Ensuring that all of the world’s youth have at least basic skills is a prime development goal by itself,
but reaching such a goal also has immense importance for inclusive & sustainable world development.
See @UN‘s @SDGoals #4: ensure quality education for all 2/10
This paper addresses 2 intertwined questions:
1⃣How far is the world away from ensuring that every child obtains the basic skills needed to be internationally competitive?
2⃣What would accomplishing this mean for world development?
[ungated version: sites.google.com/view/woessmann…] 3/10
Based on the micro data of international & regional achievement tests,
we develop a new method to map achievement onto a common scale.
We then estimate the share of children not achieving basic skills for 159 countries that cover 98% of world population & 99% of world GDP. 4/10
Available skill data at 5 layers of decreasing reliability
3⃣regional tests: TERCE, SACMEQ, PASEC
4⃣sub-territorial PISA participation (India & China)
5⃣no international participation
Method to depict skills on a common global scale
1⃣Define basic skills: PISA Level 1
2⃣Transform other achievement tests onto PISA scale
3⃣India & China on a global scale
4⃣Impute achievement in countries w/o int’l test participation
5⃣Skill levels of children not in school
👉6 stylized facts on world distribution of basic skills:
1⃣At least ⅔ of the world’s youth do not obtain basic skills.
2⃣Share of children not reaching basic skills exceeds half in 101 countries & rises above 90% in 36 of these countries. 7/10
3⃣Even in high-income countries, ¼ of children lacks basic skills.
4⃣Skill deficits reach 94% in Sub-Saharan Africa & 89% in South Asia but also hit 68% in Middle East/North Africa & 65% in Latin America. 8/10
5⃣Skill gaps most apparent for ⅓ of global youth not attending secondary school, but fully 62% of world’s secondary-school STUDENTS fail to reach basic skills.
6⃣½ of world’s youth live in 35 countries that fail to participate in int’l tests, lack reliable information. 9/10
We use skill measures to quantify economic gains from every child achieving at least basic skills:
Present value of lost world economic output due to missing goal of global universal basic skills amounts to
> $700 trillion over remaining century or
11% of discounted GDP. 10/10
Rising US inequality raises concerns about potentially widening gaps in educational achievement between children raised within families of high + low socio-economic status (SES). 2/5
We use all tests that are psychometrically linked over time: LTT-NAEP, Main-NAEP, TIMSS + PISA.
Using individual data for over 1.5 million students, we construct an index of SES based on parental education + home possessions for 93 separate test-subject-age-year observations. 3/5
Paper shows that electorate’s preferences for using tuition to finance higher education🧑🎓strongly depend on design of payment scheme.
Deferred income-contingent scheme (🇦🇺🏴🇳🇿): payments are due only after graduation and must be paid only if income exceeds certain threshold.
Income-contingent financing has attractive efficiency & equity properties. @dynarski
Optimal dynamic tax theory: income contingency provides incentives for human capital accumulation while insuring against income risk. @S_Stantcheva@SebastianFind@Dominik__Sachs
“Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap?
Representative Evidence from Adults and Adolescents”
w/ P. @lergetporer & K. Werner