According to Advaita, we are not the "doer", then how can we be responsible for karma? Why does it affect us if we aren’t the doer? #Spirituality #karma
No. As per Advaita, there is no “we.” Start with that. “We” is Dvaita (duality,) not Advaita.
So, in Advaita, if there’s no “we,” “me,” etc. - no separate entities, only the One (very core of Advaita) ‘who” could have karma? “Who” could be responsible or not responsible for it?
Everything that happens (appears to happen - remember, this is the dream) only happens to The One. Which is already Whole, complete and immaculate (nirmala - spotless, without karma.)
Who are the other consorts of Bhagwan Vishnu? #SanatanDharma
Bhagwan Vishnu is said to have eight consorts in all; they represent the 8 channels through which his various energies or faculties can display their beneficial activities. Some texts differ from each other in the Goddesses' names. The meanings of names speak for themselves.
Sadhguru calls Patanjali father of modern yoga. Then is Sadhguru’s teaching of yoga older than the Yoga in the Six Darsana? Is his yoga Astika or Nastika? #yoga
Sadhguru is absolutely correct.
The 6 schools Shad-darshana are all “nominally” Vedic, i.e., they’re all āstika as long as they don't deny the authority of the Vedas in metaphysical matters. So it is the non-denial that makes them “orthodox” rather than any direct link. #yoga
Many of the basic ideas of all the 6 Schools have their seeds in the Vedas - but have an independent growth, flowering and fruition structure. #yoga
The Sanskrit word swa means 'one's own' and adhisthana means 'dwelling place or residence'. Therefore, swadhisthana means 'one's own abode'. #yoga #kundalini
Although mooladhara occupies a very important place in the scheme of the chakras, swadhisthana, which is located very near to mooladhara, is also involved in and responsible for the awakening of kundalini shakti in mooladhara. #yoga #kundalini
In fact, it is said that previously the seat of kundalini was in swadhisthana, but there was a fall and subsequently mahakundalini came to rest in mooladhara. #yoga #kundalini
Is the truth so complicated that it needs several volumes of books such as Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, etc. to explain it? #Spirituality
There are many subjects and many truths and many teachers and many students of various academic and intellectual dispositions. And there are also many ways of seeing the same truth. #Spirituality
There are texts for child-like aspirants and there are texts for PhD’s in spiritual training. Not everyone needs to read every text - you read whatever suits your personal disposition, stage of development and aptitude. #Spirituality
Since truly enlightened people only experience things for what they are, do they still have "mental" interests, not just things that they like to do, as in actions, but interests, as in certain topics being more alluring to their minds? #enlightenment
Once one is enlightened, they are no longer a person.
They are still human. That is, they have a human body & a human mind. And that body does human things and that mind thinks human thoughts and may be interested from time to time in human interests. But the person is gone.
So, what does it mean to no longer be a person?
Let's take a look at where the word, “person” comes from. It originates from the Latin word, “persona” which originated from the Greek word, “prosopon.”
There are said to be several stages of enlightenment.
This maybe confusing for some advaitins, who like to talk in terms of oneness, but the stages all take place beyond the mind in a state of non-duality, so the oneness is never lost. #enlightenment #Spirituality
They are simply deeper dissolutions into the Whole.
Different teachings, traditions and systems that have arisen from different mystics use different names for these stages. #enlightenment #Spirituality