genocide is synonymous with #russianColonialism. over centuries russia perfected mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing to the point of copy-paste job. maximize educating yourself
rape, slaughter, unclaimed bodies of russian soldiers left behind. @OPolianichev reminded me of these paintings of 19th-century genocide in central asia by russian artist vereshchagin. ukraine 2022 or samarkand 1868 — literally nothing has changed in #russianColonialsm toolbox
1485-1950. #russianColonialism genocide of the komi indigenous nation. centuries of economic exploitation, russification, mass murder of intelligentsia, settler colonialism, pillaging of local natural resources made komi a 30% minority on their own lands…
1552. #russianColonialism genocide of kazan. after several failed attempts to install puppet rulers, russians sieged the capital of the indigenous people tatars for a month, then slaughtered 65k citizens, razing most buildings to the ground…
1607-1800s. #russianColonialism genocide of the ket. the indigenous nation was forcefully resettled several times to break the resistance. famines, epidemics introduced by settler colonialists put the ket into dependence on food assistance from moscow…
1651-56. #russianColonialism genocide of the daur people, part of siberian settler colonialism push. no exact estimate how many killed, but males were systemically slaughtered. russians used rape and kidnapping of children as a deliberate genocide strategy…
1640-50s. #russianColonialism genocide of yakut, koryak, kamchadals, chukchi people. part of siberian colonialism push. 80% killed or died of settler-introduced smallpox. russians used meat hooks to hang the native men, raped the women…
1650-1950. #russianColonialism genocide of the selkup. settler colonialism drives many to suicide by self-burying alive. russification, land stealing, exploitation empowered by alcohol & fraud, mass kidnapping of kids made the nation nearly instinct…
1706-44. #russiancolonialism genocide of itelmens. the indigenous nation was enslaved during siberian settler colonialism push. after several rebellions, russians killed 80% of the population. just 3k itelmens survived to the date
1714-1960. #russianColonialism genocide of the mansi. moscow used violent christianization, settler colonialism as a pretext to colonize the indigenous nation, enforced cultural erasure, and pillaged the land for tens of billions in oil and gas…
1740-1850s. #russianColonialism genocide of kamchatka indigenous nations. the original population of 150,000 went to 10,000 via systemic slaughter. at least 12 nations were fully exterminated, their lands stolen by settler russian colonists…
1750-1800. #russianColonialism genocide of the koryaks indigenous nation. the original population of 11,000 reduced to 4,800 via systemic slaughter, settler-introduced smallpox and slavery
1750-1910. #russianColonialism genocide of the aleut indigenous nation. mass murder, enslavement, forced resettlement, russification and settler colonialism cut the original population of 25k to 1k by 1910…
1820-70s. #russianColonialism genocide of circassian people. ethnic cleansing, mass rape, and deportations affected 97% or 1,500,000 of this muslim indigenous nation. russians burn villages mostly at night, systematically starve, massacre locals…
1860-1940s. #russianColonialism genocide of the nivkh. settler colonialism outnumbered the indigenous nation, turned their lands into a massive unsanitary gulag, devastated it with epidemics and environmental ruin. russification filled cultural erasure…
1877-1945. #russianColonialism genocide of the ainu people. targeted with several deportations, moscow forbade the indigenous nation to self-identify because of a territorial dispute with japan — the ban exists to the date…
1900. #russianColonialism genocide of chinese and other indigenous nations of the far east. when moscow got scared that anti-colonial boxer rebellion will inspire russian-colonized asian people it just slaughtered thousands and deported tens of thousands…
1930-1970s. #russianColonialism genocide of the enets indigenous nation. ban to reindeer, kidnapping kids to boarding schools, russification, settler colonialism, and inflicting environmental ruin made the nation almost extinct…
1937-1960s. #russianColonialism genocide of the sámi indigenous people. moscow plans the pillage of their lands rich on natural resources, spreads disinfo about 'traitor nation', mass murders and deports the sámi, replaces them with settler colonists…
1944. #russianColonialism genocide of the karachays. to clear lands for russian settlers and as 'final solution for muslim problem', moscow spreads 'traitor nation' disinfo, deports all 70k of them to central asia. every 5th killed…
1944. #russianColonialism genocide of the meskhetian turks. as 'final solution for muslim problem', moscow deports 100k of them to central asia. every 2nd killed. most descendants remain stateless…
1944. #russianColonialism genocide of izhorians. moscow deports the nation as 'traitors,' many die or chose to russify to avoid further discrimination. original population of 26k drops to couple of hundreds today, izhorian language is nearly extinct…
this thread is not a full list and just illustrative. it is linked to my original 'mother of all #russiancolonialism threads' documenting modern russian colonial invasions and other genocides done by moscow…
Zaporizhzhia today. if i needed an illustration of what my soul looks like after three years of russians slowly erasing my native city, house by house, block by block, street by street, a loved one after a loved one.
