Ludger Woessmann Profile picture
Professor of Economics, @LMU_Muenchen; Director, ifo Center for the Economics of Education, @ifo_Institut
May 13 10 tweets 3 min read
📢Neue ifo-Studie:

Ungleiche Bildungschancen:
Ein Blick in die Bundesländer

Starke Ungleichheit der Bildungschancen von Kindern mit verschiedenen familiären Hintergründen in ALLEN🇩🇪Bundesländern, aber auch deutliche Unterschiede.

Image Wir vergleichen die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Gymnasialbesuchs für

Kinder mit niedrigerem Hintergrund (weder Elternteil mit Abitur🧑‍🎓noch oberes Viertel der HH-Einkommen💰) mit der für

Kinder mit höherem Hintergrund (mind. ein Elternteil Abitur u/o oberes Einkommensviertel)
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Oct 17, 2022 15 tweets 25 min read
🚨At least ⅔ ‼️ of the world’s youth do not reach even basic skill levels

That’s the bottom line of our new paper:

“Global Universal Basic Skills:
Current Deficits and Implications for World Development”
w/ @sarages & @EricHanushek

Out @ NBER:
A🧵1/10 Ensuring that all of the world’s youth have at least basic skills is a prime development goal by itself,

but reaching such a goal also has immense importance for inclusive & sustainable world development.

See @UN‘s @SDGoals #4: ensure quality education for all 2/10
Oct 10, 2022 9 tweets 16 min read
📢Paper out in @EFPJournal

“Long-run Trends in the U.S. SES-Achievement Gap”
w/ @EricHanushek @jlight_ @Paul_E_Peterson+L. Talpey

👉Against current conventional wisdom, we find that the SES-achievement gap has FALLEN modestly over past 4 decades.…
A🧵1/5 Rising US inequality raises concerns about potentially widening gaps in educational achievement between children raised within families of high + low socio-economic status (SES).
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Jan 18, 2022 9 tweets 12 min read
📢New WP🚨
“Income Contingency and the Electorate’s Support for Tuition”
w/ Philipp @lergetporer

👉Experimentally replacing regular upfront by deferred income-contingent payments increases public support for tuition by 18 (!) perc. points.

A 🧵
👇… Image Paper shows that electorate’s preferences for using tuition to finance higher education🧑‍🎓strongly depend on design of payment scheme.
Deferred income-contingent scheme (🇦🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇳🇿): payments are due only after graduation and must be paid only if income exceeds certain threshold.
Mar 16, 2021 8 tweets 10 min read
Just accepted at @EconomicaLSE:

“Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap?
Representative Evidence from Adults and Adolescents”
w/ P. @lergetporer & K. Werner

A thread (1/6)

(Spoiler: it’s “no”)… Image In our representative German survey, 74% of university graduates, but only 36% of those w/o a univ degree favor a univ degree for their children.

Similarly, aspiration gap of 24 pp. between adolescents w/ and w/o univ-educated parents. (2/6) ImageImage