Nov 2019 a document appears called "Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth", authored by multiple orgs, prepared by Dentons:"the biggest law firm in the world when it merged with Dacheng in China & McKenna Long & Aldridge in US to create a behemoth" 1/
The document was reported by legal blog Roll On Friday
"Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth advises campaigners to be secretive about the changes they are lobbying to put into law". We see you #Mermaids, @lgbtys@ScotGovFM 2/…
& Spectator "Based on contributions of trans groups from around the world (incl. 2 in UK, 1 of which is not named), it collects & shares 'best practice' in 'lobbying' to change the law so that parents no longer have say on their child’s legal gender" 3/…
So the world's biggest (US & Chinese-based?) legal firm laying out how the sausages are made, how stealthy lobbying for increased trans rights should be undertaken, tagged on to other legislation, in the name of human rights. Read the report yourself : 4/…
We have to admire them for their sizeable cajones (however they identify) for showing us how they have got this far, how legislation has been successful (they weren't expecting @ForWomenScot to poke a stick in their spokes though 😈), like "using a veil of protection" or 5/
targeting youth politicians as they will be "on the right side of history".
Perhaps not the ones expressing a desire to "beat the f*** out of terfs" though, eh, Cameron? Or 6/…
to Carpe Diem, latching yourself on to any public moods, or a passing misogynist wave which tries (& fails) to claim UK women are turning into right-wing evangelical fascists, demanding to see the genitals of anyone in the ladies lav. Or rape crisis centres. Aye, right. 7/
And yet...only today an article was produced that took all the batshit misogyny currently wafting around, mixed it up with eye of SNP newt, tongue of Green Party member, sprinkled with rainbow glitter and launched in to the world. 8/
It's almost like this article was written by someone who has read the "Denton's Report", who has learned from it & as tried implement the credo. How dare women express concern about males in rape crisis centres, female toilets and prisons? The bloody terfy witches! Burn them! 9/
So we ask @opendemocracy & author @adamramsay if they're following the Denton guidance? Who Open Democracy is funded by. Simple question. Straight forward. Show your cards (because we can see them anyway, you might as be honest about your lobbying & bias).
Signed, The Women
An interesting addendum, some context on one of the people quoted in this Denton-type document (another young politician on the right side of history? This is working out well)
"Judges have been warned that it is “extremely inappropriate” to refer to male rapists who say they identify as women by their preferred pronouns." 1/…
The guidance from the Judicial Office comes amid growing outrage among campaigners over transgender defendants who are biologically male and have committed sex attacks against women being referred to as “she” in court. 2/
Judges have also been told that they must avoid addressing defendants as the opposite sex in cases involving violent offences such as domestic violence. 3/
Oh we know that the rewriting of Surgeon's history is underway for her memoirs but really, such blatant lies? The 'feminist to her fingertips' is the queen of self-delusion. On Sunday it will be 2 years to the day that her beloved Gender Recognition 1/…
Reform Bill passed & she claims there was no "massive public opposition". Yeah, because ignorance of this blasted legislation (now blocked) explains how it got so far, along with an appalling lack of scrutiny. We know because for 18 months before the Bill hit Holyrood we had 2/
stalls on Scottish streets and the public had no idea that @scotgov were bringing in legislation to allow any male over 16 to acquire a certificate to say he was a female, ANY male. There can't be opposition if no-one knows how batshit your plans are. And the inevitable claim 3/
"Children distressed about their gender are pushed onto the Sandyford clinic in Glasgow because the rest of the health service finds their care too hard to handle, a leading NHS manager said" 1/…
Rhoda MacLeod, head of adult services for the Sandyford sexual health clinic, told MSPs that as soon as a child began questioning their gender “everybody goes, ‘Oh, I can’t deal with this. They need to go to the gender service’”.
She described the care of such young patients being dumped on the “too-hard-to-deal-with pile”. MacLeod noted other Scottish health boards had not taken steps to open their own clinics for children with gender issues adding it is “plainly obvious, why not”.
Sandy Brindley's the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland & on GMS today she said agreed that a female survivor asking for support by rape crisis should be able to specifiy she gets female support (at 2 hours 17mins) & said this was the case across all centres 1/…
Which may come as a surprise to women paying attention to what has been going on in Scotland in relation to gender identity and what appears to be a blind acceptance in @scotgov-funded charities that if a male calls himself a woman he must be treated as a woman 2/
Sandy's been at the forefront of this push &, even if her hands are technically clean of the decision to recruit a male as CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis (a male that counsels female survivors & doesn't tell them he's male), we know that the ideology of "Transwomen are women" 2/
2nd article in days about LGBT Youth Scotland in Scottish schools. You need to be asking who is wielding influence in *your* child's school. "My daughter was ‘radicalised’ by Scottish LGBT club in school" 1/
#DefundLGBTYS #EducationNotIndoctrination…
Mother forced to pull child out of state school after uncovering ‘cult-like’ materials shared between members.
Holly* was drawn to her local school’s LGBT “allies” club by her fascination with flags.
When she began attending classes in March 2021, after her school in East Lothian, reopened from lockdown, she found noticeboards and classrooms plastered with Pride and trans colours. Teachers even displayed their pronouns on rainbow-coloured signs on their classroom doors.
Is there any other lobbying group in Scotland allowed such easy access to our children, schools & curriculum as LGBT Youth Scotland (& TIE), to imprint their ideology on prepubescent minds. If you're not furious, you don't understand what's happening 1/…
Scottish primary schools are appointing children as “LGBT champions” and are being urged to ask pupils as young as four if they are gay, lesbian or trans, The Telegraph can reveal. 2/
Documents show that schools are setting up LGBT clubs and “gender and sexual orientation alliance groups” for pupils as part of their membership of a scheme run by the charity LGBT Youth Scotland.