Just so we are clear. I believe and have believed the hyper-aggressive Neocons (or Straussians) are a faction easily manipulated into doing things that look like they are to their benefit but ultimately aren't.
People this single-minded and radical can easily be directed like a missile at a particular target, especially if that target is their White Whale, i.e. Russia.
Davos is obsessed with preserving the EU and transferring that power to the UN for global government through the end of commercial banking and total surveillance
Getting the neocons to over-react to the current state of play in Ukraine by blowing up two vital pipelines to Europe is child's play. You are goading them to do what they want to do anyway.
Screw Germany and Russia simultaneously.
But the real win for them isn't giving Germany no way to back down wrt Russia. It is to get Germany to see themselves as a victim of US colonialism.
This leads to a critical mass of people seeing the US as the world's leading cancer, deflecting from the real perps...
That this is happening after the US got major wins in the UK and Italy electing Truss and Meloni while the Fed starves global markets of dollars, the source of Davos' real strength ... Eurodollar futures and shadow banking.
In the short run, the neocons think they've won a big victory. In the long run, it seals Europe's fate by crashing their markets so they can blame Russia and the US for their bankruptcy while defaulting and consolidating power in Brussels.
France is happy to see this happen b/c bringing Germany down elevates them. Blackmailing the Italians is next on the flowchart... has to happen while Italy is in a gas deficit, i.e. Libya offline.
The Neocons are Straussian in their thinking. Better to burn down everything rather than lose. I don't agree with all of this article, but the basics are sound.
Europe's only solution, said many times by Soros is to default by issuing perpetual debt, consols, and rolling up all the political power in Europe to the EU Commission and the ECB.
To do that you NEED a collapse of the German middle class.
But you also need a scapegoat to focus German anger on otherwise you lose them. So, bring in the hyper-aggressive Yanks and the hated Russians. Perfect patsies for this operation.
Turn Western Europe as anti-American as Eastern Europe is anti-Russian.
Turning the US into a global terrorist state in the minds of everyone is an attempt, lame as it may be, to stop capital outflow while the reset of Europe's finances occurs.
Hence, the US neocons likely blew up NS1 and NS2 but under the 'guidance' of Davos from within the "Biden" Junta.
This was an act of war. No doubt. The UK and France have been trying to get NATO officially into a war with Russia since it moved into Syria... Remember the IL-20 ELINT shootdown?
That was a French/UK op. that everyone else covered up.
This pipeline explosion smells of a similar setup.. The goal? Same as always. Get Russia to over-react, weaken Putin at home for being soft.
Set the US and Russia on a path to open, not proxy, war.
The same strategy is being employed with China/Taiwan. Reckless provocations to weaken Xi and get China to over-react to save face with the domestic population.
Why? Because if these folks are all fighting while Europe hunkers down and 'rebuilds' itself, then they are all weakened through war and relatively speaking the EU comes out of that coma to a more-level playing field.
This is the plan. It's stupid. It's insane. But it's clearly what's on the table.
The leaked RAND Report everyone was so hot and bothered about was pure psy-op to set up this latest atrocity.
If you think this is far-fetched:
Who directed everyone to lock down the world over a freaking flu?
Who tried to bankrupt you for not getting the jab?
Who is pushing for UBI, MMT and you owning nothing?
There are clearly forces resisting this insanity but it's not clear as to whether they are winning or not. What is clear is that most people are done with globalists, but which globalists?
This now opens up the possibility of the East Med Pipeline from Israel to Greece, which "Biden" took off the table earlier this year. Why? Davos wants us off oil and gas.
The bombing of NS1 and NS2 is as significant a red line being crossed as seizing Russia's forex reserves.
Both assets were considered 'verboten.'
Not any more. Who ordered that? Davos.
Who went along with that? The EU
Who's putting more sanctions on Russia today? The EU
The point of this act was to freeze all pipeline construction worldwide.
If these assets are on the table, then nothing is off the table.
Do you really think it's far-fetched to false flag something like this to achieve global dreams of control?
Who has those dreams?
Who is reportedly opening up back channels with Russia to slow everyone's roll? The US
Who is not banging their shoe on the table about this b/c they understand the implications? Russia
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Building on things @biancoresearch has talked about.
Trump wants to be repaid for the post-WWII defense arrangements with the EU.
One of the possibilities is a cram down on the debt they have. Trump's opening off is to replace all the existing USTs owned by European banks (not clear if it's commercial + central or just central) with 0%, perpetual or 100-year bonds.
Now, I think this is a pretty hilarious offer especially in light of what I've been saying for 3 years about how the EU + UK complex has been gorging on USTs since Powell began raising rates.... to the tune of $1.1 trillion net/net since Sept 2021.
They did this to manage credit spreads between US and UK/German bonds in order to keep their banks solvent.
Look up Lagarde's Transmission Protection Instrument (TPI), she instantiated in July 2021 in response to Powell's 75 bps raises back then.
The speculation then was to help the ECB manage the Italian/German spreads which were blowing out... @zerohedge covered it that way back then.
It wasn't.... the real control lever is US yields, against which all other debt is measured. Control the long-end of the US YC, you control global rates.
Now, that the Euro-zone + UK and subsidiaries (Caymans, Canada, Bermuda, BVI, etc) are the largest holders of US debt, the bulk of which were bought at much lower prices, higher yields, Trump wants to cram them down to 0%
Last year when the @PeterZeihan's of the world were calling for a 5 million bbl/day collapse of output I told you about the importance of the ESPO pipeline, which could double it's flows to 1 million bbls/day.
/1 archive.ph/nTTZk
Now look for Russia to double ESPO again after finishing the port upgrades at Kozmino
After this weekend's upside results for @AfD in Hesse and Bavaria I want to remind everyone that this time is different for them as compared to 2018.
They have transformed into the "solutions for Germany" Party, like I said they needed to become then. /1 tomluongo.me/2018/06/18/cro…
Because they didn't rebrand themselves in 2018-19 they were easy pickings during COVID which saw their support drop to a low of 10%. They failed to cross the 16% chasm and fell back.
But, they were on the right side of the issues, German voters needed to catch up to them. /2
They would do so because once Merkel was gone, the rebrand under Alice Weidel could finally take root. They went from the "Anti-Merkel" party on immigration to the "Pro-Germany" party on immigration, war, and the economy.
As ICEs are being legislated out of the market, unsafe EVs will come with higher insurance costs all through their lifecycle.
Your True Cost of Ownership will rise as the depreciation curve steepens and initial cost rises thanks to complexity.
Simple, straightforward trucks are leaving the market.
RIP the Nissan Titan whose footprint is too small to stay in the market, like the Ram 1500 Classic. All full-sized trucks shorter than 146" wheelbase can't be sold at scale without huge CAFE fines. carscoops.com/2023/08/nissan…