Katsuki watches his prey flee into the forest, tripping and stumbling over freshly unbound feet,
[c/w continued: fucked up mating run, knotting, mind break, persuasion/manipulation. day 1, prompt: HUNT]
the ropes skittering across the earth, dirtying the delicate fibers. The large blond watches in wait, blood-red carmine eyes flicking down to the watch he wears on his left arm, watching the hands tick away.
His carmine eyes flick up occasionally, staring at the moon, starting to peek out from where it hides behind fluffy, dark clouds. The light of the moon shines bright, sliding over his scarred, tan skin, bathing it in beautiful white light.
Even though Katsuki's skin itches to break, shatter, and crack, he grinds his teeth, watching the moonlight continue to pour over his form, looking like liquid stars. It bathes him with an almost unnatural light,
shimmering around him like diamonds crushed into a fine powder thrown into the air. Katsuki can feel himself start to lose himself behind the hazy tint filling his vision, painting his vision with skittering black lines as the cloud hiding the moon runs away, finally.
With a shaking breath out, Katsuki stands to his full height, staring at his watch as it slowly ticks to midnight, carmine eyes glowing in the spotlight of moonlight bathing his giant form.
Tick, tick, tick...
Katsuki can feel his tongue squirm behind his teeth, writhing behind the toothy cage that locks it away, holding back a fountain of drool that threatens to bleed through his perfect teeth. His body skitters with nerves,
skin burbling and tenting over bumps under his skin, his bones creaking with a /need/.
Tick, tick, tick...
Katsuki nearly breaks his watch, glaring at the time as it inches toward midnight, the hands ticking away unbothered. He starts to unclasp the watch, not wanting to dirty it or break the expensive leather band.
With shaking fingers, he undoes the watch band, holding it in his hand as he continues to watch the time tick by, second by second, as the hands get closer to midnight with each tick. His foot starts to jump against the earth, tapping with impatience.
He can hardly stop himself from crushing the watch in his hand and beginning the hunt, but he must wait. He could be penalized if the hunt didn't start at midnight, and his prize could be taken from him.
Tick, tick, tick...
Katsuki blew smoke out of his nose, gulping down the saliva that filled his clenched mouth, the corners of his mouth curling in annoyance. Saliva bled from the back of his mouth, drooling down his chin, but Katsuki didn't give a shit.
His pupils shifted with each second, inching closer to midnight.
Tick, tick, tick.
With a shaking hand, Katsuki dropped the watch on the bench he sat on, staring at the hands as it started to tick past midnight.
It was official; it was /legal/.
The hunt was on.
The sides of his mouth curled into a deranged smirk, feeling his skin bubble and crack, bending over as his body started to snap and ache, bones snapping and reforming into longer bones, his skin slicing open,
drooling blood that painted the scales that bloomed over his human skin. Black and orange skin popped over his body, his clenching fingers lengthening into sharp, claw-tipped paws digging into the earth,
bloody claws sinking into the dirt under him as his body weighed down on his newly formed arms and legs. A whipping tail slowly formed, splattering another splash of blood over the lush grass, whipping and cracking against the chilly air,
spikes slowly breaking through the tough skin lining the middle of his tail.
Katsuki groaned as his body ached, razor-sharp teeth clenching as saliva drooled between them, drooling down his muzzle and onto the ruined grass. Katsuki could feel his clothes tatter and tear,
falling onto the ground in pieces as he stretched out his back legs and as his torso lengthened. He could feel his skin bulge as scales started to slice through his thin, fragile human skin, naturally tougher due to his dragon side.
He could only grit his teeth as pain bloomed over his body as his human skin burst; sharp spikes that decorated his spine emerged from under his torn human skin, as bioluminescent veins running through the spikes glowed a bright, dangerous reddish orange.
Finally, Katsuki shook his body, losing time due to his challenging shift.
Katsuki licked his drooling chops, the large drake shaking off his quivering limps as feeling returned to his claw-tipped toes.
The giant dragon grins, scaled nostrils flaring as he burns his prey's scent into his nose, running off with a bounding leap.
Katsuki's scaled feet thundered against the mossy earth, taking sharp turns and weaving through thick groups of trees, following the dewy, raw scent of his prey that leads him to the smaller being's path. He can see where his prey fell,
broken and squished bushes and snapped branches trampled by his thundering paws. His paws squish against the ground, splaying out as they absorb the shock as he gallops on, saliva dripping down his maw and sliding down his thickly armored neck.
The giant dragon continues to sniff the air, skidding to a halt when the scent suddenly comes to a halting, blistering halt.
