Equifax operates a massive database that contains the full employment history including weekly pay of 105 million US workers, which it receives from 2.5m employers and payroll processors #socialcredit
According to Equifax, it does not only have employment and income data but also 'talent' data. And it's not only sold to employers but to many parties from lenders to government agencies (to evaluate welfare applications, as interpreted by Business Insider).
"We are now receiving records every pay period from 2.5 million companies, up from ... 27,000 contributors a short two-plus years ago. Our lens is expanding beyond U.S. non-farm payroll to include the 40-50 million gig and self-employed workers and 20-30 million pensioners"
Equifax states that 'Workforce Solutions' is now its "strongest, fastest growing, highest margin and most valuable business. It now delivers over 40% of Equifax revenue, up from 25% a short three years ago and will likely grow to over 50% of Equifax in the coming years"
Apparently, Equifax already provides similar 'workforce solutions' products in Canada, Australia and India, and it launched a new "income and employment verification platform" in the UK.
Disturbing at many levels.
Why should an unaccountable+inescapable for-profit organization have control over lifelong employment data and subsequent decision-making?
Make no mistake, this is not just about 'privacy'. It fundamentally affects power asymmetries in life and work.
Making employment, pay and even talent data easily accessible *across* employers increases their leverage in many ways. Especially in low-paid work, it further contributes to disciplining workers throughout life, and it helps employers to better hire/fire/exploit people at scale.
Of course, Equifax also collects personal data in order to make decisions on people in other areas of life, for example credit data from 'buy now pay later' companies.
Equifax's "very unique data assets" include records on employment/education/incarceration, 'core' credit data, bank account balances/deposits/withdrawals, data on devices and digital behaviors (Kount), "access to 80 million unbanked, underbanked and credit rebuilding consumers".
Equifax is not just a credit reporting agency. It's a data broker and it helps others to make decisions about people in many areas of life. Each entry in the above list refers to yet another huge data processing system. I wrote more about one of them here:
I took another look at Snowden docs that mention browser/cookie IDs.
It's breathtaking how the surveillance marketing industry has still managed to claim for many years that unique personal IDs processed in the web browser are somehow 'anonymous', and sometimes still does.
Another 2011 doc indicates that the GCHQ operated a kind of probabilistic ID graph that aims to link cookie/browser IDs, device IDs, email addresses and other 'target detection identifiers' (TDIs) based on communication, timing and geolocation behavior:
Btw. What inspired me to revisit these docs is @ByronTau's book Means of Control, which not only details how US agencies buy commercial data from digital marketing but also provides deep historical context, tracing back to early-2000s debates on Total Information Awareness (TIA).
Die digitale Werbeindustrie verkauft Smartphone-Standortdaten und Bewegungsprofile von Millionen Menschen in Deutschland, darunter Privatpersonen und sensibles Personal.
Große Recherche von und BR, die einen riesigen Datensatz als "Muster" erhalten haben. netzpolitik.org
Sie haben Menschen identifiziert, die Entzugskliniken, Swinger-Clubs oder Bordelle besucht haben, aber auch Personal von Ministerien, Bundeswehr, BND, Polizei.
Fast alle Smartphone-Apps sind heute mit zwielichtigen Datensammeltechnologien "verwanzt".
Völlig unkontrollierte Datenmarktplätze, u.a. die Firma Datarade mit Sitz in Berlin, bieten Standort- und andere Verhaltensdaten über ganze Bevölkerungen aus vielen Ländern zum Verkauf an.
So, Microsoft exploits activity data from Outlook, Teams, Word etc across customers for its own promotional purposes, including on meetings, file usage and the seconds until emails are read.
Microsoft states that the analysis on the seconds until emails were read excludes EU data. Activity data from Outlook, Teams, Word etc, however, seems to include EU data.
What's their legal basis? This is also personal data on employees. And, are business customers fine with it?
Should cloud-based software vendors exploit personal data on users of their services, including private persons and employees of business customers, how they see fit?
I don't think so.
Not even for public-interest research, at least not without academic process and IRB review.
Some more findings from our investigation of LiveRamp's ID graph system (), which maintains identity records about entire populations in many countries, including name, address, email and phone, and aims to link these records with all kinds of digital IDs:crackedlabs.org/en/identity-su…
Identity data might seem boring, but if a company knows all kinds of identifying info about everyone, from home address to email to device IDs, it is in a powerful position to recognize persons and link profile data scattered across many databases, and this is what LiveRamp does.
LiveRamp aims to provide clients with the ability to recognize a person who left some digital trace in one context as the same person who later left some trace elsewhere.
It has built a sophisticated system to do this, no matter how comprehensive it can recognize the person.
As part of our new report on RTB as a security threat and previously unreported, we reveal 'Patternz', a private mass surveillance system that harvests digital advertising data on behalf of 'national security agencies'.
5 billion user profiles, data from 87 adtech firms. Thread:
'Patternz' in the report by @johnnyryan and me published today:
Patternz is operated by a company based in Israel and/or Singapore. I came across it some time ago, received internal docs. Two docs are available online.
Here's how Patternz can be used to track and profile individuals, their location history, home address, interests, information about 'people nearby', 'co-workers' and even 'family members', according to information available online:
, a 'social risk intelligence platform' that provides digital profiles about named individuals regarding financial strain, food insecurity, housing instability etc for healthcare purposes.
"It calculates risk scores for each risk domain for each person", according to the promotional video, and offers "clarity and granularity for the entire US".
Not redlining, though. They color it green.
Making decisions based on these metrics about individuals and groups seems to be highly questionable and irresponsible bs.