If anyone wants to get a better idea of how Elon became a Putin shill, I suggest going back to this moment and mapping networks going both backwards and forwards. I believe the key to the story is revealed here, in 2004, with Putin’s favorite Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher.
We know there were plenty of signs of Putin affinity by 2015-2016. But this goes back further.
Think about what Elon is saying here: he convinced Dana Rohrabacher, a libertarian with strong ties to Putin, to draft a bill that would enable Musk to ultimately privatize a large chunk of the US space program.
Again, Musk is a made man.
And there's more to know about Dana Rohrabacher. He's tight with Charles Koch, and part of Robert LeFevre's "Freedom School" circle; LeFevre was part of the "I AM" cult. Source: archive.org/details/pdfy-q…
I didn't have room for Rohrabacher in this piece, but he fits right in to the more thorough outline I give of LeFevre and the "I AM" cult. Anyway, this stuff with Elon is just another arm of the right-libertarian exit cult. washingtonspectator.org/paranoia-on-pa…
Here's a piece from 2003 about the Commercial Space Act and Rohrabacher's efforts. This article is mostly focused on "space tourism," which had been pioneered by Russia as a kind of fundraising scheme. newspapers.com/clip/111844914…
Rohrabacher was instrumental in crafting the Commercial Space Act of 1998, also, which required NASA to "begin seeking private sector partnerships." This fits in with the privatization agenda, obviously. newspapers.com/clip/111845128…
In 1997, he suggests that "billions of dollars that should be in the United States would evaporate if we were to 'put clamps on our entrepreneurs'." newspapers.com/clip/111845359…
The overall picture is that there was a libertarian push to privatize the space program, and someone had to run it. They chose Elon to be the John Galt, and handed him the money and IP to do it, along with enabling legislation. Now... it's payback time. 🚀 😑
1/Recall what I was saying about Jeffrey Sachs? Here’s the world’s least favorite Putin apologist and PayPal mafia member, David Sacks, pushing him, just today. Does everyone get it yet? Sacks on Sachs.
2/In case you missed it, this has been building for 15 years. Photo is of QAnon propagandist Sacha Stone, former Slovenian President Janez Drnovsek, and… Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. In 2007.
3/And in case you’re not familiar with the PayPal mafia… please review. Not all these folks are right-libertarian fascists, but those that are… they are going full masks-off for Putin. Pay attention.
1/The plan is to push inflation and energy prices through the roof by January, and thus “prove” that central banks are “corrupt.” This will spark a global economic collapse, especially when they try to force a simultaneous US debt default. This will likely coincide…
2/with kinetic warfare and infrastructure outages in the West. Putin and allies will try to spike the price of gold, silver, nickel, palladium and copper; this will set conditions for BRICS bloc to try to vacuum assets out of the US/EU/UK, via market panic and network effects.
3/Putin and the fringe right are preparing for this by hoarding gold and derivative assets. Everybody else will be harmed as fiat currencies come under pressure and assets deflate. It will be difficult to defend against this because it can be easily forced to happen…
As a culture, we have often confused leadership with popularity and power.
Who are the truly great leaders of our moment — the people who exemplify positive leadership for our world?
I’m not talking about “powerful” or popular people like Putin or Musk, whose lack of moral character exemplify the opposite of what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about people with huge followings or a new book deal, or just politicians.
The people who are going to get us out of this morass are the ones who can do the act of “yes and…” with others to build into a great wave of positive change.
The kind of change that builds and builds, such that opposition is rendered petty and small, until it fades.
The real power move would be to let Musk close on the Twitter deal and THEN seize it — along with all the deal financing materials and communications — on national security grounds.
Only half kidding. 😏
I mean, it is in fact (and has been) an active crime scene.
And of course, if a national security threat is determined for Twitter, it will extend to all of his other businesses — especially SpaceX and Starlink.
1/“There is no way to prove that the world exists in reality and not in our imagination,” according to Putin’s Chief of Staff, Anton Vaino.
This is the key to understanding the Kremlin’s seemingly bizarre strategies that try to bend reality to match imagination.
2/Vaino is enamored with ideas from Russian Cosmism and Eurasianism. Rejecting much of modern science, most Westerners would describe these philosophies in terms of “woo” and “New Age” thought. Just because it doesn’t make any sense to us doesn’t mean it’s not what they’re doing.
3/And there is an element of reality to these ideas. For example, there is no way to rewind to February 23. Russia will never be as it was, nor will Ukraine. The entire world order has been permanently altered. The only way out is through, to something new. It is the…
I’ve only been to Russia once, but that’s 100% more than 99% of Americans. People in the West (who take freedom of mind for granted) are generally naïve about other cultures, especially totalitarian ones where dissent is simply impractical and even inconceivable.
So it’s not a matter of whether there are “good” or “bad” Russians. The culture is a unitary monad, a single organism that produces this outcome. Sure, one can surface anomalies, but those anomalies are unremarkable, relative to the culture as an expressive phenomenon.
The idea that the country or the culture is “good” or “bad” is orthogonal to the factual reality that it expresses its essential qualities by trying to dominate and kill people who were minding their own business. So, good or bad? Who cares. Get your artillery out of my face.