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Jun 17th 2023
1/5 🔍 Unleash the power of me, "Q, ChatGPT for Slack" to answer queries based on your company's PDF manuals using @LangChainAI. 🚀

🎥 Demo Video and its Challenges
🛠 Getting Ready
🎯 Sample Queries
📝 Analysis & Suggestions
💡 Finally

Join us as we dive deep into each topic!
2/5 We've captured a demo of "Q, ChatGPT for Slack" answering questions based on @nvidia 's latest GPU (RTX 4090 by @NVIDIAGeForce) manual. 📺 Imagine the same for your company's product or business manual, and how it can help solve recurring Q&A issues in your organization! 🙌
3/5 Getting ready is simple: Upload your PDF by direct messaging it to me and activate the 'Pre-Uploaded Document Search' plugin from the home tab. 📁💡

Once done, ask away! Check out our demo for some inspiration:
#LangChain #GPT4 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
We’ve seen the pace of #payroll gains decelerate to roughly the monthly trend pace from the last expansion; consensus has been waiting for this moment and expected a 195,000 job gain in May, but the data printed considerably stronger at 339,000 #jobs gained.
The three-month moving average of #nonfarm payrolls sits at 283,000, down from 334,000 jobs at the start of the year, but what the #LaborMarket imbalance needs is more supply and more slack.
The #unemployment rate ticked up to 3.65%, close to its 12-month average level, and average hourly #earnings (a volatile figure) gained 0.33% month-over-month and 4.3% on a year-over-year basis.
Read 14 tweets
May 15th 2023
/10 🚀 "Powering Up Your Tech Startup: Crafting Compelling Pitch Decks"

Navigating the world of #startups?

Your pitch deck can make or break your big break. Let's dive into some effective writing strategies with real-world examples. 🧵

#TechStartups #PitchDeck
1. Remember, your pitch deck is a STORY.
2. Talk about the PROBLEM.
3. Then showcase your SOLUTION.
4. Be upfront about your BUSINESS MODEL.
5. Provide a clear MARKETING & SALES STRATEGY.
6. Prove why your TEAM is the best to solve this problem.
7. Your FINANCIALS matter.
8. And finally, ask for the INVESTMENT.
Read 13 tweets
May 12th 2023
Welcome to day 2 of the 5th World Chatbots & Voice Summit, hosted the the beautiful city of #Berlin

I'll be keeping this thread going to cover all the presentations and learnings of the day.

As co-chair, I'll be looking after the chatbot track, today.

First up, Alin from @SapienceS2P

Talking about how to deliver value and a competitive edge through customised chatbot solutions

SapienceS2P is an #SAP procurement consultancy Image
Taking us through their #procurement chatbot, Sapience Satori, which can integrate with #ChatGPT, most SAP APIs and also communication channels - #teams #slack #whatsapp
Read 75 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Gig apps trap reverse centaurs in wage-stealing Skinner boxes; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic A complex mandala of knobs ...
There's 5 days left in the @Kickstarter for the audiobook of my upcoming anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams, *Red Team Blues*. #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free. Crowdfunding makes them possible!

2/ Image
Gig apps trap reverse centaurs in wage-stealing Skinner boxes: Twiddled to death through algorithmic wage discrimination.

3/   Image: Stephen Drake (mod...
Read 31 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
One of the more fun #automations I find, is the Google Assistant - Slack automation.

in short:

You talk to your phone, and by doing that, your slack status is changed.

1. Choose your app, and the trigger, in #Zapier. Image
2. Select the phrase you want to serve as trigger.

So, what do you say to your Google Assistant, that makes your #slack status change.

Choose a couple, so when you just phrase it differently, it still triggers the desired action. Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
The instant that governments rolled out #relief funds so #quarantine-shuttered firms wouldn't fail and #covid-furloughed workers wouldn't starve, execs started rubbing their forelegs together, planning to raise prices and blame #inflation caused by giving money to The Poors. 1/ Humpty Dumpty, smashed and crying at the bottom of a wall. T
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
They weren't exactly subtle about it: the CEOs of America's largest companies got on their quarterly investor calls and chortled about the willingness of "consumers" to blame inflation for the price-hikes they were cramming down their throats:… 3/
Read 21 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Here's the #inflation story you're expected to believe (advance warning: this story is entirely false): America gave the poors too much money during the lockdown and now the #economy is awash in #FreeMoney, which made those poors so rich that now they're refusing to work. 1/ A vintage postcard illustration of the Federal Reserve build
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
That means the economy isn't making anything anymore. With all that extra money and all those missing workers, prices are skyrocketing.

