2)Layers of the cerebellar cortex
My Pretty Garden(outer to inner)
3)Cells in each layer
*Outer Molecular layer- Stellate and Basket cells(+dentrites of Purkinje cells)
*Purkinje layer- Purkinje cells
*Inner Granular layer- granule and Golgi cells
4)Mossy fibers :
afferent -the various sites( cerebral cortex, pons, spinal cord, and vestibular nuclei)
Terminate on →GRANULE cells
(memory aid- Moss grows on GRound- mossy fibers to Granule cells)
synapse btw the 2 are called Glomerulus
5) Climbing fibers:
afferent axons from the INFERIOR OLIVATORY NUCLEUS of the medulla → terminate on Purkinje cells
(memory aid - CLIMB uP- climbing fibres to purkinje cell layer)
climbing, mossy and parallel fibres are excitatory( glutamate)
everything else inhibitory
ONLY EFFERENT nucleus-PURKINJE cells(memory aid- Puking out)
Output to -Deep Cerebellar Nuclei(degf)
It is inhibitory- GABA
Granule cells excite, and other cells inhibit
*Granule cells- stimulate purkinje, stellate, and basket cells
*Stellate and basket cells inhibit purkinje cells
*GolgI cells- Inhibit Granule cells
*Purkinje cells - inhibit Deep nuclei
memory aid -SEMIA(like semiya upma- South Indian Breakfast😬)
Superior -Major Efferent Pathway(to C/L cerebral cortex)
Middle and Inferior -Mostly Afferent(I/L proprioceptive info from the spinal cord)
7)Functional zones of cerebellum
*Cerebrocerebellum- lateral hemispheres(has dentate nucleus)
*Spinocerebellum- vermis and intermediate zones(contains embolifom and globose aka interposed nuclei)
*Vestibulocerebellum- flocculonodular lobe(contains fastigial nuclei)
Layers of the sole of the Foot and their nerve supply
The tibial nerve passes under the flexor retinaculum and divides into medial and lateral plantar nerves.
the lateral plantar nerve is the dominant supply.
Tricks to make nerve supply easier
All the ADDuctors, all the Interossei and all the bipinnate muscles are supplied by the Lateral plantar nerve
(along with the muscles which are obviously lateral)