Cory Doctorow NONCONSENSUAL BLUE TICK Profile picture
Oct 20, 2022 86 tweets 19 min read Read on X
Sometime in 2001, I walked into a Radio Shack on San Francisco's Market Street and asked for a Cuecat: a handheld barcode scanner that looked a bit like a cat and a bit like a sex toy. The clerk handed one over to me and I left, feeling a little giddy. I didn't pay a cent. 1/ A Cuecat scanner with a bun...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The Cuecat was a good idea and a terrible idea. The good idea was to widely distribute barcode scanners to computer owners, along with software that could read and decode barcodes. 3/
The company's marketing plan called for magazines and newspapers to print barcodes alongside ads and articles, so readers could scan them and be taken to the digital edition. 4/
To get the Cuecat into widespread use, the company raised millions in the capital markets, then mass-manufactured these things and gave them away for free at Radio Shacks around the country. Every @WIRED and @Forbes subscriber got one in the mail! 5/
That was the good idea (a prototype for today's QR-codes). The terrible idea was that this gadget would spy on you. Also, it would only work with special barcodes that had to be licensed from the manufacturer. Also, it would only work on Windows.… 6/
But the manufacturer didn't have the last word! Not at all. Two hardware hackers - Pierre-Philippe Coupard and Michael Rothwell - tore down a Cuecat, dumped its ROM, and produced their own driver for it - a surveillance-free driver that worked with *any* barcode. 7/
You could use it to scan the UPCs on your books or CDs or DVDs to create a catalog of your media; you could use it to scan UPCs on your groceries to make a shopping list. You could do any and every one of these things, because the Cuecat was yours. 8/
Cuecat's manufacturer, Digital Convergence, did *not* like this *at all*. They sent out legal demand letters and even shut down some of the repositories that were hosting alternative Cuecat firmware. 9/
They changed the license agreement that came with the Cuecat software CD to prohibit reverse-engineering.

It didn't matter, both as a practical matter and as a matter of law. 10/
As a practical matter, the (ahem) cat was out of the bag: there were so many web-hosting companies back then, and people mirrored the code to so many of them, the company would have its hands full chasing them all down and intimidating them into removing the code. 11/
Then there was the law: how could you impose license terms on a gift? How could someone be bound by license terms on a CD that they simply threw away without ever opening it, much less putting it in their computer?… 12/
In the end, Cuecat folded and sold off its remaining inventory. The early 2000s were not a good time to be a tech company, much less a tech company whose business model required millions of people to meekly accept a bad bargain. 13/
Back then, tech users didn't feel any obligation to please tech companies' shareholders: if they backed a stupid business, that was their problem, not ours. 14/
Venture capitalists were *capitalists* - if they wanted us give to them according to their need and take from them according to their ability, they should be venture *communists*. 15/
Last August, philosopher and @CentreTMFutures director @ShannonVallor tweeted, "The saddest thing for me about modern tech’s long spiral into user manipulation and surveillance is how it has just slowly killed off the joy that people like me used to feel about new tech. 16/
"Every product Meta or Amazon announces makes the future seem bleaker and grayer."

She went on: "I don’t think it’s just my nostalgia, is it? There’s no longer anything being promised to us by tech companies that we actually need or asked for. Just more monitoring, more nudging, more draining of our data, our time, our joy."

Today on Tumblr, @wilw responded: "[T]here is no longer a feeling of 'How can this change/improve my life?' and a constant dread of 'How will this complicate things as I try to maintain privacy and sanity in a world that demands I have this.'"… 19/
Wil finished with, "Cory Doctorow, if you see this and have thoughts, I would LOVE to hear them."

I've got thoughts. I think this all comes back to the Cuecat. 20/
When the Cuecat launched, it was a mixed bag. That's generally true of technology - or, indeed, any product or service. No matter how many variations a corporation offers, they can never anticipate all the ways that you will want or need to use their technology. 21/
This is especially true for the users the company values the least - poor people, people in the global south, women, sex workers, etc. 22/
That's what makes the phrase "So easy your mom can use it" particularly awful "Moms" are the kinds of people whose priorities and difficulties are absent from the room when tech designers gather to plan their next product. 23/
The needs of "moms" are mostly met by *mastering*, *configuring* and *adapting* technology, because tech doesn't work out of the box for them:… 24/
(As an alternative, I advocate for "so easy your boss can use it," because your boss gets to call up the IT department and shout, "I don't care what it takes, just make it work!" Your boss can solve problems through raw exercise of authority, without recourse to ingenuity.) 25/
Tech can't be understood separately from tech *users*. That's the key insight in @jnd1er's 2004 book *Emotional Design*, which argued that the ground state of all technology is broken, and the task of tech users is to troubleshoot the things they use:… 26/
Troubleshooting is both an art and a science: it requires both a methodical approach and creative leaps. The great crisis of troubleshooting is that the more frustrated and angry you are, the harder it is to be methodical *or* creative. 27/
Anger turns attention into a narrow tunnel of brittle movements and thinking.

