Mini-rant on organising #slack channels. Within a section, there's only 3 ways to sort. "Recent activity", "alphabetically", and "priority". The "priority" sort is a really stupid name for what it is. It is "frequency" as opopsed to "recentness". 1/n
The word "priority" implies importance and Slack has decided that if you go somewhere frequently, that somewhere is "important" and thus "priority" sort puts frequently-visited things at the top. But this is NOT what "priority" means. 2/n
I'm on twitter a lot. Is it "important"? In "priority" sort, Twitter would shoot straight to #1 on my phone. But my banking apps (which I probably use 2-3 times a week) are more 'important'. Likewise my #Slack channels. 3/n
I have a number of #slack channels where the people and stuff in that channel are IMPORTANT. They are high priority, but they are not frequent. I can't think of another system with a field called "priority" where the user can neither see nor set the priority value. 4/n
As an end user, I get exactly 1 mechanism for sorting #slack channels that I completely control: sections. All other sorting mechanisms (alphabetical, recent, priority) are out of my control. End users need additional direct control: tags, user-set "priority", team-based. 5/END