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Oct 15, 2022 80 tweets 15 min read Read on X
Established #krtsk #kenhina NSFW this is 88% porn 12% plot


Hinata was acting weird. Well. Weirder than normal. Tsukishima has spent almost 3 years with the volleyball brained chibi, he thinks he can recognize when something is off. He almost feels as if he’s being watched,
But when he glances back at hinata, he’s looking the other way. He almost catches him staring a few times and narrows his eyebrows at the red tint on hinata’s ears.

‘Is there a problem?’ He asks, expecting a half gibberish reply about volleyball, but hinata just squeaks out
A no, and bounces off to talk to the first years.

‘Seriously, what is his problem.’ Tsukishima asks yamaguchi. The green haired captain just snickers, shrugging.

The rest of the practice goes the same way, with the addition of kageyama also starting to scrutinize Tsukishima,
Like he was trying to figure out what hinata was looking at. He is ready to go home as soon as practice is done, but it’s his day to clean up the gym with one of the newer first years who always seems to tangle the net and turn clean up into an ordeal. By the time they finish,
The first year realizes he was late and dashes off without changing, leaving Tsukishima to head to the club room alone. He passes yamaguchi who’s talking to yachi while they wait for Tsukishima to be ready to leave. He groans internally when he sees that hinata is the only one
Left in the club room. He jolts when he sees Tsukishima enter the room, and whips around to face the inside of his locker. Tsukishima rolls his eyes and starts to grab his things. He feels hinata shuffling around nervously behind him, sighs, and rests his forehead on his locker.
‘What?’ He just wants to get this conversation over, whatever it’s about.

‘Uh, Tsukishima. Can I ask you a question?’ He raises his eyebrows at the lack of a nickname and turns around.

‘I suppose.’

‘Um. You and kuroo-san. You’re like, together right?’ Hinata stammers out,
Refusing to make eye contact with Tsukishima.

‘Yes?’ He drawls. ‘We’ve been dating for two years, the same amount of time you’ve been dating his best friend? We’ve literally been on double dates together?’ Tsukishima is lost.

‘No right I know that.’ Tsukishima is starting
To worry hinata has a fever or a rash from how red he is. ‘I mean like. /Together/ together.’

‘I’m going to leave if you don’t spit it out, what the fuck does that even mean?’

‘Like you know!’ Hinata shouts. ‘Like. Intimately.’

Tsukishima blanches.

‘Are you trying to ask
If we’re fucking??’ He asks incredulously.

‘Crude-ishima!!’ Hinata shouts, looking around like someone was going to magically appear. ‘Nevermind!’ He goes to dart towards the door but Tsukishima steps in his way.

‘No. Absolutely not. You do not get to ask me that and then
Leave. Did a volleyball knock your brain loose??’

‘Meanie-shima, just forget it,’ hinata wails. First year Tsukishima would have immediately let hinata run away the second he saw the redheads eyes start to water, but he’s older and matured now so he just takes a deep breath.
‘Hinata. Calm down, it’s fine. I just want to know why you’re suddenly concerned with what I do behind closed doors.’ He holds his hands up in what he hopes is a placating gesture. Hinata deflates and plops onto the bench.

‘It’s just that me and kenma haven’t and I don’t know
What I’m supposed to do??’ He says, hiding his face in his hands.

‘Have you tried talking to them?’

‘Yeah but they’re just as clueless as I am! And neither one of us can ask our parents, if my mom knew I wanted to be like /that/ with kenma she wouldn’t let me visit them
Anymore. And the health classes don’t touch on like what we would do??’ Tsukishima feels his pain, and sits down next to him to offer comfort.

‘Okay, alright, so what you have like questions? I can try answering them?’ He pushes through the full body cringe at the thought of
Answering, hoping to rack up some good karma.

‘That’s the problem,’ hinata mutters. ‘I tried googling some things but I didn’t get it. I’m like, a hands on learner. And kenma, they’re a visual learner.’ He turns to face Tsukishima, face still red but determined.

‘Okay?’ He
Trails off, horror slowly spreading through him. ‘So you want my help how?’

‘Do you like. Do you think maybe we could you know? Watch?’ Hinata looses his confidence, starting the question off strong but almost whispering by the last word.

