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Oct 18 75 tweets 14 min read
Day 17 of #Xiantober: Witch!Xian

For best experience, listen to Witch Woods -

"You're joking right?" Jin Zixuan deadpanned, his pale golden eyes narrowing in on the pair.

Su She raised a brow, "Why? Scared?"

Anger flared in the young heir and he went
to speak before a gentle voice spoke up. "We will go in with you."

Jin Zixuan spun around, his long ponytail smacking Su She in the face with the force, earning him a glare.

"Er-ge, I don't think that's necessary. No one needs to go in." Jin Guangyao, who had been standing
casually to the side, not joining in on the pestering of his half brother, but certainly not stopping it, finally spoke up.

"Oh, now you try to speak up?" Jin Zixuan huffed.

"A-Yao, what kind of men would we be if we let Jin-Gongzi enter alone?"

"It's supposed to be a test
of courage." Su She grumbled, barely containing a glare.

Lan Wangji slipped his hands into his jacket pockets, glancing towards the towering trees. He and his brother practically glowed in the moonlight, the whites of their outfit shimmering under the silver light.

A pristine
white, knee length jacket, a light blue button up shirt, and white slacks all accompanied by white shoes and their signature Lan ribbon.

Lan Xichen was dressed just slightly more casually than his younger brother. His slacks were replaced with pale jeans.

Given their
appearance and the air the Twin Jades of Lan gave off, no one would really question the fact that they were only in their late teens and early twenties, the same as the other three men.

"Well, we can test our courage as well." Xichen said pleasantly.

"What is so courageous
about these woods?" Wangji asked calmly, and everyone in attendance turned to face him.

"Wangji," Lan Xichen looked at him surprised. "Have you not heard of the Witch Woods?"

"Only that we are not to enter it."

"That isn't a Lan rule." Su She rolled his eyes.

"No, but
shufu told us never to enter them."

Lan Xichen nodded, resting his hand gently on the blade at his hip. "The Witch Wood is where they say creatures of magic live. I've been told that on nights like tonight, when the full moon is at its peak, the creatures magic is heightened."
He explained to his brother before looking towards the wood.

"The creatures of magic have a strong distaste for cultivators like us, so we tend to avoid one another and going into their homeland could be seen as an attack."

"And you were forcing Jin Zixuan to go into a creature
infested forest alone, as a test of courage?" Lan Wangji looked towards the two, and Jin Guangyao simply raised his hands in a surrendering manner.

"I was simply standing here."

Lan Wangji went to comment, but his brother held up a hand and smiled. "With the three of us,
it should be fine. How far do we need to go?"

Su She glanced towards Jin Guangyao, a small frown on his lips but he looked back to the three. "Mm, about half a mile in?"

"Understood." Lan Xichen looked to his brother and then to Jin Zixuan. "Sounds doable?"

"Yes." Lan Wangji
answered simply and Jin Zixuan nodded as well.

Once they headed in, Jin Zixuan shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets, the bright yellow hoodie and faded, ripped jeans were almost as blinding in the night as the Lan Uniform.

"You two didn't need to come in." Jin Zixuan
finally said once they were away from earshot. He appreciated them supporting him, but he felt bad they were dragged into the situation as well.

"Nonsense." Lan Xichen said gently. "These woods are dangerous. And the fact that you were about to enter alone would not have sat
well with me. I apologize for intruding, but Su She really seems to want to put you in dangerous situations."

"And you allow him to." Lan Wangji added

"As the heir to my sect I cannot allow him to doubt my strength."

The woods around them were dense, foliage and branches
were at every turn so it made traveling forward difficult. Even worse was the darkening sky. Tonight was a full moon, so some light should still be provided as they make their way forward, yet no light filters through the trees.

The further in they go, the more uneasy they
begin to feel. Every step they take feels like it is being watched by hundreds of eyes. A low hanging fog also begins to settle along their path, and they almost trip more than once.

Then they reach their mark, roughly half a mile into the woods, darkness and eyes surround them.
Birds and other creatures hide in the trees, watching their every breath.

The air around them feels thick, dense with magic that crackles over their skin like static, making the hairs on their neck stand on end.

"This should be far enough, let's-"

A piercing scream fills
the air. The watching birds scatter, screeching, cawing as they fly away.

"What the hell was that?" Jin Zixuan looks around, eyes wide.

"Sounded like a woman in trouble." Lan Xichen spoke quietly, concern laced in his voice as he tried to determine where the sound was from.
Without question, the three took off running, hoping to help whatever poor damsel in distress that was unfortunate enough to be in these woods on a full moon.

