this is a bad, racist argument & feminists need to stop making it. criticise drag all you want, I’m no great fan, but the comparison to blackface glosses over the historical meaning of minstrelsy in a way that equivocates rather than illuminates. /1
minstrelsy was historically created to parody the immutable characteristics of enslaved afro americans. Its primary purpose was to entertain working class whites with subhuman depictions of black slaves in order to reproduce their complacency toward ancestral chattel slavery. /2
drag was created to engage in absurdist appropriation of arbitrary fashion conventions of gender but only incidental simulation of immutable sex characteristics of women as a subversion of the gender norms that dehumanize gay men for their insufficiently masculine sexuality. /3
Ignoring this crucial distinction in the lazy equivocal critique of so-called #WomanFace as analogous to #BlackFace minstrelsy implies the power dynamics & parodic tropes are also equivalent. That minimizes the violent purpose of minstrelsy & that makes it racist.
what definition of “sex work” includes everything traditionally called prostitution, hard core porn, pro S&M, stripping, sugaring, peep shows, & camming, but excludes thirst trap streamers, marriage, bikini espresso stands, theatrical nudity, & films with simulated sex scenes?
Does it even make sense to using the same word for people who get paid for something in the first category of acts? Aren’t they different enough that if we really want to de-stigmatize those jobs, shouldn’t workers have the dignity of a non-euphemistic, accurate job title & job
description? isnt it necessary to be explicit about that in order for fair employment contracts to be negotiated and workplace labor safety standards to be enforced? One of the problems with Nevada’s legal prostitution laws is that topless dancers & brothel prostitutes get the
This originally looked like a cool idea to me, until au read the terms of the contest and realized that @CDPROJEKTRED is still acting like a corporate villain in #CyberpunkEdgerunners or #cyberpunk2077 🧵1
Rather than pay artists what they are worth for using their work in mega selling AAA videogame, ie a reasonable royalty per unit or a flay cash payment for a limited license, @CDPROJEKTRED is instead running a contest in which the winners will each get 3k in cash & a gift bag /2
in exchange, the "winners" will be requires to sell not just an exclusive license, but actual ownership of the copyright to @CDPROJEKTRED. Not just for #cyberpunk2077#PhantomLiberty but forever and always for any purpose they see fit including advertising, other games, OST /3
OTfrom my usual law, marxism, & feminism tweets,but i need to geek out.🧵 i’ve been a fan of the #Cyberpunk ttrpg by @RTalsorianGames since i was 13 & got the 2020 box set for xmas in 1991. I really enjoyed @CyberpunkGame, warts & all & it made me sad that the bad press about /1
those warts meant a lot of people had first impressions of the #cyberpunk fictional world--which is the imaginary landscape of a significant sector of my psychic real estate--which didn't do it justice. I really enjoyed #CyberpunkEdgerunners, was glued to it the first weekend /2
it was streamin, but thought maybe it would be too weird or too anime to really hit. It looks like I was wrong about that. Thankfully, on top of being exactly the kind of story that the #cyberpunk ttrpg has always excelled at, a heady mixture of nihilism & idealism combining /3