To hear ghouls like @LHSummers tell it, there is only one answer to this. 3/
Read 73 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Mini-rant on organising #slack channels. Within a section, there's only 3 ways to sort. "Recent activity", "alphabetically", and "priority". The "priority" sort is a really stupid name for what it is. It is "frequency" as opopsed to "recentness". 1/n
The word "priority" implies importance and Slack has decided that if you go somewhere frequently, that somewhere is "important" and thus "priority" sort puts frequently-visited things at the top. But this is NOT what "priority" means. 2/n
I'm on twitter a lot. Is it "important"? In "priority" sort, Twitter would shoot straight to #1 on my phone. But my banking apps (which I probably use 2-3 times a week) are more 'important'. Likewise my #Slack channels. 3/n
Read 6 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Hello @Uber! We know breaches suck. Wanted to reach out and support with some interesting information on the #uberhack. If you need any more details, feel free to contact us.

On September 16, vx-underground posted screenshots with evidence of access to #Uber internal systems, including #SentinelOne, #Slack and #AWS. The screenshots have been attributed to the threat actor teapots2022. Image
During Group-IB’s analysis of the screenshots, interesting artifacts have been found in the recently downloaded files tray. First 2 files are zip archives and have the same format: "LOGID-\d{7} with names LOGID-4952307" and "LOGID-4953756". Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
Software Engineering @Hearst
Is it right for you?

by my colleague Jim Mortko @jskills 🧵👇
We are building platform offerings for media creation, curation, distribution and identity management and e-commerce systems.

We are proud of what we’ve done so far. With the changing landscape in media, we will always have a set of important initiatives ahead of us.
What’s exciting is that we get to work in one of the largest (and best) media companies in the world, where Engineering has a seat at the table in decision making.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
Are you having trouble with creating #UTM links? You can use the ''Campaign URL Builder'' website. It is free and useful. 🙌

Let's check this out together in 5 minutes!…

For the "website URL" field, use the link of the page which you will track its performance.

The "campaign ID" field represents specific #ad campaigns.
Which platform provides you traffic and directs people to your link? It is your "campaign source."

For example, #Google, #Slack announcement, or partner's weekly newsletter. 🤜🤛
Read 9 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
This week on my podcast, I read "Give Me Slack," my latest column for @Medium, about the second (and third, and fourth) chances I got growing up, and how scary it is that my kid - and yours - won't get those chances.… A vintage Church of Subgenius ad, which asks 'Are you abnorm
From the fourth through the eighth grade, I attended a groovy, publicly funded alternative school in Toronto. Much of the student work was self-directed, and they even kicked us out of school on alternating Wednesday afternoons, sending us out into the world to learn.
I started my high-school in a very straight-laced traditional institution, but I hated it.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
The KPIs and OKRs

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets.
The acronym OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results, a popular goal management framework that helps companies implement and execute strategy. The benefits of the framework include a better focus on results that matter, increased transparency, and better (strategic) alignment.
OKR achieves this by organizing employees and the work they do around achieving common Objectives.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
*Sends in invisible ink*: #Slack seems redundant.
Please explain the benefits, because I’m not seeing it.
I read multiple articles every morning, look through hundreds of e-mails every month & manage multiple social media accounts. #Slack is cute, but I’m good.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/15/2020…

#markets #performance
New gene family of antimicrobial proteins discovered in German cockroaches…

#antimicrobial #proteins #gene
Read 8 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
Looks #Snowflake #Jfrog #SumoLogic #Asana have all built their startups around betting on an easily replicable idea.

These are the startups that have filed S-1s recently on path to an IPO.

But the problem is pretty clear isn't it? - Easily Repicable idea

No wonder they list the tech giants as their threats. For eg Asana will be in the same boat as #Slack in a year from now just as it is facing heat from Microsoft.

Even a new startup can easily replicate the same idea and business model of say #confluent or #Jfrog (2/n)
As I have said before to ward the threat they should be diversifying and build products in adjacent market.

Take the fight to the tech gaints themselves. For eg #Jfrog should release a competitor to upcoming Windows package manager.

#Asana should go against #SharePoint (3/N)
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
Choosing the right tech stack is one of the most important decisions when building a software product.

The ability to scale quickly depends on many factors but having the proper tech stack may be the most important one.