However, the further in they ran, more sounds began to reach their ears. Drums. Thundering, beating with rhythm that
sounded both chaotic and ominous.

Then another scream, the voice was the same, but this time, it was followed by laughter, and it sounded much closer.

Other voices began to echo around them as well, other instruments began to join the music, and suddenly a light was seen up
ahead, shadows moving wildly in time with the rhythm.

Then the three broke through the tree line, coming to a large clearing with a massive bonfire in the center.

The three young cultivators came face to face with some of the most beautiful people they had ever seen.

A young
man with long black hair, dressed with a satin robe that hung open, draped off of his shoulders and resting on his forearms in varying hues of purple watched them with a quirked brow. He had sheer purple fabric crossed over his chest with glittering drops hanging from the shirt.
His long black hair was pulled back into a braid, laced with flowers and leaves that were meticulously placed, a circlet resting on his forehead raised slightly when his brow did.

His lower half was dressed in a pair of high waisted harem pants that hung loose around his legs
before gripping at his ankles. They were opaque until about the mid thigh and then the fabric became very sheer. Golden bracelets and ears adored his wrists, ankles and accented his pointed ears.

Then there was a beautiful young man with a surprised expression and silver eyes
that were reflecting the moon and stars all at once. His own long black hair was held in a ponytail resting over his shoulder, tied together with a red ribbon. He was dressed in even less clothes than the first. A pair of tight black denim shorts hugged his thin hips and the
swell of his ass perfectly, the edges fraying just lightly. A black silk choker hung at his neck which connected columns of beads that dripped down over his beautifully carved chest before rounding around his back.

His perfectly toned abs on full display under the warm glow of
the fire and a gray and red sash wrapped around his waist, housing the shimmering silver coins that hung off his hips, jingling with every slight movement. Atop his head was a large, pointy hat with silver stars hanging from the brim and a red silk ribbon wrapped around the base.
But probably the most peculiar thing about this boy, was the pretty girl in his hands, held over his head with ease.

Just like the other two, she was beautiful, dressed in pretty shades of lavender and pink with a veil resting gracefully over her nose and lips. Flowers
adorning her flowing black hair. She rested limply in the male's hold, one knee bent giving her a graceful silhouette, but her eyes were focused on the three men who had just barged into the clearing, swords drawn.

Much like the two men, she was dressed in elegant but
revealing clothes; the satin dress that clung perfectly to her form revealed patches of skin along her sides where the dress opened up. There were two large suits running up the length of her legs, stopping just by her hip bone. The silky fabric fell between her legs, but both
legs were left fully up to the view of the strangers. A sheer shawl hung loosely around her arms, pale pink with pretty flowers woven into the fabric.

Jin Zixuan glanced at the lovely maiden, their eyes met and his heart jumped to his throat. His gaze flicked to the man holding
her up, then to the fire, and without much thought, he rushed forward, prepared to save the lovely lady from the flames.

Silver eyes widened before he quickly mumbled something and tossed the girl with the same breath.

Steel collided with skin, but what should have been a
clean stab, was nothing more than an awkward poke as the once magnificent blade wobbled and bent like rubber, bringing Jin Zixuan far too close to the man, who's eyes curved into amused crescents and his lips carved out a taunting smirk. "Hi there~"

He stumbled back a few paces,
eyes wide as he glanced down as his now limp blade. His eyes flicked towards the girl, who had landed gracefully a few feet away, flowers blooming all around her feet as she watched with a delighted expression, and then towards the other male in purple who snickered behind his

The man in black tilted his head, his smirk was even more taunting now. "That seems like a personal problem, you've got there~"

The male in purple turned to hide his laughter and Zin Zixuan's cheeks flared a deep crimson when he realized what the witch was implying, but
before he could react, the pretty lady stepped between them, her hand resting sweetly on the witch's shoulder. "Now, now, A-Xian~ be nice to our guests. I think he was trying to save me." She cast the young heir a glittering gaze before she dropped her hand to her side and strode
back over to the other male, flowers blooming with every step she took.

Zin Zixuan was frozen in place, her gaze had sent shivers down his spine, paralyzing him. He had never seen someone so stunningly beautiful before. Ethereal and breathtaking. But he wasn't the only one
affected by the beauties in front of them.

Not more than a few paces behind him, the Twin Jades were equally awestruck. Lan Xichen's gaze was glued to the male in purple. His eyes drinking in every inch of him. All the while Lan Wangji felt himself mesmerized by the one called
'A-Xian'. His golden gaze was fixated. A feeling of want and desire washed over him like he had never felt before, his fingers itching to touch the smooth, tan skin on his sides, to feel him close.