Katsuki looks around, carmine eyes scanning the thick foliage around him, maw popping open as he siphons the air into his maw, tasting the air,
trying to find that delectable, sticky, honey-thick scent in the air. His tastebuds burst with different scents and smells, lathering his pallet like honey drooling from crushed honeycombs. He twists and turns, glowing eyes slicing through the small clearing, trying to find his
prey. The corners of his mouth start to lift in annoyance, eyes crinkling with quickly brewing anger as his tail skirts and whips across the leaf litter crushed under his giant paws. Katsuki stills when a slight rustle comes, and a hitch of breath comes from the same direction.
A leering grin slices itself into his muzzle, a glint of crazed delight burning in his carmine eyes. "Found you," He purrs, his voice like liquid victory, roaring like a spitting volcano and rough like gravel crunched under boots. A whimper echoes in his ears,
and the rapid sound of feet slapping against the earthy floor echo as he shoots off, a shocked cry echoing as he speeds up.
Katsuki weaves through the trees like a border collie would weave through agility poles, soaring over a fallen tree,
muscles rippling and paws slamming against the ground as he takes a sharp left, cutting his prey's exit route off. Katsuki watches as his prey, a tiny little being named Izuku, comes to a screeching halt, dirty feet skidding over the muddy earth.
Those thin legs ripple with overused muscles as the boy takes a sharp left just as he did, hopping over a small fallen tree.
The thrill of the hunt makes Katsuki's cock twitch, his vent starting to warm and slick over, his inky black tongue running over his scales muzzle.
Katsuki can feel blood running south, but keeps his cock inside as he starts to trot and follow Izuku's scent trail, picking up the pace at how quickly Izuku is making space between them. They can't have that now, can they?
After all, Izuku would be his prize.
Katsuki ran through the woods, huffing and panting. Izuku managed to get the slip on him and lead him in a false direction. His muzzle curled into a vicious snarl as he tracked down Izuku's actual scent trail, which led him down winding paths and rocky terrain—
it felt like he was going on a damn goose hunt.
Katsuki, after what felt like hours of running, finally spotted the little shit up ahead, panting next to a thick bushel of foliage. The giant dragon snarled soundlessly,
speeding up till he felt his muscles ache and his bones creak, but he ignored it. Pushing his body it the limit, feeling the wind rush past him as his third eyelid slid over his glowing carmine eyes, maw drooling saliva like an open wound spilled blood.
Katsuki grinned, watching Izuku's eyes slide over to his speeding form, eyes widening. The scene practically played out in slowmo as Katsuki pushed off his back feet, opening his drooling maw, bands of saliva connecting his pearly white teeth as he soared over the foliage.
His body twisted in the air as his paws flexed, jaw connecting with Izuku's body, feeling his teeth scrape against sturdy scales.
Katsuki snarled as his body twisted, connecting with the earth, his body twisting and turning, skidding across the floor as the tiny dragon,
Izuku, shrieked and snarled at him, slashing at his scaled cheeks. Katsuki grunted as he unlatched his jaw from around the smaller dragon's body, scrambling up and pouncing at the fleeing dragon. Izuku snarled and hissed as they went tumbling, fighting.
Claws slid across scales, blood oozed from cuts, and leaf litter and dirt flew into the air as Katsuki fought to get the small dragon to submit to him and pin the wriggling little bitch. At the same time, his prey tried to wriggle out and fly off,
furred wings beating with vigor and claws scrabbling against his underbelly.
"//Submit//," Katsuki snarled, maw drooling viscous venom and saliva, a paw framing Izuku's gentle, fragile neck. His eyes crinkled in annoyance as Izuku froze under him,
delicate wrists framed by dirty, frayed rope. "N-Neve-" Izuku spits but chokes on his words as Katsuki's giant paw settles more pressure on that fragile neck, a burbling snarl echoing from his throat that glows with power, smoke curling around the edges of his snarling muzzle.
His large horns glow with the same bioluminescent veins in his spikes, glowing in the ridges of his curling horns, breathing with each sparking ember floating in his smoking throat. "//Submit//. I know you want to, baby.
"Running away when I know your real desire. All you want to do is roll over and present that slick cunt to me. I know you're conflicted, baby, but you don't need to run anymore," Katsuki coos, a smirk playing at his smoking muzzle,
watching Izuku's slit pupils dilate with each cooed, honey-sweet word he speaks. "I'll take care of you, baby," Katsuki purrs, and Katsuki watches his words blanket Izuku's need to run, smothering it like a wet towel thrown over a smoldering flame.
