Jeremy Boreing Profile picture
Co-Founder and lowercase god-king of @realDailyWire and @JeremysRazors. Pronouns: You can call me Al.
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Jun 11, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
1/14 Over the last few months, @realDailyWire has received ~200 violations from @YouTube across our accounts for @MattWalshBlog, @benshapiro, @RealCandaceO, @michaeljknowles, @jordanbpeterson, @andrewklavan, and @imbrettcooper. Almost all are over coverage of the trans debate. 🧵 2/14 Last month, @MattWalshBlog was demonetized. On Friday, @RealCandaceO and @michaeljknowles were suspended for 7 days after receiving their 2nd strike, and @jordanbpeterson was given his 1st strike – 3 in 90 days and your account is terminated.
Jun 1, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Twitter canceled a deal with @realDailyWire to premiere What is a Woman? for free on the platform because of two instances of “misgendering.”

I’m not kidding.

Here's what happened:🧵1/16… 2/16 One year ago today, we released What is a Woman?. To celebrate the occasion and expand the movie’s already enormous impact, we decided to give it away for free for 24 hours on Twitter.
Apr 19, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
You may be aware that @MattWalshBlog had his @Twitter account hacked last night.

What you may not know is that the attack went well beyond Twitter.

The hackers have managed to gain access to, well, everything, including twenty years of Matt's emails. What scandalous information will the hackers find in Matt's email? I do not know. I'm sure I said things in my twenties that I wouldn't feel great having aired publicly.

What will @realDailyWire's response be to things 20-year-old Matt may have said?

Oct 31, 2022 18 tweets 13 min read
How obvious is it that @josh_hammer keeps encouraging attacks on @benshapiro because of a personal vendetta and not because he's worried @RealCandaceO is an antisemite (which she isn't)?

Well, does this sound like a guy overly concerned with stopping antisemitic language? This is from @josh_hammer's WhatsApp thread where he's been coordinating with his friends to attack @benshapiro based on the smear that Ben isn't sufficiently anti-antisemitism.

Side note: Most of his friends aren't into it.
Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Journalism is dead. Twenty years ago, every major publication would have had boots on the ground chasing the facts in the Paul Pelosi story - questioning the narrative, interviewing everyone even tangentially connected, demanding transparency and the release of calls and footage. Questioning the powerful was the media’s raison d'être. Sure, they were biased to the left, but they had some self-respect and took their role in society seriously more often than not.

And they didn’t believe that role was to be agents of social change…
Oct 18, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
George Floyd's family is apparently suing @kanyewest for $250M over his reaction to @RealCandaceO's documentary, #GreatestLieEverSold . Here's what the film actually has to say about Fentanyl and Floyd's death: As to whether Derek Chauvin's knee was on George Floyd's neck, here's what the film reveals from the trial:
May 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Happy to report that @MattWalshBlog's epic kid’s book, Johnny the Walrus, outsold every book in every category in the US last week per Bookscan.

@dailywirebooks first book is a huge success.

Of course, the Left is doing their best to keep that fact hidden. The @nytimes left Johnny the Walrus off their bestseller list completely, even though it outsold literally every single book on all of their print lists.
Apr 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Certainly I agree that conservatives need to use political power. And I agree Disney, with it's 'not-so-secret-gay-agenda' has betrayed the parents who trusted them with their children, lawmakers who sought to favor them based on that goodwill, and their own founder. As I have said, there is no 1A right to sexualize children. Removing Disney's special status because they no longer merit it having betrayed the trust of the citizens of the State of Florida is a legitimate exercise of political power.
Apr 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Is the reason for removing Disney's special privileges because the "company is harming the citizens" of Florida, or because they "entered politics and threatened to overturn legislation?"

The former may be appropriate. The later, not so much. Consider: "For better or worse, Florida offered Disney special consideration based on brand equity built with decades of quality content for children. They have now betrayed that trust by pivoting to content we deem unsuitable for children, forfeiting those considerations."
Jan 27, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Dear Biden’s SCOTUS nom,

You were only nominated because you’re black and female, not because you’re the best candidate or even a decent one. In fact, if you are the best, your hard work and accomplishments were for nothing. Your highest achievement to the left: a black vagina. The left calls this justice. It is not. There will always be an asterisk beside your accomplishment. There will always be doubt about your qualifications. There should be.