"I don't recall inviting human boys to tonight's celebration." Said the man in
purple, his tone haughty and arrogant, but the girl at his side giggled.

"A-Cheng~ be nice. They probably got lost." After all, humans never came here. "Isn't that right, boys? In the forest at night, the full moon on the rise, darkness filled with eyes... no human would dare
enter these woods without proper reason. And I bet my scream startled them. Worried some poor thing was being gobbled up by beasts."

Her voice was soft and gentle and though she started out kind and assuring, the last snip of her voice showed she was no helpless damsel.
"We meant no ill-will" Lan Xichen finally breaks free of his daze to speak. "We apologize for intruding."

The jingle of coins caught their attention as the witch popped his hip. "Entering our forest, interrupting our celebration, and trying to stab me no less." He grinned even
more and tipped his head, eyes shimmering with mirth. Magic seeped from the air around him and he raised his hands, the music around them began again. Drums, percussion, strings...

Wild and upbeat, and suddenly the three realized just how many others surrounded them. Fairies,
lycans, shifters, creatures of all kinds.

Three quickly became three or four dozen. Creatures of all kinds littered themselves along the tree line and in the clearing.

The Witch began to sway his hips in time with the drums, each movement brought a sweet sound of twinkling to
their ears. "But since you're here, boys-" He raised his hands over his head and Lan Wangji drank in every movement like a starved man. "Join us as we celebrate the full moon."

There were cheers all around them and the three boys exchanged glances, unsure if this was a trap or
a genuine invite.

"But if you're going to stay, you better be prepared." The man in purple snapped, eyes narrowing slightly and the witch laughed.

"Jiang Chang~" then his eyes found the golden gaze that was glued to him and he grinned, rolling his body slowly and enjoying the
way Lan Wangji's gaze followed all the way down to his bare feet.

Then he stepped forward, toes brushing the front of Lan Wangji's shoes. "Beware city boy, white shoes get dirty. And these woods don't show no mercy." His voice was teasing, taunting, claiming that the boys could
not handle it in these woods.

Lan Wangji stood proud, molten glaze blazing as he kept silent, doing his best to prove he could handle being here. With him.

Wei Ying's eyes shimmered and he spun around, back pressed to Lan Wangji's chest as he dropped down with the music and
rose again, the swell of his ass brushing against all the right places. He wanted to reach out and grab him by the hips and grind against him. The music felt infection, his mind foggy with the desire to take and claim.

Before he could grab him though, the witch stepped away
from his hold, winking over his shoulder at him. "Step up, city boy, make sure you're ready. It's gonna get wild and hairy~" His voice was still taunting, wanting Lan Wangji to prove him wrong.

The woman was the next to speak up, sauntering close to Jin Zixuan, her hand raising
to rest on his chest, the nymphs eyes shimmered warmly in the moonlight, but it was clear she was just as dangerous as the two men. "If you like innocent Barbie's more-"

"Better hit the road boy, go buy it in the store." Jiang Chang said sharply, suddenly beside him and he
snapped his hips hitting against the young heir and sending him stumbling back into Lan Xichen, who managed to catch him easily and steady him.

"A-Chang~" She giggled, giving her brother a scolding stare.

He only huffed and crossed his arms defiantly.

Wei Ying laughed,
twirling out of Lan Wangji's hold as he tried to reach for him, somehow twirling around him so Lan Wangji was now with his back to the fire. Wei Ying stepped close, fingers resting on Lan Wangji's abdomen before slowly trailing upwards, hand resting on his chest over his
thundering heart. "I'm Wei Ying." He whispered quietly to him before the field echoed as the other creatures spoke, overriding Lan Wangji's quiet "I'm Lan Zhan."

"Full moon's on the rise!"

All eyes turned towards the sky and Wei Ying grinned "We'll burn you up in a bonfire~"
a light shove and Lan Zhan stepped back, feeling the heat of the flames against his back.

Wei Ying grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and yanked him forward away from the bonfire, body pressed flushed to Lan Wangji's and he delighted in the red hue that flooded the tips of
the cultivators ears.

Soft lips brushed against Lan Zhan's ear, igniting sparks in his body as hands trailed slowly up his chest again. "It's a sinful night, your soul will touch the sky." His voice was as smooth as the silk around his neck and just as Lan Zhan was about to
finally settle his hands on his hips, Wei Ying pulled away again, just out of reach.

