George Floyd's family is apparently suing @kanyewest for $250M over his reaction to @RealCandaceO's documentary, #GreatestLieEverSold . Here's what the film actually has to say about Fentanyl and Floyd's death:
As to whether Derek Chauvin's knee was on George Floyd's neck, here's what the film reveals from the trial:
Meanwhile, @Blklivesmatter has raised over $80M off the tragedy, spending it on things not remotely relevant to the idea that black lives matter.
From the film:
@Blklivesmatter Candace is one of the most important voices of her generation. Her documentary is the most honest look at the tragic death of George Floyd and the rise of BLM made by anyone, anywhere, and @realdailywire is proud to stand beside her.
@Blklivesmatter@realDailyWire Anyone grandstanding on this issue who hasn't actually bothered to watch the full documentary is a partisan hack.
You can watch The Greatest Lie Ever Sold - George Floyd and the Rise of BLM here:
Of course, the Left is doing their best to keep that fact hidden.
The @nytimes left Johnny the Walrus off their bestseller list completely, even though it outsold literally every single book on all of their print lists.
Johnny the Walrus was listed as the #2 overall bestseller by @USATODAY, despite the fact it outsold the book listed as #1 by almost 3k copies.
USA Today and NYT use their own "secret methodology" to curate their bestseller lists.
Certainly I agree that conservatives need to use political power. And I agree Disney, with it's 'not-so-secret-gay-agenda' has betrayed the parents who trusted them with their children, lawmakers who sought to favor them based on that goodwill, and their own founder.
As I have said, there is no 1A right to sexualize children. Removing Disney's special status because they no longer merit it having betrayed the trust of the citizens of the State of Florida is a legitimate exercise of political power.
Retaliating against Disney for exercising their political voice, though, is not a legitimate exercise of political power, even if we like it or think it benefits us in the short term.
Is the reason for removing Disney's special privileges because the "company is harming the citizens" of Florida, or because they "entered politics and threatened to overturn legislation?"
The former may be appropriate. The later, not so much.
Consider: "For better or worse, Florida offered Disney special consideration based on brand equity built with decades of quality content for children. They have now betrayed that trust by pivoting to content we deem unsuitable for children, forfeiting those considerations."
Versus: "Disney voiced opposition to a piece of legislation and threatened to stop contributing to politicians from our party, so we are going to send them a message to not exercise their free speech rights and to keep giving us cash."
You were only nominated because you’re black and female, not because you’re the best candidate or even a decent one. In fact, if you are the best, your hard work and accomplishments were for nothing. Your highest achievement to the left: a black vagina.
The left calls this justice. It is not. There will always be an asterisk beside your accomplishment. There will always be doubt about your qualifications. There should be.
You did not accomplish this by merit. You were not allowed to. A black vagina is all you’re allowed to be.
The left will cheer you. Hollywood will lionize you in documentaries, books will immortalize you, papers of record will tell your story.
But those docs and books and stories are all already written. They’re only waiting to insert the name of the black vagina in question.
Tomorrow is an important, perhaps monumental day for our country.
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to determine whether or not to allow the Biden administration to coerce businesses to force their employees to choose a vaccine, workplace discrimination, or their jobs.
All things being equal, a business should have the right to require vaccinations, or no vaccinations, or vaccinations only for left-handed Satanists.
The market will sort that stuff out right quick.
But things are not equal.
The market cannot correct what government coerces.
Yes, a business may have decided to require the vaxx on their own.
A 22-yr-old intern may decide to have sex with the boss on her own.
But you cannot separate the implicit threat of the boss’s authority over the intern from the intern’s own decision matrix.
I think you’re on the wrong path here. The idea the framers were conveying is philosophical. Yes, God did give you the right to blaspheme. He, the ultimate governor of reality, will not prevent you doing it, though it is certainly in His right and power to do so.
That doing so will bring about consequences in your life reveals freedom’s cost. That there may be consequences more dire and certain beyond this life is not the philosophical issue in question - and is perhaps mitigated by Christ’s victory. For freedom Christ has made us free.
The framers were interested in this life since their effort was aimed at governing a country, not a soul. God gave you freedom, what right have we to curtail it? Surely some right, but it must be limited and not arbitrary in its application.