With less than two weeks before E-Day, here's my list of municipal candidates in Ottawa to avoid. Far right, convoy supporters, anti-LGBT, or "anti-woke"
Disclaimer: simply being a mainstream conservative isn't enough to get someone on this list.
Zone 2 – Ashley Darling
Zone 4 – Rasha Alnaqeeb
Zone 6 – Shannon Boschy
Zone 8 – Chanel Pfahl
Zone 10 – John Bitzan
Zone 11 – Maher Jebara
Zone 3 – Paul Safi
Zone 6 – Glen Armstrong
Zone 6 – Pat Suwalski
Zone 9 – Guillermo Fernandez
A couple "honourable mentions"
Matthew Lee (OCDSB Zone 11) is listed as supportable by the Campaing Life Coalition, but they prefer Jebara. I'd recommend Mamata Dutta or Ryan St. Jean.
Danny Arrais (OCSB Zone 7) was endorsed by Vote Against Woke, but no CLC endorsement (yet?)
Also, honourable mention to Rebecca Bromwich running for city council in Capital Ward. She isn't a convoy supporter, but she has made a point of supporting Stella Luna, a business that supported the convoy.
Of these, from what I understand, the most concerning (considering their odds of getting elected) are:
Ashley Darling (OCDSB Zone 2)
Chanel Pfahl (OCDSB Zone 8)
Maher Jebara (OCDSB Zone 11)
Greg Armstrong (incumbent, OCSB Zone 6)
Elections aren't won and lost on twitter, let's make sure to keep the far right off our school boards. Also, if you are looking for good candidates to support, check out @HorizonOttawa's list of endorsements.
Oh, one more honourable mention -- Cameron Bonesso (OCSB Zone 10 - including areas directly affected by the convoy) isn't far right or anti-woke, but he expressed his support for Pierre Poilievre before the coffee that PP delivered to the convoy was even cold.
Finally, as the anti-vaxxers say, "do your own research"
Ask questions of your school board and city council candidates, and if their responses are not satisfactory, let people know.
1/ 🧵
Attention #Ottawa, did you know that today, OCDSB trustee candidate Shannon Boschy will be speaking at a rally in support of "the worst school trustee in British Columbia" organized by a far right group that was recently laughed out of court?
2/ Just a warning up front, Shannon Boschy is the most vile, reprehensible human being running for school board in Ottawa so far. Not only are his views abhorrent, but he is also by all accounts a pretty terrible person, which we will have to get into.
3/ Today, OCDSB Zone 6 candidate Shannon Boschy will be speaking at the Supeme Court at a rally for embattled Chilliwack school trustree Barry Neufeld organized by Action4Canada. Other speakers include PPC leader Maxime Bernier, Campaign Life Coalition spokesperson
🧵So, since I made the post earlier today, #Ottawa school board candidate Chanel Pfahl decided to show her support for Barry Neufeld, a man known as “the worst school trustee in British Columbia” who is in town for a case tomorrow. 1/
Barry Neufeld is a long-time Chilliwack school trustee and far right demagogue who is notable for, among other things, hating LGBT people, spreading anti-semitic nonsense, calling local reporters the r-slur, and accusing Dr. Theresa Tam of being secretly transgender 2/
Sigh… I guess it's time for this post. #Ottawa, we need to talk about anti-trans convoy supporter Chanel Pfahl running in OCDSB Zone 8 and why we can't allow her anywhere near a school board seat. #Ottvote#Ottpoli#onpoli 1/
Chanel has already been reported on by CAHN, and in other twitter posts, but I’m going to go into some more detail here. antihate.ca/anti_transgend…
Anyways, Chanel recently tweeted out details about student support meetings for marginalized students in order to mock them because she’s a horrible person. Naturally, this got picked up by dog shampoo connoisseur Jonathan Kay.
🧵Let’s take a look at Ottawa Catholic School Board Zone 3, Paul Safi, and dig into what his Campaign Life Coalition endorsement really means. Did you know they have a different questionnaire for public and Catholic boards? #Ottawa#Ottvote 1/
At least for Ottawa, the CLC’s survey for the public school board consists of three questions, focused on parental notice about “controversial issues” like abortion, homosexuality and contraception.
These questions take the format of a dog-whistle, phrasing everything 2/
as a matter of parental rights. Of course, we know and they know what they are actually getting at, and CLC is clear that what they are really concerned with in terms of “controversial issues” is abortion, homosexuality, and contraception. But by phrasing it as 3/
1/ 🧵#NorthCowichan#Chemainus we need to talk about town council candidate Charles Borg. Charles Borg is an anti-vaxxer, anti-masker, member of fascist organization Veterans4Freedom, and supports notorious far right extremist Jeremy MacKenzie.
Your first hint is that here he is sharing conspiratorial content about digital ID and the CCP from far-right “news” source TNC, from his official campaign facebook page. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 2/
Charles Borg recently did a video on the Veterans4Freedom facebook page where talked a little about himself. Let’s take a look. 3/
Attention #Markham, we need to talk about YCDSB trustee candidate Luca Mele, running in Wards 1,2,3 & 6. Luca Mele is a far-right conspiracy theorist who should not be anywhere near a school board seat. 1/
Of course, your first hint is that on his campaign website, he rants about “extreme leftist woke curriculums,” but let’s dig a little deeper. 2/
Luca has run for office before, most recently with the New Blue Party, getting a little over 2% in the 2022 provincial election. New Blue is one of two far-right splinter parties in Ontario; for more information see my previous thread on Glen Armstrong: