The announced cut by OPEC yesterday was fake. There will be no cut.
The operation Opec Delendat Est (Latin for OPEC must not exist) is under way.
Let Ektrit explain.
The oil rise to $125 per barrel was electronic oil, supply did not change.
The oil drop from $125 to $80 was electronic oil with 0 change in supply.
The current move now is entirely electronic oil.
As a matter of fact, there are now 2 oil, diesel and gasoline markets:
Dark Market, about 60-70% of the market.
Visible quote market you see on Bloomberg and CNBC, about 30-40% of the market.
As a matter of fact, the fake cut announced yesterday has 0 to do with oil supply or price in itself.
The Fake Cut was about REPUTATION.
The question is, Whose Reputation?
The story starts with the feud between MBS and Jeff Bezos. (please google it yourself, I'm not doing the homework for anybody).
Jeff Bezos had hired for his attack dog, the Washington Post, the Saudi arms dealer Khashoghi who pretended to be a journalist.
Apparently MBS and Jeff Bezos, being ultra influential global personas were texting each other on Whatsapp.
Bezos' phone is hacked, his private photos leaked to the internet. Bezos ends up divorcing his wife.
MBS had Khashoghi slaughtered in the Saudi Embassy in Turkiye.
As far as Arab Tribal mindset, this is normal stuff. MBS had to use savagery in order to assert his power onto the wider Arab world.
The problem is not that MBS had Khashoghi killed, it's the way he did it.
You see folks, POWER is always about REPUTATION.
MBS focused solely on Arab Tribal Logic (which is okay as far as that part of the world), but he disregarded Western Liberal Sensitivities.
You see, the West always loves to pretend we are Ethical civilization.
MBS became an instant pariah among Western Political Elite, not because he had Khashoghi killed, but that he had him killed in a savage way so publicly.
Via Washington Post and his direct influence on the Democratic Party, he managed to make MBS appear a true pariah.
Bezos even managed to force President Biden during the presidential campaign to officially and openly frame MBS as pariah.
That enraged MBS, who kept on behaving as if Washington DC is an Arab Tribe, by retaliating on the USA/West with the oil price.
However President Biden did undo his declaration of making MBS a pariah, by going to KSA to meet him.
In a normal western mindset, President Biden lowered himself adequately to satisfy the tribal requirements for MBS.
However, that proved to be insufficient for MBS.
MBS not only refused to add oil, but actually he allied with Putin by declaring cuts.
Few days earlier Secretary Blinken mentioned again Khashoghi, which self evidently enraged MBS.
Thus the MBS - Putin alliance to CUT, which was aimed at HUMILIATING President Biden.
MBS crossed the line of no return. Whether Obama, Trump, Biden, Bush or Clinton, the US Presidency MUST NOT be allowed to be HUMILIATED PUBLICLY.
THIS IS A MATTER OF GLOBAL REPUTATION, regardless of the name who occupies the White House.
For as long as the WAR OF REPUTATION stays between Bezos vs MBS, there was no problem.
But the US Presidency is whole different animal, it represents the global image of the United States of America.
MBS-Putin alliance had OPEC humiliate the entire global image of the only superpower in the world right now, the United States of America.
This shall not pass unpunished.
OPEC now is a direct danger to the REPUTATION of the United States of America.
Make no mistake about it, the Operation OPEC DELENDA EST has already started, and it will be completed in due time successfully, whether republicans or democrats are in power, it is irrelevant.
Many theoreticians in DC are crying out loud against Pentagon fears of Türkiye invading part of Greece.
It's lunancy they say, Türkiye has no such intent, they say.
Okay, let's see the Turkish record here.
In the beginning some history.
Both Greece and Türkiye were created in the borders we see today from the Lausanne Treaty, wherefrom both countries agreed to genocide each other.
So, in essence, both countries were established from (legal) genocides.
This is going to be a time consuming thread, be patient.
The concept of killing and genociding in the name of the Abrahamic single God (after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) started with Prophet Muhammad who founded Islam in the 6th century.
The currently self called Catholic Church adopted that Islamic concept with the idea of crusades from 11th to 13th century, killing and genociding in Christ's name.
Me zhvillimet e fundit në historiografi, përcaktimi Kosovë dhe Metohi është në avantazhin tonë, dhe unë do të filloj ta përdor.
Fjala METOHI kishte kuptimin si PRONË E MANASTIRIT në Perandorinë Romake të Lindjes me qendër në Konstantinopojë Roma e Re.
K&M ishte në interes të Kishë Satanike Serbe, sepse ishte paracaktuar në marrëveshjet Ankara-Athinë-Beograd-Vatikan që shqiptarët janë myslimanë.
Ortodoksët shqiptarë në K&M u serbizuan shpejt ndërsa ortodoksët shqiptarë në Greqi u helenizuan më ngadalë. Ndërsa Vatikani krijonte kombet katolike apo kërkonte autonomi me Konkordat sipas praktikës së kohës, që përkohësisht u arrit me Republikën e Mirditës.
Finding the reference links for my upcoming thread explaining Christian Orthodox Nuclear Jihad coming, depositing the links here first prior to starting the thread.
Amerika po i bën presion Evropës që të liberalizojë vizat.
Elita injorante anti shqiptare e Prishtinës u thotë shqiptarëve që Evropa na urren se jemi shqiptarë, prandë duhet të kemi turp që jemi shqiptarë dhe të krijojmë kombin kosovar.
E vërteta është që Evropa nuk liberalizon vizat sepse i sheh shqiptarët e Kosovës si terroristë islamikë, nuk ka gjë kundër shqiptarëve, vetëm kundër myslimanëve.
Mësuesit injorantë të sistemit shkollor injorant të Kosovës, tani u thonë nxënësve që Jugosllavia ishte e mirë sepse udhëtonin pa viza.
Fëmijët dhe studentët po rriten me ndjenjën inferiore të të qenit shqiptar.
KM Edi Rama po akuzohet se po bashkëpunon me KM Vuçiç për krijimin e Serbisë së Madhe.
Nëse kjo është e vërtetë atëherë unë do të ndryshoj votën nga PD në PS.
Më lejoni ta shpjegoj.
Shqiptarët tani NUK janë më në Berlin 1878 apo në Londër 1913 apo në Versajë 1920.
Tani kemi Shtetin Shqiptar të konsoliduar falë Ahmet Zogut dhe Enver Hoxhës, si dhe kemi Amerikën si mbrojtës të Kombit Shqiptar.
Tani ne kemi mundësi që të negociojmë, nuk jemi më thjesht Turq që duhen masakruar apo dëbuar për në Turqi, vetëm për shkak të Amerikës, se Evropa me atë mendje është ende.