I wrote this letter to white women cheering Iranian women because I’ve had white women come to my events and ask how they can help Muslim women over there somewhere far away because it’s easier than actually doing something about women over here.
It is way past time for white women in the U.S. who have ever asked “How can I help Muslim women” and “Why do Muslim women submit to misogyny?” to start obsessing instead over their white sisters who benefit from white supremacist & theocratic patriarchy feministgiant.com/p/essay-dear-w…
It is harder to see Foot Soldiers of the Patriarchy when they look like you.
It is easy to see theocrats when they don't look like you.
White supremacist and increasingly evangelical patriarchy has an army of willing white women who have delivered victory over a fundamental tenet of feminism–the right to abortion.
Where is your feminist revolution against that theocracy?
White and Christian are considered default – the harmless norm – in the U.S.
White women are afforded an innocence that is both a reward and a leash, that ensures they work diligently on behalf of a patriarchy upon which their own livelihood depends.
It’s much easier to see Brown men and Black men as the danger. That is where white supremacist patriarchy always kept the attention -- always promised to save white women from.
The patriarchy atop theocracy melange of Iran’s “morality police” is easier to see because it is so visibly expressed in enforced hijab.
But what is the enforced pregnancy of the Christian zealots in the U.S. but a melange of patriarchy built atop theocracy right here?
White supremacist patriarchy so successfully lulled you into a delusion of “Be grateful you don’t live over there” that you sleep walked your way into the disaster that is now and over here.
The Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v Wade did not come out of the blue.
In Iran, women are fighting against theocrats who enforce hijab by burning shit down, including their hijab.
In the U.S., what are the women who are fighting against theocrats who enforce abortion bans doing?
Point to your “morality police”and what they have made compulsory and burn it to the ground and join the revolution that women in Iran have ignited vs theocracy.
Yesterday, an ageist, misogynist fuck thought that calling me an "old lady" was the height of insult. The irony being, of course, that I regularly post #ThisIs55 and write about being perimenopausal. So here are some old lady pictures of me celebrating #ThisIs55 📷 @rerutled
Please don't anyone write to tell me "you don't look 55/you look great for 55." That is not the compliment you think it is. I am 55. That's it. I look whatever I look right now. Mona is an "old lady" who loves the way she looks. 📷 @rerutled
Mona is an old lady who reminds everyone of the importance of moisturizing one’s vagina and also of telling ageist misogynist fucks to fuck off feministgiant.com/p/moisturize-y…
I have had 2 abortions. I was not raped. I was not sick. The pregnancies did not threaten my life. I did not already have children. I just did not want to be pregnant. feministgiant.com/p/abortion-is-…
When abortion is “illegal,” it does not make it rare nor eradicate it. It makes it dangerous and often deadly for the poorest and most vulnerable people who can get pregnant.
It’s imperative to understand that the theocrats who look like you and those who don’t both follow the same rule book: control desire and control our bodies. More simply: Control.
September 28 is #SafeAbortionDay. Last year, for that day and in solidarity with the right to safe and accessible abortion for all, I finally wrote about my "illegal" abortion in Egypt in 1996 and my "legal" abortion in the U.S. in 2000
I use inverted commas because I reject the State’s attempt to control my uterus. I reject its power to declare what is “legal” or “illegal” when it comes to my abortions. The State can fuck off with its opinions about what I can/can’t do with my uterus. That control belongs to me
I was not raped. I was not sick. The pregnancies did not threaten my life. I did not already have children. I just did not want to be pregnant. I did not want to have a child.
I am glad I had my abortions. They gave me the freedom to live the life I have chosen.