“I am 14 and I’m struggling in algebra class. When I ask for help, the male teacher says, ‘I’m not surprised girls aren’t that good at algebra’.
I am 18 and go to my first fraternity party with girlfriends…
2. … we don’t ever say it out loud but it’s understood that we need to stick together at these parties and not get separated, for our own safety.
I’m 20 and I’m working as a hostess at the Red Lion Inn in San Jose, near the airport. …
3. Men in suits come in to eat after their meetings during the day and I see them takeoff their wedding rings before heading into the bar next to the restaurant. Every girl who works there learns quickly not to bend too far over because of the short skirts of our uniforms.
4. I’m 22 and it’s my first day on a new job. My male supervisor gets me into a room alone and I think he’s going to tell me about the job but instead he tells me about how much he likes sex and how he needs to have it every day. I get up and walk out of the room…
5. … and avoid him after that, but I don’t tell anyone because I’m one of the only women there and I don’t know what to do.
Im 24 and I’m watching Anita Hill on TV, testifying about a man who wants to be on the Supreme Court.
6. I don’t understand everything I’m watching but I understand that she’s a black woman facing down a panel of white men and she is going to lose because, at 24, I do understand who has power and who does not.
7. I’m any age in my 20s and I’m walking on the street, in a park, in a city, in a suburb, anywhere. Men tell me to smile, to wait a minute, to slow down what’s my hurry, can I ask you a question, can I stand too close to you, can I demand your space,…
8. …your time, your attention, hey where you going bitch?
I’m 25. I’m buying my first car and the salesman offers a price I know is way too high. I bring my stepdad to the showroom and the same car is now $3000 less. I smile and buy the car but inside I’m seething.
9. I am any age in my 30s and I think about where I park, where I go, whether I should get in that elevator that only has one man in it and how I should be sure not to make eye contact with men in the streets. All of this is normal to me and I don’t question any of it.
10. I’m 35. I’m buying my second car and the salesman said we should wait for my husband to get there before talking about the price but would I like to see the makeup mirror? I tell him I’m a lesbian and if he’s waiting for my husband, he’s gonna be waiting a long time…
11. … I leave, because I’m learning.
I’m 40 and a woman, Hillary Clinton, is taking a serious run at the Democratic Presidential Nomination . She’s smart, tough and qualified but she endures endless anger, viciousness and misogyny and she eventually loses in the primary…
12. Male friends tell me it’s probably for the best because there’s just something they don’t like about her, you know?
I’m 49 and a man who said he grabs women by the pussy is elected as the 45th President of the United States. The night of the election, I feel physically ill..
13. … and my 1st conscious thought is, ‘my god, the Supreme Court’. The next morning, I overhear two men laughing and congratulating each other about the election and I feel unsafe in my own country.
I am 51 and another man who stands credibly accused of sexual assault…
14. … has just been confirmed to serve on the Supreme Court. I see women on television sobbing, screaming, protesting, crying out in their anguish and their fear. I am so angry. I think of every woman I know and I am so angry.
15. I am any age, every age. I am a woman. I am a daughter. I am discounted. I am underrepresented. I am underestimated. But I am a voter. Today, that has to be enough”
I want to thank Lissie Stahlman… while she is not the Unknown Author, she is the one who shared it on FB. It struck a long buried, yet ever present chord with me (as it has with so many)… I had to share it here.
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🧵1. #ResistanceUnited #ProudBlue
PRACTICE RECKLESS OPTIMISM…as loudly and as often as you can.
The next 4 yrs may be filled with one head-snapping News story after another.
Your most often used shorthand may be “WTAF?”,
2. …your ability/desire to watch the News may become nonexistent.
There may be days when you search for the cheapest flight to “Anywhere but here”.
But… you must never give up.
Check out for a minute when you need to, but always come back.
3. Watch funny videos on TikTok or Instagram, veg out on your sofa…binging your new, favorite show. Most important of all, for your own sanity, maintain your sense of humor.
🧵1. #ResistanceUnited #ProudBlue
DON’T MISUNDERSTAND… It’s not the Nazi flag waving, confederate flag toting, Mein Kampf quoting, MAGA cult members that have me concerned and confused. I see them coming from a mile away.
2. Their undying loyalty to trump is based on hatred of the same people. Coupled with their almost pathological need to blame some outside force/person/group for their unfortunate lot in life. It’s found a home in their racist, homophobic, and misogynistic ideology.
3. They proudly wear that ideology on their sleeves like an SS armband. No, their lemmings-like devotion is obvious.
It’s the other category of Republican that has the ability to cause the most harm. They are more insidious. They look just like you and me.
🧵1. #ResistanceUnited #ProudBlue
YOU THINK YOUR GOP VOTE AND YOUR WHITE SKIN… will protect you. You cheer the speeches that tell you, tax breaks for the rich will fix YOUR problems.
Your smile and nod in agreement when you’re elected officials tell you that,
2. … even though $ has been taken out of your paycheck for years, SS and Medicare are “entitlements” and you are simply not entitled enough, to receive them. You shout “hell yeah!”, when you’re told that, in order for you to succeed the rich need to get richer.
3. As the oligarchs who control your Party play their, “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”, you continue to sit there happily awaiting the crumbs they toss your way. Oblivious to the reality that it is you, the middle class, they seek to tax into nonexistence.
🧵1. #ResistanceUnited #ProudBlue
THERE IS A HOUSE IN A SMALL N. GEORGIA TOWN…it was built by my maternal great-great grandfather. There is an historical marker in the front yard because this house, has a storied past.
2. As a child, this house was revered by my elders as a monument to my family’s history.
As a child, I remember being told its story by my grandmother, I remember taking the journey with her to see the house and read the marker.
I remember,
3. … being shown the grease stained kitchen ceiling, above which the meats, silverware, and other valuables were hidden…to no avail.
I remember, in the telling of the story, Gen. Grant was described as a “gentleman” and even “respectful…for a Yankee”.