With 3 more days of data, here's a look at how far various collections of immune escape variants have progressed so far.
I now count S:493 as a key mutation, so what used to be >=5 (Pentagon) is now >=6.
The more RBD mutations, the faster the growth. cov-spectrum.org/explore/World/… 1/
Looking at the data like this, we reduce the complexity behind numerous emerging variants into 4 buckets of increasing escape. This is not perfect as what's in a bucket is not totally the same, but it solves the problem of having to remember BQ.1.1, BA.2.75.2, XBB etc. 2/
If you want to connect this way of looking at things with various lineage names you may have heard of, this is a summary
Level 3 (not shown as "boring") = BA.4/5, BA.2.75 = BA.2 + 3 RBD muts
Level 4 = BA.4/5 + 1 RBD mut (e.g. BA.4.6, BF.7) or BA.2.75 + 1 RBD mut (BA.2.75.5) 3/
Each key RBD mutation that's added increases the growth advantage. But it also takes longer for that combination to evolve, so higher levels start out at lower share - to catch up later
While Level 3 (vanilla BA.4/5) still dominate in North America/Europe, that's not for long 5/
S:346T, which is in most of level 4, is on track to become dominant by the end of October as I predicted 7 weeks ago here: github.com/neherlab/SARS-…
(note any higher level variant is automatically a member of lower levels, hence level 5 (BA.2.75.2) is also level 4) 5/
But higher levels are catching up very fast. Given the rapid growth in particular of level 6 variants (BQ.1.1, BN.1, BM.1.1.1, XBB) a variant driven infection wave is inevitable by the end of November, possibly as early as early November. 6/
As a case in point for using level buckets rather than individual lineages when evaluating the variant situation: the level 6 variants mentioned above (BQ.1.1, BN.1, BM.1.1.1, XBB) each only make up between 10-35%. If you look at only one of them, you'll miss most! 7/
If you prefer to have each lineage broken out individually, collection 24 maintained by @siamosolocani is the one to go for.
Note that it's important to not take the growth advantages at face value. Use the low confidence interval instead: cov-spectrum.org/collections/24 9/
Beware that the proposed simplification into RBD mutation count levels ignores a lot of details that are important for individual variant success.
It only looks at mutations at 12 sites, when in fact very many positions matter, like the N-terminal domain of Spike. 10/
But for now, this seems to be a useful additional way of looking at the data and simplifying it to not be so confusing and still useful conceptually.
For the gold standard of growth advantage estimates, please have a look at @TWenseleers's analyses. 11/
@GenSpectrum is quick and dirty, and definitely useful, but it's important to not take these values at face value when there is not enough data yet.
In contrast, Tom's estimates are much more robust and less biased.
Prompted by a tweet from @BarakRaveh I added "pure" level X queries to collection 54:
A pure level 4 query shows everything with exactly 4 RBD mutations on top of BA.2 instead of 4 or more.
This is suitable for addition: level 4 + level 5 etc
Ich freue mich, dass verschieden Forschungsgruppen die Auswirkungen verschiedener Virusevolutionsszenarien modelliert haben.
Leider enthält das Papier Aussagen die über Modellierung von Szenarien hinausgeht und die in meinen Augen nicht mehr haltbar sind. 1/
In der Veröffentlichung & zugehöriger Pressemeldung steht, dass es momentan nicht möglich sei zu prognostizieren welches Szenario eintritt.
Das stimmt leider nicht. Während es in der Tat vor 2 Monaten nicht klar war wie groß der Variantenimpact sein würde hat sich dies verändert.
Mittlerweile sind Varianten bekannt geworden, die eher Szenario 2 als 1 entsprechen.
Sowohl der beobachtete Wachstumsvorteil als auch die im Labor gemessene Immunflucht von BQ.1.1 & co sind auf einem Niveau vergleichbar mit den Unterschieden von BA.4/5 gegenüber BA.2. 3/
The best way to monitor the impact of new variants for will be not to consider individual lineages but a collection of lineages with similar properties.