A whimper bubbles in Izuku's throat, breaking through clenched teeth, and Katsuki chuffs, nosing Izuku's scaled neck, inky tongue laving over the thickly tufted fur, feeling the pulse under his slithering tongue. "C'mon, baby. Turn over, and I'll help you out,"
Katsuki purrs, smelling the slick leaking from Izuku, the scent drooling over his tastebuds. Izuku wriggles under him, throat filling with hot air as he skitters under him, moving just a few inches away. The small dragon gurgles and whines,
a little pink tongue licking over the smaller dragon's muzzle as Izuku presents himself, fluffy tail raising up to uncover a slick, drooling slit. Katsuki drools at the way the glistening, puffy pink slit winks at him, begging to be stuffed full.
Katsuki practically smothers himself as he shoves his snout against Izuku's cute slit and puckered asshole, inky tongue fucking Izuku's cunt open, tasting the honey slick bursting over his tongue.
Katsuki snarls and groans as his inky tongue fills Izuku's cunt as he watches the green-haired dragon's back paws scrabble against the dirt, writhing in pleasure. "Fuck," Katsuki snarls as he pulls his tongue out, strands of slick connecting to his fat tongue.
"Gonna fuck you so good, sweetie," Katsuki huffs, his cock swinging heavily between his thickly corded thighs, pre-cum drooling from the tapered tip. The larger dragon huffed as he draped himself over Izuku's writhing form, that fluffy tail tickling his underbelly,
his own tail whipping against the forest floor. Katsuki can feel the tip of his cock kiss Izuku's puffy, drooling slit, feeling his tapered cockhead slide and kiss the slit as he leans down. He bends till his drooling maw snags Izuku's furry scruff in his mouth,
pulling the whimpering dragon's head up, carmine eyes staring at Izuku's face, muzzle open, tongue lolling out, and eyes closed in pleasure. The giant dragon growls around the scruff locked between his teeth as he slams in with one rough thrust,
his back left paw locking around Izuku's left leg as the dragon shrieks as he filled, cunt clamping down on Katsuki's thrusting cock. Katsuki snarls as the wet heat squeezes his cock, keeping the small dragon anchored under him with his scruff and quivering leg sealed in a tight
grip. Katsuki growls deep in his throat, embers popping and sparking in his throat as he pulls his cock out and shoves back in, starting a brutal pace. Izuku squeals and moans, choked sobs echoing in the small clearing as Katsuki's bullying cock destroys his cunt.
Slick squirts out and coats his scaled underbelly, frothing with each thrust.
Izuku sobs as he claws at the soft, mossy blanket under them, his mind feeling like it was mush, practically leaking out of his ears with each bullying thrust.
Each thrust shook his body and sent zaps of wonderfully painful pleasure, skittering like lightning over his body. His right leg hung in the air, his lower body held up by Katsuki's hung cock, his left leg sealed in an iron-tight grip in Katsuki's back paw.
He could only claw uselessly at the ground as tears burned his eyes, streaking down the short fur on his muzzle, soaking into the forest-green fur. "Guugh.." Izuku choked on his bouncing tongue, tears clumping his thick lashes as his tail twitched uselessly.
He couldn't move, his body paralyzed by the roaring pleasure boiling in his core, his head hanging uselessly as his neck was forced to crane oddly by his scruff locked in pearly white teeth.
His cunt feels over-stuffed, and he can't do anything but take it as Katsuki's cock kisses his cervix, fucking past it and kissing his womb, bolts of pain muffled by pleasure shaking him to his core. He can't help his gurgled squeal, cunt clamping down as he cums,
eyes squeezing shut as galaxies burst behind his eyelids, teeth grinding together as Katsuki's grumbled snarl shakes his body even more. His pulse jack-rabbits in his body as those pearly white teeth locked around his scruff dig dangerously into the loose skin.
Izuku's back feet shiver and quake, paws stretching out as the webbing between his toes stretches out, nose tilted up to the sky as the pleasure continues with no end in sight as Katsuki continues to fuck him. He can feel the starting swell on the dragon's knot,
slapping against his puffy slit, threatening to pop in with each bruising thrust.
Katsuki snarls as the pleasure burning in his core smolders and threatens to overflow with each thrust, his knot starting to bloat. Katsuki can feel his body ripple,
muscles shivering under his scaled skin as his claws sink into the mossy earth, lip lifting into a curving snarl. His throaty growls echo and tumble through his throat, carmine eyes wide open, glowing violently.
His left paw lets Izuku's leg go as it smashes against the ground, stretching out as he lets Izuku's scruff go, muzzle bumping against the small dragon's neck, popped open in a vicious snarl. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
Katsuki roars, hunching over the small dragon who squeals as he shoves his knot in, back legs collapsing and sliding out from under him as the pleasure races through his body as his knot is massaged in that slick, tight cunt. "So good, baby," Katsuki growls, panting as
Izuku whines, the tiny dragon boneless under him as Katsuki pumps him full of cum.