In *Emotional Design*, Norman argues that tech should be *charming*, because when you *like* a technology that has stopped working, you are able to troubleshoot it in an expansive, creative, way. 28/
*Emotional Design* was not merely remarkable for what it said, but for who said it.

Donald Norman, after all, was the author of the hugely influential 1998 classic *The Design of Everyday Things*.… 29/
That book counseled engineers and designers to put function over form - to design things that *work* well, even if that meant stripping away ornament and sidelining aesthetics. 30/
With *Emotional Design*, Norman argued that aesthetics *were* functional, because aesthetics primed users to fix the oversights and errors and blind spots of designers. It was a manifesto for competence *and* humility. 31/
And yet, as digital technology has permeated deeper into our lives, it has grown *less* configurable, not more. Companies today succeed where Cuecat failed. 32/
Consolidation in the online world means that if you remove a link from one search engine and four social media sites, the material in question vanishes for 99% of internet users. 33/
It's even worse for apps: anyone who succeeds in removing an app from two app stores essentially banishes it from the world. 34/
One mobile platform uses technological and legal countermeasures to make it virtually impossible to sideload an app; the other one relies on strong-arm tactics and deceptive warnings to do so. 35/
That means that when a modern Coupard and Rothwell decides to unfuck some piece of technology - to excise the surveillance and proprietary media requirements, leaving behind the welcome functionality - they can only do so with the sufferance of the manufacturer. 36/
If the manufacturer doesn't like an add-on, mod, plug-in or overlay, they can use copyright takedowns, anticircumvention law, patent threats, trademark threats, cybersecurity law, contract law and other "IP" to simply banish the offending code:… 37/
Many of these laws carry dire penalties. For example, distributing a tool to bypass an "access control" so you can change a gadget's software (to make your printer use third-party ink) is a *felony* under S1201 of the DMCA, punishable by a $500k fine and a 5-year sentence. 38/
If Cuecat's manufacturers had simply skinned their firmware with a thin scrim of DRM, they could have threatened Coupard and Rothwell with *prison sentences*. 39/
The developments in "IP" over the two decades since the Cuecat have conjured up a new body of *de facto* law that @saurik calls "felony contempt of business model." 40/
Once we gave companies the power to literally criminalize the reconfiguration of their products, everything changed. 41/
In the Cuecat era, a corporate meeting to plan a product that acted against its users' interests had to ask, "How will we sweeten the pot and/or obfuscate our code so that our users don't remove the anti-features we're planning to harm them with?" 42/
But in a world of Felony Contempt of Business Model, that changes to "Given that we can literally imprison anyone who helps our users get more out of this product, how can we punish *users* who are disloyal enough to simply quit our service or switch away from our product?" 43/
That is, "how can we raise the #SwitchingCosts of our products so that users who are angry at us keep using our products?" 44/
When Facebook was planning its photos product, they deliberately designed it to tempt users into making it the sole repository of their family photos, in order to hold those photos ransom to keep Facebook users from quitting for G+:… 45/
Companies claim that their lock-in strategies are about protecting their users: "Move into our walled garden, for it is a fortress, whose battlements bristle with fearsome warriors who will defend you from the bandits who roam the countryside":… 46/
But this #FeudalSecurity offers a terrible temptation to the fortress's lords because once you're inside the walls, the fortress can be converted to a prison. 47/
Companies can abuse you with impunity, for so long as the cost of the abuse is less than the cost of the things you must give up when you leave. 48/
The tale that companies block you from overriding their decisions is for your own good was always dubious, because companies simply can't anticipate all the ways their products will fail you. No design team knows as much about your moment-to-moment struggles as you do. 49/
But even where companies are sincere in their desire to be the most benevolent of dictators, the gun on the mantelpiece in Act I is destined to go off by Act III. 50/
Eventually, the temptation to profit by hurting you will overpower whatever "corporate ethics" once stayed the hand of the techno-feudalist who rules over your fortress. 51/
Under feudal security, you are one lapse in corporate leadership from your protector turning into your tormentor. 52/
When Apple launched the Ipad 12 years ago, I published an editorial entitled "Why I won’t buy an iPad (and think you shouldn’t, either)," in which I predicted that app stores would inevitable be turned against users:… 53/
Today, Apple bans apps if they "use...a third-party service" unless they "are specifically permitted to do so under the service’s terms of use." 54/
In other words, Apple specifically *prohibits* developers from offering tools that displease other companies' shareholders, no matter whether this pleases Apple *customers*:… 55/