‘I. What??’ Tsukishima explodes,
Scooting away from hinata on the bench.

‘Please, Tsukishima! You’re the only one I can ask!’ Hinata pleads.

‘Hinata you can’t be serious. Why don’t you just like watch porn??’

‘I tried! But everyone was big and sweaty and it was scary!’

‘Maybe you’re not ready for sex,
Have you thought about that?’

‘Tsukishima,’ Hinata whines, tears finally starting to spill as he looks up at the blonde. ‘I know it’s weird okay? But like I promise we won’t touch you or tell anyone. I don’t know what else to do. You don’t even have to answer me today, just
Think about it please?’ Tsukishima caves and agrees to ‘think’, and tells hinata to get out of the club room so yamaguchi can finally lock up. He tells yamaguchi that yachi and him can head off without him, that he forgot he had an errand to run first. He waves off their offers
To go with them, waits for them to be out of earshot before pulling out his phone to call his boyfriend.


Kuroo yawns, stretching after a long day. He had an early lab this morning and his afternoon was spent in his campus gym, playing volleyball with his mismatched group of
Friends. He was between bokuto and kenma in the gyms locker room getting dressed when he hears his phone ring. He glances down and gasps when he sees the screen light up with his boyfriends name.

‘Oh ho ho, to what do I owe this pleasure?’ He jokes as he answers the phone,
Placing it on speakerphone and letting it rest on the bench.

‘Don’t be annoying,’ he hears Tsukishima reply.

‘Tsukki!!’ Bokuto screeches, yelling his greetings at Kuroo’s phone. He feels kenma stiffen beside him and mutter a goodbye before darting out of the room.

‘Am I on

‘Yeah but I’m just in the locker room, what’s up?’

‘Take me off speakerphone.’

‘Ooh Tsukishima how forward of you,’ he teases pulling his shirt over his head.

‘Kuroo, I’m serious.’ He pauses at the use of his last name, turning serious as he grabs the phone
Off the bench. He flips off Yaku who’s mouthing ooh you’re in trouble, and presses the phone to his ear.

‘Okay off speakerphone, what’s up babe?’

‘Is kenma with you?’

‘Uh they were a second ago, they disappeared when you called though.’ He hears Tsukishima snort.

Surprising. They probably planned this.’

‘Planned what?’ He questioned, holding the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he went to pull on his pants.

‘Hinata asked if the two of them could watch us fuck,’ Tsukishima deadpans. Kuroo looses control of his body, misses his
Pant leg and falls flat on his face, cursing as he phone goes flying.

‘I think you broke him,’ he hears Yaku say into the phone before tossing it into Kuroo’s chest. He pulls the phone back up to his ear, groaning.

‘Are you okay?’ Tsukishima asks.

‘Maybe. Forgot how to put
On pants and I think I hallucinated you saying the weirdest sentence.’

‘I wish it was a hallucination. Hinata ambushed me in the club room.’

‘And you said?’ He prompts, shuffling his pants up over his hips before he stands up to grab his bag and leave.

‘I told him I’d
Think about it.’

‘Oh?’ He pauses just outside of the door, surprised by tsukishima’s response.

‘You don’t get it tetsu, he was like crying, what was I supposed to say?’

‘Um well you could just say that you’re not comfortable with it?’

‘Yeah,’ Tsukishima trails off and
Kuroo can hear his brain running from over the phone. He’s learned now though where he can and can’t prod. He gives Tsukishima his space to gather his thoughts, humming as he keeps walking. After what feels like long enough, he strikes.

‘Are you?’

‘Am I what?’ Tsukishima

‘Uncomfortable with the thought of that?’

‘I don’t know,’ he hears the frown in tsukishima’s voice. ‘I’m not completely opposed to the idea in general, like someone watching. I don’t know about who’s asking though. But on the same hand, I feel bad for hinata. Oh god,
Don’t tell him I said that.’

‘Hey, just cause you feel bad for him doesn’t mean you have to sleep with him.’

‘Back it the fuck up, I never said I wanted a full blown foursome,’ Tsukishima hisses. ‘It would be purely educational, hands to themselves.’

‘Noted,’ Kuroo cackles.
‘But you are considering it?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe. What are your thoughts, you’d be there too.’