(Thread) 👇
1/ Tech stacks not only impacts the scalability in terms of performance but also provides flexibility and agility to evolve the product, eases the development of ecosystems, and attracts and retains talent.
2/ I am sharing in this thread, some of the components of our tech stack at @intraway that are working great for us.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Here's a twitter version of my @OBF_BOSC #BOSC2020 #BCC2020 talk about @nf_core 🚀

@nf_core is a community effort to collect best-practice analysis pipelines built using @nextflowio. They run on almost any computational infrastructure and bundle all software requirements.
There are @nf_core community guidelines to ensure that all pipelines are consistent and reproducible. To help pipeline users and developers there is a command-line helper tool ( and of course we create and maintain a set of pipelines 🧑‍🔧

There are currently 25 pipelines with stable releases. Each release gets a @ZENODO_ORG DOI and tagged @docker
images for ultimate reproducibility.

We aim for one @nf_core pipeline per analysis type, collaborating on adding new features for the whole community.

Read 17 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Analysis: #NYSE $WORK

Case 315 #Slack Technologies Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#WORK 1/4
Chart 1
Strong buying seen off the all time low of 15.10 followed by upside #momentum has seen the blowout of the Oct. 2019 #trendline and cluster top resistances at 33.43 - 34.09 respectively. A 2 week close above #pivot resistance is .....

WORK 2/4
..... required to target first 48.21 then the main objective 53.46. Support is now seen into the broken cluster area and broken trendline #resistance now turned #support and below that the #Fib. 0.50 at 28.55.

WORK 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Little did I know while co-hosting the #DHARTITwitterConf earlier this year, that online academia would be a new “normal.”Privileged to be awarded a NEH fellowship to be part of the #NEHNetResearch institute. Amazing work by the organizers and instructors at UCF in setting it up. Image
1/n Beginning today till the last day of the workshop (June 5), I will try articulating my thoughts (rants?) and perceptions on digitality and Humanistic inquiry on/through the internet in the series of tweets on this thread. #NEHNetResearch
Read 15 tweets
May 20th 2020
Public SaaS companies have been doing well despite the pandemic. Median revenue multiple for valuations is about 13.3x. This is up almost 20% from pre-pandemic levels. Companies, however, have been lowering their guidance figures. What's happening?
One explanation is that traffic is flocking to products that form core infrastructure for the forced digital push that companies are being thrust into with the pandemic. Companies will need more software to manage the new world. This includes products like #Slack, #Zoom, etc.
Sales motion will change drastically, with focus on inside sales with limited human interaction in the process. Companies which have the an easy self signup sales process and products that stand on their merit will gain the most.
Read 4 tweets
May 9th 2020
What Startup Business can you work on during #COVID19 ?#StartupIndia #TheStartupCA #Founders #Entrepreneurs #Incubation #Acceleration #startupclub #ikoverk

1. Personnel Protective Equipment Eg: Masks , Face Sheild and other equipments for #CoronaWarriors
@startupindia @DIPPGOI
2. Testing Equipment Eg: Cost-effective thermal scanning devices and rapid diagnostic kits

3. Critical- care equipment Eg portable oxygenators and hospital and home-based ventilators

#StartupIndia #TheStartupCA #Founders #Entrepreneurs #startupclub @startupindia @DIPPGOI
4. Large area sanitization and sterilization
Tunnels for sanitisation, electrostatic spray, coating using nanotechnology on surfaces like glass, ceramic, wood, textile

#StartupIndia #TheStartupCA #Founders #Entrepreneurs #startupclub @startupindia @DIPPGOI
Read 14 tweets
Apr 26th 2020
How do you measure #SOC quality? 🤔

1. ISO 2859-1 (#AQL) to determine sample size
2. #Python #Jupyter notebook to perform random selection
3. Check sheet to spot defects
4. Process runs every 24 hrs
5. (Digestible) #Metrics to improve

How'd we get there? Story in /thread
I'll break the thread down into four key points:

1. What we're solving for
2. Guiding principles
3. Our (current) solution
4. Quick recap

My goal is to share what's working for us and how we get there. But I'd love to hear from others. What's working for you?
What we're solving for: All work is high quality, not just incidents.

On a typical day in our #SOC we'll:
- Process Ms of alerts w/ detection engine
- Send 100s to analysts for human judgement

Those 100s of alerts result in:
- Tens of investigations
- Handful of incidents
Read 10 tweets

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