Last week I posted a thread on how to organise advocacy events in BXL. Today I am posting a list of my favourite venues. These are the best places to organise your advocacy event.
Let start with my favourite place. Stanhope Hotel. Located only a couple of meters away from Plux. It is a bit high end. You can go both small -in their Thea Room- or big -in their Balmoral conference room. I used Stanhope mainly for intimate events.
The Thon Hotel actually owns Stanhope, while also having great event facilities by themselves. The location is great, even though its not the place to have intimate events. Its more for seminars and workshops.
I will post now two venues by Edificio, the group that owns a couple of Iconic Venues in Brussels. The first is Concert Noble. Indeed is one of the most beautiful venues in Brussels. Its splendour always adds greatness to your event.
Also from Edificio, comes The Solvay Library. An Icononic location right next to the European Parliament.
In all fairness the best place to organise an event is in the European Parliament. I might do an extra thread on how to do this. For one you need an MEP to be your host. For now its important to know that the EP has great facilities and in terms of location it is the best
An insider tip is that the Flemish Parliament also rents out its spaces. I think they are cool. Its not right at the bubble but still not so far.
The Museum of Natural Sciences also rents out spaces. The cool thing is that you get to organise something in the midst of skeletons of dinasaurs.
If money is no object and if you want to go for a big event,
you can always knock yourself out and organise something at
-The Square
-Tours and Taxis
Bonus: If you are pressed for budget you can also organise your event for no cost at
Regional Representations
Comite of the Regions / EESC
International Organisations
HOWEVER your event needs to be aligned with their priorities.
That's a wrap!
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Na het val van het kabinet heerst er zo veel chaos en moeten partijen, ambtenaren, lobbyisten en journalisten aan de bak.
In deze 🧵 een overzicht van ALLES wat je moet weten over de verkiezingen en hoe je jezelf hierop voorbereid.
Laten we beginnen met de tijdlijn van algemene verkiezingsproces. Ten eerste de verkiezingen zijn op 22 November. Even hing nog de datum van 15 november in de lucht. We kunnen lang en breed praten of dit een handige datum is: Deal with it.
Partijen hebben tot en met 28 augustus om hun partij aan te melden bij de Kiesraad en tot 9 oktober om hun kandidaten aan te melden. Voorlopig lijkt dit alleen een dingetje voor Omtzigt.
De coalitie heeft afgesproken om het klimaatbeleid te richten op een opgave van circa 60% reductie. Met deze brief presenteert het kabinet een aanvullend pakket aan maatregelen om de kansen te vergroten dat dit ook echt gehaald wordt.
KLIMAATBELEIDRECHTVAARDIGHEID is the name of the game. Het kabinet wil met dit beleid niet alleen vervuilers laten betalen, maar ook ervoor zorgen dat de klimaattransitie werkt voor iedereen en dan met name kwetsbare groepen.
Yesterday the Swedish Government published its Presidency Program. I stayed up till late reading it so you don't have to :-)
I skipped all the gibberish and focused on CONCRETE efforts
Scroll down to see my main take-aways of the Swedish Presidency Program by POLICY AREA.
[GENERAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL] The Presidency will take the Council’s work on the Article 7 procedures forward "in a constructive spirit.". This means Hungary and Poland are not of the hook yet.
[GENERAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL] The Presidency will follow up on the European Council’s decision to grant candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova and to offer a European perspective to Georgia. Very little wording on the Balkans.
🇳🇱 De Europese Verkiezingen komen eraan! Ik zal dit de komende anderhalf jaar nauw in de gaten houden. De @BoerBurgerB kondigde aan om mee te doen met te verkiezingen en presenteerde haar visie.
Centraal in de EUvisie van BBB is het concept Europees Noaberschap. Noaberschap staat voor een sociale verhouding waarbij buren elkaar met raad en daad bijstaan indien dat nodig is. Daarmee is BBB in weze vóór Europees samenwerking maar dan zonder verlies van NLmsoevereiniteit.
BBB gelooft in vrijwillige en hechte samenwerkingsverband van soevereine Europese landen die kiezen om schouder aan schouder te staan. Het fundament van Europa is volgens BBB gebouwd op christendemocratische en sociaaldemocratische waarden,
At the Superlobby Community we curate all the jobs in public policy, public affairs and politics. Last week I also posted them in twitter and it seemed it was appreciated. So here goed again.
All the jobs in the political arena that caught my eye.
The Party of European Socialists is looking for an economic & financial policy intern in Brussels.
Well there are many ways. Some I have tried and tested, others I have seen done, and then some are theoretical. But in case you need to stop EU legislation. Here some ideas.
Influence the outcome of an impact assessment so outcome is to your liking. This required to be very early in the proces and to have your homework done. Or you need to influence the research question. Also a Commissionair needs to sign off on starting an impact assessment.
Lobby for political discontinuity at the start of a new European Commission. The EC reviews proposals of the previous. EC. It then decides whether to pursue or stop these proposals. Invention by Juncker. but Von der Leyen didn't apply it. Lets see what happens in 2024.