‘Well I’d certainly hope so. I’m not opposed, you know I’d show the whole world how good you are for me.’

‘Tetsu, shut up, I’m in public.’

‘Sorry,’ kuroo laughs, not sorry at
All. ‘Seriously though, I’m fine with it but if you don’t want to, we won’t. And at the risk of sounding like chibi-chan, think on it for a bit.’ He reassures him.

‘Ugh, fine. But while I’m thinking about it, you have to talk to kenma. Make sure they know about it and that
Hinata didn’t just volunteer them for something without discussing it first.’

‘Deal. FaceTime me when you’re home?’

‘We’ll see.’ Kuroo hangs up the phone as he steps into the apartment he shares with kenma.

‘Oh kitty cat~, you will never guess the conversation I just had.’

Tsukishima sticks to his word and after a few days of deliberation he corners hinata in the hallway before school.

‘Fine. We’re in. I know you’re going up there this next weekend, that work for you?’ Hinata jumps, dropping his bag.

‘Shhh! Someone could hear!’

What, us making plans to go see our partners? Stop being suspicious, it’s a yes or no.’ Tsukishima rolls his eyes.

‘Um, let me double check with kenma and I’ll get back with you.’


The timing works for all of them, and in what feels like a blink of an eye, it’s
Saturday night and the four of them are crowded in Kuroo’s room. The rooms in their apartment are small, but Kuroo lucked out when he was moving in and a family member was tossing their king sized bed and frame, so his room was mainly bed with a desk shoved in the corner.
They’re all wearing just tshirts and boxers, with Tsukishima and kuroo sitting towards the headboard and kenma and hinata towards the foot of the bed.

‘Sooo, come here often?’ Kuroo jokes to break the tension that is building.

‘Kuro, shut up’ Kenma replies rolling their eyes.
‘So cruel. No really, like where do you want us to start?’

‘Um I don’t know?’ Hinata offers unhelpfully. Tsukishima sighs, this is going to be a long night.

‘Okay, let’s start with this: how far have the two of you gotten?’ Tsukishima asks.

‘We just like. Kiss? Make out?’
‘And you just stop mid-make out?’ Tsukishima raises his eyebrows.

‘Yeah, like when one of us gets a you know.’

‘Hinata for fucks sake, you’re about to watch us have sex. You can say boner.’

‘Okay jerkishima! That’s when we stop! What are you supposed to do next?’

No right or wrong way to be intimate,’ kuroo cuts off Tsukishima. ‘Like I wanna preface this with just cause this is what we do this time, it’s not what we do every time or the like golden rule to sex. For starters, sex doesn’t always mean penetration. Handjobs, blowjobs, it’s
Up to what you like and what you wanna do. Sometimes, I think I would be content to get off just by grinding against Kei, it’s all subjective.’

‘It’s just like trial and error?’ Kenma asks, biting their thumbnail.

‘Yeah basically.’

‘So like when you guys are making out and
You get…boners,’ Hinata starts. ‘You just like jump into it?’

‘It’s not a race, you just go with the flow,’ Tsukishima says before taking off his glasses and moving to straddle kuroo. ‘New plan, we’re just going to start and you can see it mr visual learner.’

He leans in to
Capture Kuroo’s lips with his own, angling his head to instantly deepen the kiss. Kuroo hums encouragingly, hands coming up to settle on tsukishima’s waist.

‘Wait what if we have a question?’ Hinata shouts. Kuroo breaks away long enough to answer.

‘Just ask, you can both ask
As many questions as you want.’ He gasps slightly as Tsukishima bites down on his neck.

‘No.’ Tsukishima says, leaning his head back. ‘You can ask a maximum of three questions anytime we do something different, kenma gets unlimited questions.’

Kuroo’s hand slides up
Tsukishima’s back to thread in the hair at the back of his head before tightening and pulling just hard enough to hurt. Tsukishima moans, pupils widening as he’s directed to look back at his boyfriend.

‘Don’t think that just because I’m keeping things vanilla for them I’ll let
You get away with being a brat. Tell hinata sorry.’ He uses the hand in Tsukishima’s hair to turn him back to the pair sitting at the end of the bed.

‘Sorry,’ he gasps. He knows if it was just the two of them that apology wouldn’t cut it, but they are trying to not overwhelm
The other pair.

