"If you are a physician currently washing your hands before baby delivery, I am 100% sure that I disagree with you about puerperal fever policy"
"I am also 100% sure you are out of touch with the 96% of physicians who have returned to normal life"
Vinay Prasad in the tropics in 1898:
"if you are currently doing what you can to prevent mosquito bites, I am 100% sure that I disagree with you about malaria policy"
"I am also 100% sure you are out of touch with the 96% of tropics inhabitants who have returned to normal life"
If some of those analogies are unclear to you, or if you just want to know more about the history of airborne transmission (and how many people were as wrong as Vinay during history) see our recent in paper:
I just participated at a panel at the #AAAR2022 conference. All the speakers wore N95s the whole time. Everyone understood the discussion*. And this is much safer for everyone. I don't want anyone to bring COVID back home
[*At least as much as they normally understand my accent]
1/ Live Tweeting @linseymarr's talk at #AAAR2020 on Science Communication during a Global Pandemic
As part of a panel with @ProfPeteD and yours truly
2/ Linsey recounts her experience during the pandemic.
Early on it was clear to her that SARS-COV-2 was airborne. Previous studies w/ the flu, the speed of spread, and pics of Chinese health care workers (w/ full airborne prot.) were clues
1/ Comisión de @TheLancet (Revista Médica más prestigiosa) explica el FALLO TREMEBUNDO de la OMS @WHO y gobiernos (e.g. @sanidadgob) sobre TRANSMISIÓN de COVID-19
NEGAR y RESISTIRSE A ACEPTAR la transmisión importante o dominante POR EL AIRE ("Airborne")
2/ @TheLancet Comission: "Fallos múltiples incluyen retrasos costosos en aceptar la vía de transmisión crucial por el aire [transmisión aérea, "airborne"] de SARS-COV-2, y en poner en práctica medidas para reducir la transmisión del virus"
[Mi comentario: ¡esto continúa hoy!]
3/ @TheLancet Commission: "La OMS @WHO actuó con demasiada cautela y lentitud en [...] respaldar el uso generalizado de mascarillas [barbijos, tapabocas] como equipo de protección, y en reconocer la transmisión aérea del virus"
1/ From @TheLancet (most prestigious medical journal) Commission
"Multiple failures include costly delays in acknowledging the crucial airborne exposure pathway of SARS-CoV-2 & in implementing appropriate measures at to slow the spread of the virus"
2/ "@WHO acted too cautiously and too slowly on several important matters: "... to endorse the public use of face masks as protective gear, and to recognise the airborne transmission of the virus"
3/ In the uncertainty during COVID-19 outbreak, @WHO—repeatedly erred on the side of reserve rather than boldness. Initially, there were basic uncertainties [...] although over time the scientific community confirmed that considerable asymptomatic airborne transmission occurs"