After fixing the invasion of Ukraine, and then Taiwan, Elon shifts to Twitter clipping Bill Browder book proverbs and completely misses the fucking point of the original. It's about criminal Putin stealing $87 million from businessman here:
As of today, with Trump and Flynn leading the charge, MAGA has decided that Putin is their candidate of choice for 2024.…
Trump is a dead ender, people like Alex Jones and Roger Stone are going nowhere in America's civil society. They can only hope to double down and remove the guardrails of law and accountability. The Gulf dictators are also on board since they rope a doped Biden on his visit.
The question of why MAGA chooses and supports financially insolvent, morally compromised and deliberately dim candidates in a cabal that denies the democratic process of voting...should now be clear. Election denier = seditionist = stooge.…
People: "52% of Americans were worried about Russian misinformation on the internet negatively affecting the 2022 midterm elections. The same percentage of Americans also fear that Russia will send illicit financial support to some American politicians."…
Russian/Gulf support for U.S. political candidates should start with examining what counterintuitive statements our politicians/think tanks/influencers/media are making. We have a very short attention span. Enemies are using that to full advantage.…
When the DOJ gets to the bottom of things. They are always surprised at how little Americans will sell out their country to support a foreign hostile power. Even less to frenemies like KSA and UAE.…
When the media figures things out, they are surprised at the depth and breadth of malign foreign influence in this country. From sports washing to education to media to tech. They literally get away with murder. 2018.…
2018: Shocked by an election that put a brokeass roob in the White House, America seemed energized to figure out ...what the hell happened. We almost figured it out until Trump shut it down. It has only become more dangerous.…
Tom Barrack is on trial for being a secret tool of foreign influence. Even the frmr Sec of State Tillerson had no clue about this dirty game. Start flipping countries. Jared won. America lost. This espionage is very read and is still happening.…
At the trials that detail the betrayal of our nation by Trump, you won't hear from Puttina Buttina and you won't hear from Rashid al Malik. MBz's point man. Maybe Jared can explain under oath how 666 was rescued from bankruptcy?…
This also extends to China and we, surprise....are back at Musk. China, KSA, UAE and Russia take public statements very seriously. Almost like jihadis making bayat videos to show loyalty. Elon and those MAGAs are pledging Bayat to the dictator jihad.…
Lets zoom down to the concept of bayat...or pledge of allegiance. Let's start with violent uneducated assholes in the jungles of Central Africa. If they want money and support they gotta make a video.…
Let's go top level. Donald and his gang of cronies made a special trip to pledge bayat to his new masters. Petrofascists who control the health of economies and nations to survive. Visual imagery is very powerful. Everybody sword dance.
It's no secret thanks to the DOJ that Trump was working hard to accommodate Putin. Why? These dictatorships work together to rope-a-dope greedy politicians to serve their purpose. Survival of family businesses in a democratic world. The left gets it.
Let there be no confusion that Trump's only hope of reelection in this country is via foreign influence and fuckery. Of which he and his autocratic sponsors deliver in abundance.…
America has a problem. We have been compromised by our highest elected official. Did Trump work with foreign enemies to undermine us? For personal gain or survival? I would like to know the answer to that question. Wouldn't the rest of America?…
My theory is the charge was delivered by unmanned boat. Al Qaeda, Libya, Iran and...Ukraine have used this type of propelled weapon to great effect. "unmanned Surface Vehicle" USV or as I like to call them "Boom Boats".…
Elon is relying on the Fresh Prince of Ritz Carlton to swing the Twitter purchase. Let’s see how free speechey the new al Twitter gets.
Western educated and famous distress buyer Alwaleed bin Talal is no Abu Rasasa. (He did buy brokeass Trump’s yacht) but there sure was a lot of glove smelling going on at the Ritz. Elon has already shit the bed by repeated Putin’s Ukraine talking points and inviting Trump back.
I offer this up as an example of weird deals made by the Fresh Prince since his spa vacation at the RC. The guy that bailed out EuroDisney is now taking one for the team.…
Vlad, Elon...Russia...better wear a memecoat, cuz it's coming down hard. What do you put on sick burns to make them heal?
Raining down hard on America too. Just wander through the right wing troll forest if you don't believe me. Seems like this was a big deal before... but we never learn.…
Back to Ukraine..There are two different worlds on social media. Pro-Russian and Pro-Ukrainian. Ukrainian propaganda can be a little analytical, Russian propaganda more like remakes of Rambo movies.
RUMINT: Russian will do a low level test in the Black Sea on the 9th. Caution: Russia couldn’t organize a piss up in vodka distillery without Sammy things screwing up. But putting this marker down for posterity.
Also supposed to be linked to a troop withdrawal announcement in certain areas. As in all things Putin, these are calculated escalation and deescalation at the same time. Declaring victory and saving face
Our military assumes that Putin won’t dare. But they said that when he invaded Ukraine. So a test is a good fakeout. North Korea has been doing it for years.
Behold the creepiness of Donny's BragBook. All these docs need are scratch and sniff odor of rat piss, stale cigarettes and mildew.…
Crazy Uncle Fester sure squirreled away some weird stuff.
Not often that your personal physician feels "“raped, frightened and sad.” A dues-dodging gastroenterologist who wrote a letter on his dead father's stationary to prove that Donald is healthy. His thanks was having his office broken into and docs stolen.…