‘Oh um..that’s okay!’ Hinata squeaks, face back to the same tomato red it was when he first asked Tsukishima about this.

Kuroo relaxes his grip, repositioning his hand to the back of tsukishima’s neck to pull him back into a kiss. They start off slower this
Time, but it still doesn’t take long until Tsukishima is pulling on Kuroo’s shirt, grinding his rapidly hardening length against Kuroo’s.

‘Off,’ he tugs until kuroo lifts his arms out of it. He immediately attaches his mouth to the newly exposed skin, sucking bruises into
Kuroo’s collarbones.

‘Fuck, Kei.’ He grabs tsukishima’s ass, laughing as Tsukishima bites down in retaliation. ‘So, this is like where you guys stop?’

‘We would’ve stopped a few minutes ago,’ kenma replies. Tsukishima knows that they’re not doing this because the couples are
Particularly interested in the other sexually, but kenma’s analyzing gaze has him shivering. Kuroo shifts, picking Tsukishima up to lay him on his back while he hovers over him.

‘Okay well nows normally when we would start taking it further.’ He leans down to pull tsukishima’s
Shirt up and over his head. ‘Have either of you thought about like who might wanna bottom or?’

‘I don’t think we really had a preference,’ kenma shrugs.

‘That’s fine, me and Kei switch it up. Either way, this is your new best friend,’ he says grabbing two bottles of lube from
Under the pillow. ‘Brand new one just for you guys cause I’m so nice. Kei, don’t laugh. You can use it however you want, but just watch which ones you buy cause you wanna make sure it’s good with latex because your other new best friend is condoms. Safe sex is important. STIs,
UTIs, those are not your friend.’ He leans down to tongue at tsukishima’s nipple, grinning as he hears him moan.

‘Oh uh. That’s like, that’s good for flat chested people too?’ Hinata asks as Kuroo moves to the other side of tsukishima’s chest.

‘It’s the nerves that make it
Feel good, of course it does.’ Tsukishima says, throwing his head back slightly. He nods as kuroo asks if he can pull his boxers down, and hisses as the cold air in the room hits his leaking cock.

‘Lubes great for handjobs too but if you wanna also go down on them, make sure
It’s something you don’t mind the taste of. Blowjobs, gag reflexes are a bitch. Go slow, work up to taking more in your mouth. Nothings wrong with using your hand too.’ Kuroo keeps giving tips as he kisses his way down tsukishima’s body. He bites tsukishima’s thigh before
Nuzzling against the red spot. ‘Baby, your legs always get me. Wish I could spend all day here but education awaits.’

Tsukishima curses as kuroo wraps his lips around his dick, toes curling as he finally gets some relief.

‘Does he do that until you, ya know?’ Hinata asks.
‘Not usually if we’re planning on fucking, especially not when you guys start.’ Tsukishima manages to get out. ‘You’d be too sensitive to do anything else, oh fuck tetsu’ he breaks off into a moan as Kuroo’s head has dipped down to mouth at his balls.

‘Normally I like to finger
Him open as I blow him,’ kuroo states as he moves to flip Tsukishima over so he’s lying on his stomach. ‘But, for this, I figure it’s better if you can see what I’m doing.’

Tsukishima gets one second to see that kenma and hinata are both renting their own boxers, shyly leaning
On the other one before Kuroo’s hand is back in his hair, positioning him so he’s face down in the bed, ass up and angled directly towards the other two. His stomach swoops, and he feels his dick dripping precum both from being manhandled by his boyfriend and the incredibly
Exposing position.

‘You shouldn’t jump straight to dick in ass, unless the other one has already prepped themselves.’ Tsukishima hears the cap of the lube being open and hisses as kuroo drizzles some directly on him. He feels Kuroo warming some up on his hand before he feels
One of his thick fingers start to press in. He can’t hold back a whimper, loving the stretch from even one of his boyfriends fingers.

‘Did that hurt?’ Hinata asks, shuffling a bit to try and see tsukishima’s face. He turns his head so his words aren’t muffled by the blankets
Before replying.

‘It doesn’t hurt, it’s just uncomfortable until you’re used to it.’ He tries to not slur his words but he isn’t sure he’s ever been this turned on in his life.