this is calibrated torture technique to erase any physical anchors for your memories, any evidence that you ever inhibited that land. tested by russians on dozens of Ukrainians cities and thousands of cities across hundreds of nations before us
messaging with Syrian friends today and hearing all about their unexpected joy — they made me remember one of the most important lessons in my life.
several days before our Maidan revolution in Ukraine culminated in russia-sponsored mass murder and subsequent collapse of russia-backed tyranny, i went for a quick trip to Berlin. there i stopped by a museum of GDR, a russian-controlled tyranny of East Germany in post WW2 times.
near the museum’s exit there was a long timeline of the events starting from the russian occupation of East Germany and to the fall of Berlin’s Wall — almost forty years in total.
russians murdered Nika Kozhushko inside her own home. robbing all of us a vibrant, young talent, a queer joy. robbing Ukraine of brilliant future. let me share with you some of Nika’s work. please amplify so more people learn her name. so russians pay for this genocide
“24.08 was always an important date, even when I was a child and I did not understand the special meaning behind these numbers. But now, having a full awareness of history, what was and what is now, I am grateful for being born in this country and grateful to all those thanks to whom this country is independent today”
“what would you take with you, a small snail, when you will be trying to get out of a burning home?” (25.02.2024)
“And that's all I need... Vyshyvankas, sketchbook, work T-shirt, pencil case and hope. These are the things I packed with me on 24.02.2022, because I thought I was going to leave Kharkiv. I stayed and my life, like all Ukrainians, changed forever”
the entire western industry of explaining russia has been a sham. for decades it cultivated the image of russia as this mysterious, chaotic and complex power, impossible to predict or explain it in simple terms and without the help of limited number of brilliant minds
the power where every decision is a byproduct of complex minds of russian rulers, sinister but brilliant. hence 99% of this Western expertise would happen at micro-level psychoanalysing individuals but remaining totally blind to more complex phenomena of russian abusive culture
the only industry where by merit of speaking the imperial language and visiting the metropole at least once you can automatically claim to be also an expert on hundreds of nations russia is or used to colonize
art is the best shortcut for understanding russian colonial nature. would you like me to share some cool Ukrainian movies with English subtitles that will enlighten you about colonialism? you’re in luck
my absolute fav is Chornobyl 22 by Oleksiy Radynskyi, the brightest anti-colonial thinker in Ukraine. this doc is about russian failed occupation of a Ukrainian nuclear station in 2022. eco-terrorism has always been a fixture of russian colonial behavior…
Eurodonbas by Kornii Hrytsiuk is a Ukrainian blockbuster of wartime docs, demolishing one of russia’s central imperial myths - that they ‘built’ eastern Ukraine. most of the featured cities don’t exist anymore, they were erased by russia…
together with thousands of other Ukrainian Roma, Oleksiy Tyrpak heroically fought to defend his home and Europe from fascism. young, brave and fearless, russian murderers stole his from us, too. he would turn 25 earlier this month
earlier into the full-scale invasion, Oleksiy got seriously injured defending Ukraine and could retire from the army. despite persuasions from the family, he decided to return to the frontline after the recovery: “I simply can’t leave my battalion behind,” he told his loved ones
“he would never leave anyone behind”
entire Oleksiy’s village Tur’ya Pasika in Zakarpattia oblast showed up to mourn him. kindness and Ukrainianness of this hero transcended ethnicity, skin color or social status. russia has no right to exist