1/ A type 2 #diabetes diagnosis can feel like a death sentence.
A lifetime of needles and disease management, with an increased risk of other disease, amputation, and early death?
But you don't just have to manage diabetes.
In fact, you can cure it completely.
Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 is largely a lifestyle disease - and largely preventable.
The pancreas still produces insulin, just not enough to control high blood sugar. Over time, the bloodstream is bathed in sugar and chronic disease begins.
3/ The progression is a vicious cycle:
1️⃣ The body creates insulin to handle elevated sugars.
2️⃣ Insulin directs excess sugar into fat cells
3️⃣ Fat builds up around the liver and pancreas
4️⃣ Inflammation damages the cells of the pancreas that generate insulin
4/ Our medicate-first system means millions of type 2 sufferers are put onto insulin therapy.
But this is part of the problem. It treats the symptom (high blood sugar) with band-aids (insulin).
It doesn’t address the underlying cause.
When you do that, you can reverse diabetes.
5/ Before insulin was synthesized, the primary treatment for diabetes was a low sugar diet. Go figure.
Data shows the reversal of type 2 diabetes from improved metabolic health.
A metabolically healthy diet can lead to measurable blood sugar changes in just a few weeks!
6/ For best results, your primary treatment for #Type2Diabetes should consist of:
⬇️A reduced intake of carbohydrates, especially processed
⬆️An increased exercise intensity to burn excess sugar
➡️A regulated diet of whole, real foods and low glycemic meals
7/ If you suspect you're dealing with the earliest stages of diabetes, or have a recent diagnosis and don't know where to start, I encourage getting in touch with a metabolic #HealthCoach.
"Ischemic heart disease, cancer, diabetes and hypertension are the diseases that kill us. They are epidemic in our population...
We cannot afford to temporize. We have an obligation to inform the public of the current state of knowledge and to assist the public in making the correct food choices. To do less is to avoid our responsibility."
"The problems can never be solved merely by more and more medical care."
Now the complement to this is, if you are in the 1% of most fit people, I'm saying things on my Twitter that don't apply to you, and I usually don't have a * saying *except the 1%.
So I might confuse the 1% like Ox might confuse the 99%.
Which I'm okay with because the 1% are far more likely to be metabolically healthy.
So if I confuse you a bit, it's okay, you are already listening to Ox and are dialed in on most of what matters.
1/ 71% of Americans say they’re in excellent health.
Only 12% actually are.
For millions of people, “getting healthier” is about green smoothies and viral wellness trends.
But that neglects something critically important: metabolic health.
2/ #MetabolicHealth is a measure of how your body processes and uses energy.
It tracks how well your body uses food to nourish its cells and how efficiently it stores energy for future use.
There are 5 key indicators:
1️⃣Central Obesity
3/ Researchers increasingly find correlations between lagging metabolisms and physical health, mental clarity, and emotional stress — none of which can be fixed by green smoothies or the latest wellness fad.
Poor metabolic health sets off a domino effect on our health.