Katsuki can feel his knot slowly go down, carefully extracting himself from Izuku's quivering cunt as his cock disappears back into his vent, flopping down next to the boneless dragon, who gently flops onto the ground.
Katsuki watches Izuku flop over gently, little tummy bloated with all the cum he pumped into the small dragon, sealed in after Izuku's slick, puffy slit locked shut like a good little bitch. Katsuki licks his saliva-slick muzzle, cleaning himself before standing slowly,
feeling returned to his body after an earth-shattering orgasm. Katsuki leaned down, licking his lips as Izuku blearily looked up at him as he snatched Izuku's scruff up, chuffing as an answer to the questioning chitter Izuku let out.
Katsuki snugly snatched up Izuku's scruff, walking off toward the forest entrance, dragging the small dragon into the underbrush, a smug air rolling off of him.
He won the hunt and got his submissive, mind-melted prize as a reward.
end. hoooo.....this is one of my favorite fics of this week HAHA i hope u enjoyed!!
a tip would be greatly appreciated!! I'm hoping to save up some money to buy my family Christmas presents ❤ ko-fi.com/shadytired
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You can tell when an Alpha had been taken care of during their rut. Alpha’s who had been left sexually frustrated were easy to spot. Snappish, tired, and wrung out.
Alphas who were taken care of and had a heat partner were sated, and seemed to float on cloud nine for a few days post-rut.
Like most ruts, Katsuki returned home. Every time he returned snappish and pissy, well /more so/ than usual.
But this time, he practically floated into the dorms, face blank and eyes dewy. The alpha had kicked his shoes off with a few lackluster movements, sliding into his slippers instead of cramming his foot into them.
Katsuki using Izuku’s toys in him, fucking him with his dildo, making sure to fuck Izuku and keep the clit sucker on Izuku’s cute, chubby clit till he’s cumming with a sob, riding it out for a minute or two.
Katsuki loves fucking Izuku with his toys, making Izuku realize his toys cannot hit the places that make him scream and squirt like /he/ can. After letting Izuku twitch and whimper in the bed for a moment, he finally slides into Izuku’s drooling cunt,
coco head shoving deep enough to kiss Izuku’s cervix, hitting deeper tha n any of Izuku’s toys can. He fucks Izuku hard and fast, bouncing the squealing bitch up and down as Izuku claws at the sheets, mouth popped open as he drools.
#BKDK, E!Kacchan, B>O!Izuku, HEAVY non-con, NSFW, non-con bitching, HEED TAGS
Katsuki crawls towards his sobbing, freshly bitched (by him) prey, little Omega Izuku Midoriya, who scrambles backward, sobbing quietly.
The snarling Engima is on all fours, maw drooling rivulets of blood-stained saliva. His pupils are nothing but pinpricks of bioluminescent pools of blood.
The newly bitched Omega managed to escape out of an open window into the woods when he thought the heat running through the Omega's veins had incapacitated the poor thing, but he underestimated the little thing's fighting spirit. By the time Katsuki had returned with food,
Enigma Kacchan is the most yandere motherfucker for his sweet little secretary, B!Izuku.
Izuku didn't really want the job, he was a simple office worker.
But, he happened to catch the eye of the CEO completely by accident. He happened to bump into the CEO while rushing to a meeting, and he bumped into the CEO. Of course, he apologized and rushed off, unaware of the smoldering eyes following his every movement.
Next thing he knew it, he was bent over the CEO's desk for his 'secretary duties', with Katsuki violently thrusting into his puckered hole while the Engima clamps his teeth down on his neck, spitting and snarling curses.
It was supposed to be a routine hunt. Go into the expansive ass forest behind their village, dead-eye some deer, maybe a boar or two, gather a few buck antlers and be over with it.
Easy. But no, apparently, the gods of the forest either wanted to fuck with him or reward him.
But fuck, Katsuki can't tell if he is angry about what is happening, making him lose precious hunting time, or if he should visit any hunting god's shrines and thank them.
He remembers seeing the little thing out of the corner of his eye, the swish of that fuzzy tail. He readied his arrow, pulled back, and shot straight through the foliage. Instead of hearing a deer shriek, it was a warbled cry.
B!Izuku being rlly pissy he can't mark /his/ Alpha. He can't leave a lasting mark on the man, he can't mark his Alpha like an Omega could. So, whenever anyone hits on Katsuki, the Omega pins the Alpha down, rides him till he's popping a third knot
in Izuku's tight ass as he chomps down on Katsuki's scent gland, unable to break the skin, but still able to leave a lasting mark that will most likely fade within a day or so. Izuku finally feels satisfied, allowing his amazing Alpha to gently take him through luscious
aftercare, and another orgasm that has his pathetic little cock twitching, drooling useless cum.
They both settle in for the night, cuddled up together.