“The soldiers were preparing dinner when the order came in for the fifth mission of the day: to strike at the Russian barracks and the river barge transporting ammunition and tanks at a distance of 40 miles from them.
Six people boarded two HIMARS, the commander entered the coordinates into a tablet computer to determine the safest place to shoot.
A few minutes later, the installations with a roar left the shelter to the launch site in the neighboring sunflower field. Within 30 seconds of their arrival, they fired seven rockets one after the other.
Before the shells reached the target, the fighters managed to return to the camp and finished their dinner.
This is how The Wall Street Journal reporters, who visited the Ukrainian unit, describe the everyday life of fighters hitting strategic Russian targets with the help /4
of HIMARS installations received from the United States
Mobile, light, maneuverable, ultra-precise, they have revolutionized the world of weapons and are now changing the course of the war in Ukraine.
During the use of HIMARS, Ukrainian defenders destroyed hundreds of Russian targets: command centers, ammunition depots, gas stations and bridges. Having interrupted the supply of advanced units, the fighters managed to stop the advance of Russian troops in the eastern Donbass
and now they are striking at the retreating Russian troops in the south.
“HIMARS are responsible for 70% of military successes on the Kherson front,” says the unit commander, Lieutenant Valentin Koval.
This day is passing – October 14, our holiday. The holiday of all defenders of Ukraine, the Feast of the Patronage of the Most Holy Mother of God. Day of the Cossacks.
I want to thank now all our people who today congratulated each other, /1
who congratulated our military, all our soldiers. I want to thank everyone who spent this day, like many others, in battle and on guard duty.
And I would like to thank everyone who today, quietly, silently, even in their hearts, /2
but together with the whole country celebrated the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, being in the temporarily occupied territory or forcibly in the territory of Russia.
Ukraine remembers everyone. We will leave no one and nothing Ukrainian to the enemies Let's liberate all ours.
The Russians are moving an additional military contingent to the occupied Severodonetsk and occupying local hospitals and social institutions. /1 novosti.dn.ua/ru/news/334347…
This was told by the head of the military administration of Severodonetsk, Alexander Stryuk, on the air of the national telethon.
“About 7-8 thousand inhabitants remain in the city. Now, according to incoming information, the contingent of invaders is slightly increasing in the city. The exercises of the mobilized are being carried out,” Stryuk said.
Not a single action of Russia in the war came as a surprise - Kirill Budanov
The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, on the air of the national telethon, said that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, /1
all the actions of the occupiers were predictable.
He also stressed that the Ukrainian army is dealing with a rather powerful enemy. But our Defenders were able to withstand and are moving forward, bringing Victory closer every day.
“Undoubtedly, the Ukrainian military is already one of the best specialists in the world. If only for the reason that this is the first fully conventional war after World War II, in which absolutely all available types of weapons are used - /3
Uppe vid Kupiansk koordinaterna fortsätter vår offensiv vidare österut liksom förstärkningen av de markområden vi tagit tillbaka. Även under dagen kommer vi att se framsteg pga att ryzzen måste dra /1
sig tillbaka för att inte hamna i små omringade fickor
I övrigt är det kraftsamling på denna front.
Donbassfronten sågar och just nu är det ryzzarna som har små framgångar, framförallt vid Pisky. Någon panik är det däremot inte.
Så till den intressanta Kherson fronten. Ryzzarna vet ju redan att vi bunkrat upp ordentligt med artilleri och det har redan skapat oro bland orcen, både militärt och civilt. /3
Russia recruited more than 15 thousand prisoners for the war
According to Olga Romanova, a human rights activist and head of the Rus Sitting organization, before the war, the number of prisoners was 520,000. /1
The Wagner PMC traveled several times to all areas of the European part of the Russian Federation, except for the enclave of the Kaliningrad region, Chechnya and Dagestan.
In some colonies, they managed to recruit 30% of the "inmates" - /2
the conditions of detention in such institutions are terrible. Prisoners believe that it is better to die in the war than to drag out such an existence.
För vår del fortsätter uppladdningen för en master offensiv före vinterns intrång. Detta gäller alla fronter och alla enheter får mera ammunition och vapen.
Dessutom distribueras combat maten och kaminerna ni alla har finansierat, bla 72;a bataljonen som har lidit av kyla och väta fick 20 kaminer idag och tackmeddelanden har klingat in på telefonen när den varit påslagen.
Kharkivfronten sydöst om Kupiansk är även idag i Ukrainskt initiativ och vi fortsätter österut.
Donbass fronten är sig lik, dvs ryska attacker och man har haft partiell framgång på några orter. Någon fara att de skulle komma igenom våra försvarslinjer finns inte.