Each lineage may make up only a fraction of the swarm. But together they are already more prevalent. 1/ cov-spectrum.org/explore/United…
In the example above, for the US, BA.2.75* lineages make up 40%, BQ.1 makes up 30%, and other lineages make up the other 30%.
This is a challenge for dashboards like the CDC's, that only list individual lineages when they are at above 1% individually. 2/
I'll provide 3 queries for increasing amounts of immune escape.
The more immune escape mutations there are, the faster the growth, but as it takes time for mutations to evolve, the more mutated variants are still at lower share.
The variant wave will be driven by a combination 3/
With 11 days more data, it is becoming quite clear that BQ.1.1 will drive a variant wave in Europe and North America before the end of November
Its relative share has kept more than doubling every week
It has taken just 19 days to grow 8-fold from 5 sequences to 200 sequences 1/
A week ago, @TWenseleers estimated a growth advantage of ~14% per day for BQ.1 over BA.5
This may be a slight overestimate. But note this was for BQ.1 not BQ.1.1 which has a few extra % pts
Evidence quite strong that BQ.1.1 will have >10%/day advantage. 2/
For comparison:
Alpha had ~7%/day growth advantage
Delta had ~11%/day over Alpha
BA.1 Omicron had ~20-25%/day over Delta
BA.2 had ~11%/day over BA.1
BA.4/5 had ~11%/day over BA.2
Looks like BQ.1.1 is less drastic than Omicron vs Delta but comparable to Delta, BA.2 & BA.4/5 waves
Ich hab über das Baden-Württembergische Impfterminportal einen Impftermin gebucht
Jetzt bin ich in der Praxis und die Praxishelfenden sagen mir ich darf nicht geimpft werden, ich hätte schon 3 Impfungen und sei viel zu jung. Der Impfstoff sei nur zugelassen für Ü60
So ein Quatsch
Ich versuche zu erklären dass sie vermutlich die STIKO-Empfehlung meinen, nicht die Zulassung. Und dass der Impfstoff sehr wohl zugelassen ist für mich.
Die EMA ist da ganz klar.
Helfenden sagen sie hätten strikte Anordnung.
Ich sage dann möchte ich mit der Ärztin sprechen.
Irgendwelche Tips? Wir kann das sein dass man ohne Grund keine Impfung kriegt. Mein 1. Booster ist 210 Tage zurück und war natürlich nicht angepasst. @Karl_Lauterbach war doch ganz klar, dass sich alle boostern lassen können.
Die Zulassung ist da.
There is no mystery. Let me try to explain.
BA.5 is not equal to BA.5 - there are many sublineages
BA.5 that have acquired S:346T are growing consistently
You don't see that if you don't separate it.
The other 10% are mostly BA.4.6 (BA.4 + S:346T).
Graphs in thread 1/
BA.4.6 has slowed in growth because BA.5 + S:346T is fitter than BA.4 + S:346T (we have much more BA.5 now than BA.4)
That's the explanation why it looks like nothing is happening if you only break out:
BA.5 and BA.4.6 and ignore the richness in BA.5* lineages. 2/
As @PeacockFlu explained well here, things are happening - but you necessarily need to look at lineages that are new and small in proportion to find what may be happening, the article looked at what's currently dominating. 3/
Ich experimentiere mal mit verschiedenen Fragestellungen um zu sehen wie groß der Unterschied ist. Bitte Fragen genau lesen und alle Umfragen im folgenden Thread ausfüllen
Ich fange die Umfrage bewusst im nächsten Tweet, weil sonst Zahl der Antworten im ersten Tweet viel höher 1/
Wie häufig haben Sie sich PCR-bestätigt infiziert?
Wichtig: Nur echter PCR zählt in dieser Frage. 2/
Wie häufig waren Sie infiziert und die Infektion wurde mindestens via Antigen-Schnelltests oder PCR bestätigt (oder beiden)
Im Gegensatz zu obiger Frage reicht hier ein Antigen-Test aus, die Zahlen _müssen_ also höher sein. 3/