‘Yeah and some people, Kei included can come from just this.’

‘I tried it once, by myself.’
Hinata admits, frowning. ‘I think I did it wrong, it was weird.’

‘It’s a weird angle, especially when you have short stubby arms like you do,’ Tsukishima taunts, smirking until he feels Kuroo’s other hand smack down on his ass, jerking as it makes contact. He groans as the pain
From the slap travels up his spine, turning into a sharp edged pleasure, and buries his face into the blankets again.

‘One second,’ he hears Kuroo mutter to the observers before feeling his boyfriends breath on his ear. ‘Kei, baby, don’t think for one second I won’t kick
Them out and punish you until you’re crying. We don’t forget our manners, do we?’

He shakes his head no, mind spinning from the threat, half wanting him to do just that.

‘That’s right. Be a good boy for me and let me fuck you for them?’ He kisses Tsukishima’s cheek, moving
Back to keep fingering him open. He vaguely registers kuroo explaining about the prostate, trying to will kuroo to hurry up and get his dick in him. After a brief conversation about positions, he’s finally being flipped back over and pulled down so his hips are closer to where
Kuroo is sliding on a condom and slathering his cock in lube. He lazily rolls his head to see kenma and hinata staring at him, both sets of eyes so intense he feels heat pulse through him.

‘Tetsu, m not gunna last,’ he gasps out as the head of Kuroo’s cock slips inside.
‘Fuck baby, that’s fine. Them watching you got you worked up, pretty boy?’ Tsukishima let’s out a desperate moan he will deny making once the moment is over, nodding in agreement as kuroo buries himself to the hilt inside of him. ‘If you’re planning on touching each other, now’s
The time.’ He adds, looking at the other two.

‘If shoyo touches me right now, I’ll cum,’ kenma says, noting how their words cause both the karasuno boys to shiver.

‘Can we kenma? We could both touch each other,’ kenma takes one look into hinatas wide eyes before agreeing,
Both of them sliding their own boxers down and finally connecting their lips together. They struggle to find a position that doesn’t feel awkward until Kuroo directs them, and they both gasp as their bare cocks touch for the first time. Kenma reaches down to wrap their hand
Around both of them, knowing that they were seconds away from cumming. Hinata slides his tongue into kenmas mouth and that is all it takes before they’re cumming, spilling over their fingers. Hinata is next, pushed over the edge by the extra glide kenma’s cum provided. Once they
Both catch their breath, they turn to see the other two reach their climax as well. Kuroo’s muttering filth into tsukishima’s ears, and they hear a ‘that’s it, be a good slut and come from just my cock as our friends watch you, so fucking good,’ before Tsukishima sobs, back
Arching as he cums untouched, cum smearing between them. It only takes kuroo a few more thrusts before he spills into the condom inside Tsukishima. They all lie there in silence for a few more minutes until tsukishima’s brain kicks back on.

‘Good show?’ He asks sarcastically.
‘Yeah!’ Hinata replies earnestly. ‘I mean I may still have questions but I think I get it now.’ Tsukishima groans, pushing kuroo off of him and demanding a towel.

‘You should go clean up too,’ kuroo says to kenma and hinata. ‘Dried cum is itchy, and I’ve got a pillow princess
To take care of.’ He laughs and dodges the pillow Tsukishima throws at him. They part ways, and it’s never brought up again.


Tsukishima wishes it was never brought up again.

It’s a few weeks later when hinata starts acting the same during practice, and Tsukishima takes
One second to look at him before dragging him to the storage room.

‘What now??’ He hisses.

‘Well like. You know when you and kuroo were you know, /together/?’

‘Hinata, we’re in the middle of practice. Tell me what you want in words I can understand in 30 seconds or I’m
Going home.’

‘Okay! It’s just he said he was being vanilla and seemed like he was holding back and you were super compliant and we were just wondering—‘

‘Absolutely not. Find someone else.’ Tsukishima storms out of the storage room, knowing full well that the next time they
Spent the night at their boyfriends apartment, they’d be having a conversation about bdsm and safe words and doms/subs, already feeling the headache.

(And the anticipation.)

***tenting smh not renting 🤦‍♀️

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‘Shh shush I didn’t ask for your judgement. He said try again in a year, I’m not missing my chance.’

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