Note that clause 5.2.2 of Apple's developer agreement doesn't say "You mustn't violate a *legally enforceable* term of service." It just says, "Thou shalt not violate a EULA." 56/
EULAs are garbage-novellas of impenetrable legalese, larded with unenforceable and unconscionable terms. 57/
Apple *sometimes* will displease other companies on your behalf. For example, it instituted a one-click anti-tracking setting for Ios that cost Facebook $10 billion in a matter of months:… 58/
But Apple also has big plans to expand its margins by growing its own advertising network. When Apple customers choose ad-blockers that block Apple's ads, will Apple permit it?… 59/
The problem with app stores isn't whether your computing experience is "curated" - that is, whether entities you trust can produce collections of software they vouch for. 60/
The problem is when *you can't choose someone else* - when leaving a platform involves high switching costs, whether that's having to replace hardware, buy new media, or say goodbye to your friends, customers, community or family. 61/
When a company can leverage its claims to protecting you to protect itself *from* you - from choices you might make that ultimately undermine its shareholders interests, even if they protect your own interests - it would be pretty goddamned naive to expect it to do otherwise. 62/
More and more of our tools are now *digital* tools, whether we're talking about social media or cars, tractors or games consoles, toothbrushes or ovens:… 63/
And more and more, those digital tools look more like apps than Cuecats, with companies leveraging "IP" to let them control who can compete with them - and how. Indeed, *browsers* are becoming more app-like, rather than the other way around. 64/
Back in 2017, the W3C took the unprecedented step of publishing a DRM standard despite this standard not having anything like the consensus that is the norm for W3C publications. 65/
Worse, the W3C rejected a proposal to protect people who reverse-engineered that standard to add accessibility features or correct privacy defects:… 66/
And while we're seeing remarkable progress on #RightToRepair and other policies that allow the users of technology to override the choices of vendors, there's another strong regulatory current that embraces companies' ability to control their users. 67/
That's in the hopes that these big companies will police their users to prevent bad stuff, from controversial measures like filtering for copyright infringement to more widely supported ideas like blocking child sex abuse material (CSAM, AKA "child porn"). 68/
There are two problems with this. First, if we tell companies they *must* control their users (that is, block them from running plugins, mods, skins, filters, etc) then we can't tell them that they must *not* control their users. 69/
It comes down to whether you want to make Mark Zuckerberg better at his job, or whether you want to abolish the job of "Mark Zuckerberg."… 70/
Then there's the other problem - the gun on the mantelpiece problem. If we give big companies the power to control their users, they will face enormous internal pressure to abuse that power. 71/
This isn't a hypothetical risk: Facebook's top executives stand accused of accepting bribes from Onlyfans in exchange for adding performers left Onlyfans to a terrorist watchlist, which meant they couldn't use other platforms:… 72/
I'm not a fan of terrorist watchlists, for obvious reasons. But letting *Facebook* manage the terrorist watchlist was clearly a mistake. But Facebook's status as a "trusted reporter" grows directly out of Facebook's *good* work on moderation. 73/
The lesson is the same as the one with Apple and the ads - just because the company *sometimes* acts in our interests, it doesn't follow that we should *always* trust them to do so. 74/
Back to Vallor's question about "modern tech’s long spiral into user manipulation and surveillance" and how that "killed off the joy people like me used to feel about new tech"; and Wheaton's "dread of 'How will this complicate things as I try to maintain privacy and sanity." 75/
Tech leaders didn't get stupider or crueler since those halcyon days. The tech industry was and is filled with people who made their bones building weapons of mass destruction for the military-industrial complex. 76/
IBM, the company that gave us the PC, built the tabulating machines for Nazi concentration camps:…

We didn't replace tech investors and leaders with worse people - we have the same kinds of people but we let them get away with more. 77/
We let them buy up all their competitors. We let them use the law to lock out competitors they couldn't buy, including those who would offer their customers tools to lower their switching costs and block abusive anti-features. 78/
We decided to create "Felony Contempt of Business Model," and let the creators of the next Cuecat reach beyond the walls of their corporate headquarters and into the homes of their customers, the offices of their competitors. 79/
We let them remove content from the handful of giant tech sites that control our online discourse, to reach into those places and strangle anything that interfered with their commercial desires. 80/
That's why plans to impose interoperability on tech giants are so exciting - because the problem with Facebook isn't "the people I want to speak to are all gathered in one convenient place." 81/
The problem with app stores is "these companies generally have good judgment about which apps I want to use."

