I did not know this 👇
It’s still a terrible idea imho no matter who comes up with it. But certainly worth always checking for confirmation bias (which I didn’t do here!)
The @ECDC_EU sent out a brief assessment of the Ebola outbreak in Uganda this morning:
“The outbreak is still relatively limited in size (48 cases). More importantly, transmission has not been documented in densely populated areas.”
“While one death has occurred in the capital city of Kampala, it concerns an individual who fled from the affected districts and passed away in the capital. …A total of 42 contacts have been identified. No other cases have been recorded in the city.”
Risk for travellers is low says @ECDC_EU:
“Transmission requires direct contact with blood, secretions, organs, or other bodily fluids of dead or living infected persons or animals; these are all unlikely exposures for the general EU/EEA tourists or expatriates in Uganda.”
In April 1979 dozens of people died in the deadliest anthrax outbreak on record. What happened in the city of Sverdlovsk?
A new @pandemiapodcast episode on anthrax, bioweapons and the search for the truth is out.
@pandemiapodcast Anthrax is a deadly disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. The pathogen can form spores that can survive decades and usually infects and kills grazing animals. But anthrax (particularly inhalational) can also kill humans. And it has long been studied as a bioweapon.
@pandemiapodcast Pathogens are attractive for weaponisation if they are (amongst other things) dispersible as an aerosol, their production can be scaled and they are stable and deadly. “Anthrax is one of those pathogens that tops every list for those characteristics”, says @FilippaLentzos.
Die Deutsche STI-Gesellschaft (DSTIG) hat gerade ein Positionspapier zu Affenpocken (MPXV) verschickt.
Das dürfte alles niemanden überraschen, der mir oder dem @pandemiapodcast folgt, aber in Kürze die wichtigsten Puntke der DSTIG:
Affenpocken sind eine sexuell übertragbare Krankheit
“Wir sprechen immer dann von einer STI, wenn die sexuelle Übertragung des jeweiligen Erregers –in diesem Fall MPXV– für das Infektionsgeschehen relevant ist. Fast alle STI-Erreger werden nicht ausschließlich sexuell übertragen”
Eine Isolation von Patienten ist in der Regel nicht nötig:
“Bisher werden nur in seltenen Einzelfällen Infektionen über Haushaltskontakte berichtet. Eine Quarantäne von im selben Haushalt lebenden Personen ist daher obsolet.”
WHO presser starts with @drtedros giving an update on Ebola outbreak in Uganda:
"So far 63 confirmed and probably cases have been reported including 29 deaths.
10 health workers have been infected and four have died", he says.
@DrTedros "When there is a delay in detecting an Ebola outbreak, it's normal for cases to increase steadily at the beginning and then decrease as life saving interventions and outbreak control measures are implemented", says @DrTedros.
@DrTedros "Several vaccines are in various stages of development against this virus, two of which could begin clinical trials in Uganda in the coming weeks pending regulatory and ethics approvals from the Ugandan Government" says @drtedros.
„preliminary investigations identified a number of community deaths from an unknown illness in Madudu and Kiruma sub-counties of Mubende district reported in the first two weeks of September“
These are now considered probable Ebola deaths
„the outbreak was detected among individuals living around an active local gold mine. Mobility among traders of this commodity is likely to be high, and the declaration of the outbreak may cause some miners already incubating the disease to flee“
Two of my preoccupations are infectious diseases and misinformation.
Today the two intersect at a meeting in Geneva that Russia requested under Article V of the Biological Weapons Convention to air its (unsupported) claims that Ukraine has with US help been working on bioweapons
Amongst the claims Russia has put out:
hat Ukraine (with help from US) has been working to make pathogens more deadly.
They have been studying how to spread pathogens across borders using birds, for instance.
Oh and monkeypox? Engineered in Nigeria - with US help, of course.
In our latest episode of @pandemiapodcast we look at the claims of bioweapons labs in the Ukraine.
With the help of @Justin_Ling we trace how these claims spread online from a “nobody” on twitter all the way to the UN Security council.