⚠️⚠️⚠️ PROBLEM: Election experts keep lecturing you about how vitally important it is for Dems to flip STATE LEGISLATIVE seats blue...but there's THOUSANDS of them, and who the hell knows which seats are even competitive at that level? 1/ americabluein22.com/final-500/
🎉🎉🎉SOLUTION: I've compiled links where you can donate DIRECTLY to Dem nominees in up to 400 *COMPETITIVE* districts across 43 states in one sitting!
There's ~7,400 state legislative districts, but LA, MS, NJ & VA don't have legislative races this year, CT candidates use public finance, & some states only have half or no state Senate races this year.
Of THOSE, only around ~900 districts are considered competitive (within 7 pts). And of *those*, only around ~400 have Dems with a GOP opponent running who *also* have active ActBlue pages so they can be included.
Again, STATE LEGISLATURES have the most control over the fate of democracy, and you get a lot more bang for your buck by donating to them--a $100 donation to a state House/Senate race is often the equivalent of donating $1,000 or even $10,000 to a U.S. House/Senate race! 5/
Help Dems running in up to 50 *competitive* state legislative districts in ALABAMA, ALASKA, ARIZONA, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA & COLORADO at once here: 6/
Help Dems running in up to 50 *competitive* state legislative districts in MISSOURI, NEBRASKA, NEVADA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW MEXICO & NEW YORK at once here: 10/
Help Dems running in up to 50 *competitive* state legislative districts in OKLAHOMA, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE & TEXAS at once here: 12/
Help Dems running in up to 50 *competitive* state legislative districts in UTAH, VERMONT, WASHINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA, WISCONSIN & WYOMING at once here: 13/
This is a good overview of the state of the anti-vaxx, anti-mask, anti-LGBTQ+, book-banning "Moms for Liberty" assault on school boards here in Michigan by @TracieMaurie & @levin_koby. HOWEVER, I have a few questions re. the Bloomfield Hills section... 1/ bridgemi.com/talent-educati…
Here's the section which relates to the @bhschools school board race (10 candidates including 1 incumbent running for 4 open positions): 2/
1. First, a factual error: The M4L/GOP-affiliated @GKBTSMI PAC actually endorsed *5* BHS candidates (the 4 "slate" candidates + another candidate). 2 of the slate candidates were quietly removed a solid month after being added, followed by the other 2 a few days later.
🧵 Scores of people have called my attention to the new NBER study by @paulgp, @jwswallace and @jasonlschwartz confirming that COVID deaths have been MUCH higher among Republicans than Democrats since the moment the vaccines became widely available. 1/ acasignups.net/22/10/03/new-n…
It's worth noting that one of the stories @paulgp
linked to in his original thread a few days ago, from the NY Times last November, uses data from, well...me: 2/
I would be among those. Currently I vote absentee (dropping my ballot off at the clerk's office), but one risk of absentee/vote-by-mail is that if you made a mistake which causes the ballot to be rejected you'll likely never know it until it's too late.
Also, if you forget to sign the outer envelope it could be rejected (although I believe there's a procedure for the clerk to attempt to contact you so you can come in & verify your ballot if that happens).
One Michigan election law I've never cared for is that if you die before Election Day and have already voted, your ballot is spoiled (assuming it hasn't already been processed). That's always bothered me...if the last thing you do before you die is vote, I think it should count.
Since I'm reposting that graph, I should also post this one, which shows how the R^2 (correlation) and slope angle (steepness) of the Red/Blue divide have continued to increase over the past 18 months.
Notice how the red/blue vaccination rate divide was pretty nominal as long as it was limited to the elderly, healthcare workers & certain immunocompromised folks...but the MOMENT it became widely available to all U.S. adults, it took off like a shot (pun intended).