"We'll put our magic spell on you!" He threw his hands into the air, the sky exploding in an array of colors as the creatures around them cheered, the music thrumming even more wildly than

Before they had too much time to contemplate if this was a threat, if they were just being taunted, or if they were actually safe, Jin Zixuan's hands were grabbed, soft, petal like skin brushing over his as the pretty lady pulled him away from the group, easily stepping
close to him and swaying in time with the thundering music around them, her pretty olive eyes holding his gaze with a soft smile hidden under her veil.

Her arms circled around his neck and drew him close, clearly flustering the young heir who had no idea where to put his hands
without touching skin. But she leaned up and whispered softly to him, "My name is Jiang Yanli, it's nice to meet you." and he relaxed slightly, hands finally resting on her hips as he let her guide her along to the wild beat he did not recognize.

Jiang Chang watched them with a
scowl for a moment before he stepped forward and grabbed the elder Lan, who's eyes had been wandering back to him since he first saw him. "If you're gonna look at me so hungrily, you better be prepared to follow through."

He said firmly, easily pressing his back against to Lan
Xichen's chest, rolling his body back against him in a way that short circuited the First Jade's brain, his hands instantly wrapping around Jiang Chang, resting on the front of his hips, fingers pressing dangerously close to his groin, earning a soft gasp from the young nymph.
"Jiang Cheng... such a nice name." Lan Xichen breathed against his neck, delighting in the way flowers bloomed nearby.

"Call me Wanyin, and you?"

"Lan Huan."

Unlike his childhood friends who had taken the initiative, Wei Ying was one who was caught. Lan Zhan had caught him by
the hips and pulled him close, earning a soft groan before he easily grinned, peeking out under the brim of his hat. "You caught me~"


"And what do you plan to do with this little 'ol witch that you caught?" He asked playfully as they began to move to the music.
Given Lan Zhan's stoic expressions, Wei Ying was surprised that he was so good at dancing to such unsophisticated music. He allowed himself to be guided along with the music he knew and loved. Lan Zhan was a fast learner.

"What does Wei Ying want me to do with him?" His voice
was low and instinctively Wei Ying pressed his hips close to Lan Zhan's. A shiver coursed its way through his veins and he bit his lip.

"Fuck.. so much." He tipped his head, a soft noise escaping him when he felt lips over his, another groan leaving him as he wrapped his arms
around him and pulled him closer.

If they slipped off into the woods to find out what exactly 'so much' entailed, well, they weren't the only ones.

But all nights come to an end, the moon began to disappear, letting the sun bring a new day. As the first rays of the morning
began to peek up over the tree line, the three cultivators were being led back to the way they came, each had their fingers laced, chatting happily as they made their way through the thick underbrush.

"Will we see you three again?" Xichen asked lightly, his arm wrapping around
Jiang Chang's waist, pulling him close as they walked.

"That depends on you three." Wei Ying said, squeezing Lan Zhan's hand. "You three are welcomed in our woods whenever you want, but we can't leave the woods."

Lan Zhan frowned, not liking that he was restricted to the
forest. But he wasn't given much time to think about it as their respective lovers pulled away from them, gaining concerned looks from their partners.

They were about to ask what was wrong when the three looked back to the boys with amusement in their eyes.
"Catch us if you can."

"Catch yo-" Jin Zixuan was about to ask, but all three took off sprinting.

"Ah..." Lan Wangji frowned, glancing at his brother who nodded as if giving him permission, and they all chased after them. Their laughter could be heard echoing through the trees,
the sound of leaves rustling softly in the morning breeze.

It wasn't long until they lost sight of the three, and before they knew it, they were bursting out of the forest to the world they knew. Confusion flooded them and they turned around to the forest but there was no sign
of their witch or nymphs.

"There they are!" Jin Guangyao and Su She came running over. "What took you three so long?"

"I said half a mile not the whole forest, Gods above." Not that he actually cared, but he had to pretend to.

Jin Zixuan looked at them with a frown before
he looked back at the forest and Lan Xichen grabbed his arm gently. It was best to wait for now.

Besides, it was best that these two didn't find out what wonderful things were hidden behind those trees. So that night was their secret, and every night they returned after,
drowning in the love that waited for them, each day getting harder and harder to leave, until, one day, they didn't. Settling down in the woods with their respective partners, starting a new generation of halflings.



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More from @MuseyWrites

Oct 19
Wei Ying's body pressed close to Lan Zhan's lips parted, eyes glazed with desire. His body was burning up, breath ragged. His mind fogged beyond recognition.

