of conservative white men.
Overturning Roe v. Wade is designed to suppress women’s political, educational and professional agency. “Keep them barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen” was never a joke. It’s been the political strategy of conservative men for generations.
White, male and christian supremacists all seek to guarantee that women's first and only role is to service men/reproduce. This agenda for controlling women is what Republicans are codifying into law in Texas, Louisiana and dozens of other states. #BlueWave2022