You did not accomplish this by merit. You were not allowed to. A black vagina is all you’re allowed to be.
Jan 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Tomorrow is an important, perhaps monumental day for our country.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to determine whether or not to allow the Biden administration to coerce businesses to force their employees to choose a vaccine, workplace discrimination, or their jobs. All things being equal, a business should have the right to require vaccinations, or no vaccinations, or vaccinations only for left-handed Satanists.

The market will sort that stuff out right quick.

But things are not equal.

The market cannot correct what government coerces.
Nov 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I think you’re on the wrong path here. The idea the framers were conveying is philosophical. Yes, God did give you the right to blaspheme. He, the ultimate governor of reality, will not prevent you doing it, though it is certainly in His right and power to do so. That doing so will bring about consequences in your life reveals freedom’s cost. That there may be consequences more dire and certain beyond this life is not the philosophical issue in question - and is perhaps mitigated by Christ’s victory. For freedom Christ has made us free.
Nov 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Consent isn't the only moral standard, but it is the relevant legal standard. Dave Portnoy is not accused of a crime. FULL STOP.

@BusinessInsider, which is usually a terrific publication, engaged in pure tabloid, smear journalism here. It's a shame there are girls who've never been taught the simple truth that if you DM a celeb, sext him, fly to his house, and hook up with him, you may not feel great about yourself after.

It's sad society failed to explain reality to you.

But regret is not rape.
Jul 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, for the first time in 244 years, we celebrate Independence Day after a year where Americans were not free.

We were not free to worship as we choose.

We were not free to assemble.

We were not free to speak, to work, to travel, to see our dying loved ones… Capricious tyrants in government & their corporate media allies conspired openly to make us subjects of their ludicrous judgements and edicts.

The elite retained their rights, of course, and the elect - priesthood and saints of a new religion of hate.

The unwashed be damned.
Mar 10, 2021 9 tweets 1 min read
100% of all humans have been treated poorly, judged too harshly, falsely accused, criticized unjustly, subjected to racial prejudice, made sexually uncomfortable, lied to, insulted, humiliated, belittled, laughed at, and bullied.

Some more. Some less. 100% of all humans descend from ancestors who were slaves, and ancestors who were persecuted, and ancestors who were raped, and ancestors who were murdered, and ruled, and conscripted, and displaced, and robbed.

Some more recently. Some longer ago.
Nov 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
It makes sense to me.

Donald Trump is the most energizing and polarizing force in American politics in living memory.

He turned out insane numbers both of lovers and haters. It’s not hard to see the haters outnumber the lovers. The ‘you’re telling me more people voted for Nobody Biden than Messiah Obama?!’ incredulity ignores the reality of Trump.

No. No one voted for Biden. They voted against ‘Literal Hitler’.

Of course they did. The media programmed them to. The academy. The swamp...
May 11, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Wait. What are we pushing? First, Daily Wire as an organization has no official position on this tragedy. I don’t agree with @MattWalshBlog’s take, for example. Which one of us is Daily Wire?
Apr 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The dirty little secret no politician wants to tell you is that there is no way out but through.

We will suffer losses.

Testing isn’t going to change that. Vaccines are not at hand.

The economy cannot remain closed or untold millions will be ruined. Freedom will be ruined. People cannot remain unemployed, and so people will not remain unemployed.

They will go back to work. They will press on.

There will be a cost.

You may pay that cost. I might pay it. Someone you love or someone I love might as well.

All we know is that it will be paid.
Apr 16, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This is a good read. I will offer one gentle pushback -- One reason conservatives distrust experts is that experts are always wrong. I know, I know... That's hyperbole. If you want to build a rocket, a rocket scientist and engineer are essential. But-- In matters that require understanding human nature in order to predict future outcomes, experts are often hampered by their expertise. PhD economists, for example, rarely understand the economy as well as college drop-out businessmen. Why? Because the economy is people, not data.
Mar 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t think it’s ‘all’ media hype. I think a great deal of it is media hype. There is a disease. It‘s serious. So is shutting down the global economy and creating this panic. People will lose their jobs, their retirements, their lives... Which is worse? We have yet to discover. When people die from the virus, we’ll put their names on the news and add to our scare ticker. When people lose their jobs or retirement or even their lives to the panic, they’ll just become another statistic none of us bother to read.
Dec 15, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Owen has made a cottage industry out of maligning us, spreading clown-nose-on/off racism and antisemitism, and peddling insane conspiracy theories and even threats. That he did it all in the name of the Devine Logos makes him a blasphemer of the highest order to boot. I’ll offer no defense of Owen, whom I believe to be deeply troubled and unraveling. But I will defend his right to spew his filth - other than the threats, which I doubt are the cause of these bans.