"Handsome gege, won't you take me? Sink your pretty teeth into my neck, drain me, I don't care, just please, bite me!"
Thread 19: Fangs of Desire
-Angst, fluff, smutt
-Fantasy AU
-Addiction, abuse, neglect, SA(??? I don't know if it counts but tagging just in case), probably more I'm forgetting to tag
-Happy Ending

A slow exhale is the only sound that fills the night air. No chirp of bugs, no calls of the bats, or chittering of the nighttime critters. Lan Wangji glanced at the body he laid carefully on the bench. Golden eyes trailed slowly over the exposed skin of the woman's neck.
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Oct 19
Day 19 of #Xiantober: Teacher!Xian

"Okay kiddos! Time to clean up and get ready for pickup!" Wei Ying clapped his hands, getting the kids' attention. He watched as they scampered around, cleaning up their messes as he moved around the room, praising those who did well.
The next twenty or so minutes was spent signing the kids out, chatting lightly with the parents or grandparents who came to get their little ones.

He was sending off his second to last kiddo when Wen Qing poked her head out of her office. "Wei Ying."

"Lan Yuan's uncle called, there was a change in schedule so his father is coming to get him, he's just gonna be a few minutes late."

"No worries! Thanks for the heads up."

He headed back to the room where Lan Yuan was sitting patiently like always.

Wei Ying smiled and plopped
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Oct 18
Day 18 of #Xiantober: CEO!Xian

Rising to the top wasn't easy, nor was it exactly what he wanted to do. He didn't plan for his company to skyrocket so quickly.

He had just wanted to help.

Being tossed into an orphanage at such a young age had messed up his mentality.
No one wanted him. He could never quiet figure out what was wrong with him that made everyone look right past him.

At first, he had been defiant. He just wanted his home back. His parents. But he quickly understood that wasn't an option.

So he had been on his best behavior.
He only took what was given, never asked for more. He was quiet and patient and well mannered.

But still no one wanted him.

So he stopped trying. When parents would come, he would just grab a pile of books and slip off to a corner to read.

He drew, he wrote, he learned.
Read 47 tweets
Oct 17
Day 16 of #Xiantober: Physician!Xian

"A-die.." A-Yuan mumbled unhappily, clinging to his father's leg and hiding his face against his black slacks.

Lan Zhan frowned, gently running his fingers through his son's hair. "It's alright, A-Yuan. It's just a check up." He said softly.
"Wanna go home." He mumbled quietly, hiding behind his a-die's legs when he heard the receptionist giggle at him. He really, /really/ hated doctors. The last one he went to was absolutely horrible.

He was loud, and rude, and he was always so rough.

Not to mention he always
argued with his a-die, and never believed A-Yuan when he wasn't feeling well.

The last straw was when A-Yuan went to get his shots last time, Lan Wangji wasn't allowed back due to the examine room being too small, and A-Yuan had been freaked out by the needle and how rough
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Oct 16
Day 15 of #Xiantober: Royal!Au

"Bring him here." Wei Wuxian commanded, leaning back on the throne, one leg crossing over the other, his expression calm and cool.

The guards spared each other a glance before they hesitantly grabbing the male in question, forcing him in front of
Wei Wuxian, who gestured with his finger. Another glance between the guards before they forced him on his knees.

Wei Wuxian's expression relaxed, an easy grin settling on his lips as he lifted his foot, tipping his chin up to capture that piercing golden gaze.

"So, Lan Zhan,
finally at my mercy."

Lan Zhan let out a slow breath. "And what do you plan to do, your majesty?"

His eyes twinkled slightly. "I'm going to make you mine." He leaned forward, fingers gracing his cheek before he paused when he heard someone behind him clear their throat.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 15
"A-Zhan, this is my boyfriend, Jiang Wanyin." Huan introduced, his hand resting sweetly on Jiang Wanyin's lower back,

The two shook hands and Lan Zhan nodded lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jiang Wanyin, thank you for taking care of my brother."

"I assure you, he doesn't
doesn't need anyone to take care of him."

Lan Huan smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek tenderly. "I thought you said you were here with your brother?"

"Ah, yeah, he's at that stupid arcade that's by the food court. I know you said your brother doesn't like crowds, so when
you said you were nearby, I came to the quietest part of the mall."

A soft expression graced Lan Huan's features, like he was swooning all over again. "Thank you. I know we sprung visiting on you last minute, but when you said you and your brother were at the mall,
Read 19 tweets

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