The problem is that when those companies *don't* have your back, you have to pay a blisteringly high price to leave their walled gardens. 82/
That's where interop comes in. Think of how an interoperable Facebook could let you leave behind Zuckerberg's dominion without forswearing access to the people who matter to you:… 83/
Cuecats were *cool*. The people who made them were *assholes*. Interop meant that you could get the cool gadget and tell the assholes to fuck off. 84/
We have lost the ability to do so, little by little, for decades, and that's why a new technology that seems cool no longer excites. That's why we feel dread - because we know that a cool technology is just bait to lure us into a prison that masquerades as a fortress. 85/
Jerry Whiting (modified)…

CC BY-SA 3.0:… 86/

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Mar 25
A law professor friend tells me that LLMs have completely transformed the way she relates to grad students and postdocs - for the worse. And no, it's not that they're cheating on their homework or using LLMs to write briefs full of hallucinated cases.

1/ Norman Rockwell’s ‘self portrait.’ All the Rockwell faces have been replaced with HAL 9000 from Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ His signature has been modified with a series of rotations and extra symbols. He has ten fingers on his one visible hand.    Image: Cryteria (modified)  CC BY 3.0
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

The thing that LLMs have changed in my friend's law school is *letters of reference*. Historically, students would only ask a prof for a letter of reference if they knew the prof really rated them.

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Mar 22
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1/ bloody mary stacked high with many absurd, over-the-top garnishes.   Image: TDelCoro  CC BY-SA 2.0
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Which meant I spent all day yesterday running around like a headless chicken, trying to get home in time for my gig in San Diego on Monday (don't worry, I sorted it):

Read 50 tweets
Mar 19
Paula Le Dieu is one of the smartest, most committed archivists I know. Many years ago, she shared a neat analogy with me about the paywalling of public archives.

1/ The Columbia University library, a stately, columnated building, color-shifted to highlight reds and oranges. The sky behind it has been filled with flames. In the foreground, a figure in a firefighter's helmet and yellow coat uses a flamethrower to shoot a jet of orange fire.   Image: Ajay Suresh  CC BY 2.0
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

This phenomenon has become rampant as public institutions have been pushed to seek private funding to close the gaps left by swingeing cuts.

Read 26 tweets
Mar 18
AI can't do your job, but an AI salesman (Elon Musk) can convince your boss (the USA) to fire you and replace you (a federal worker) with a chatbot that can't do your job:

1/…The capital building, crossed by a yellow hazmat tape emblazoned 'DANGER ASBESTOS.' Behind the tape stands a figure in an old-fashioned hazmat suit. In the background are the blown-up faces of a group of grubby, miserable child miners. The capital dome has been replaced with the glaring red eye of HAL 9000 from Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey.'     Image: Krd (modified)  CC BY-SA 3.0  --  Cryteria (modified)  CC BY 3.0 https://creati...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

If you pay attention to the hype, you'd think that all the action on "AI" (an incoherent grab-bag of only marginally related technologies) was in generating text and images. Man, is that ever wrong.

Read 26 tweets
Mar 15
Even by Amazon standards, this is extraordinarily sleazy: starting March 28, each Amazon Echo device will cease processing audio on-device and instead upload all the audio it captures to Amazon's cloud for processing.

1/ A cylindrical black Alexa speaker on a coffee table; it is wearing a Darth Vader helmet.  Image: Stock Catalog/ (modified)  Sam Howzit (modified)  CC BY 2.0
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

This will happen even if you have previously opted out of cloud-based processing:

Read 48 tweets
Mar 13
My theory of the "shitty technology adoption curve" holds that you can predict the future impact of abusive technologies on you by observing the way these are deployed against people who have less social power than you:

1/…A magnified image of the inside of an automated backup tape library, with gleaming racks of silver tape drives receding into the distance. In the foreground is a pile of dirt being shoveled by three figures in prisoner's stripes. Two of the figures' heads have been replaced with cliche hacker-in-hoodie heads, from which shine yellow, inverted Amazon 'smile' logos, such that the smile is a frown. The remaining figure's head has been replaced with a horse's head. Behind the figure is an impatiently poised man in a sharp business suit, glaring at his watch. His head has been replaced with the ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

When you have a new, abusive technology, you can't just aim it at rich, powerful people, because when *they* complain, they get results.

Read 71 tweets

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